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Ninja cat beats bully dog


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As a kid, growing up with 4 spiteful and wildly anti social cats, I would have been a puddle of blood and pulp because every cat we had would have immediately run and hid. That cat has gumption!


If the image I saw yesterday was correct the gashes in the kids leg from the dog were gnarly. Poor little dude. :( At least if they can find an owner and sue his College education is paid in full! :lol:


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It was their neighbours dog, apparently they gave it up straight away as soon as they heard what had happened. Still, that dog must have shown signs of aggression before. 


I've watched it about 20 times and still find it amazing every time i see it.



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That cat is awesome. I never will understand how people's dogs can just get away from them like that. I was a dog owner (Doberman) for 10 years and I ALWAYS made sure he was on a leash even when I took him just from the side door to the backyard. If you are going to own an animal then you need to be a responsible owner.


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