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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare | Reveal Trailer


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Game announced:


Sledgehammer Games statement:


''As you know, Sledgehammer Games is the proud developer of the new Call of Duty title this year and we are delighted to present our new game which will revolutionize the franchise; Call of Duty Goats. After the huge success and popularity of Ghosts; we knew that we had to deliver a truly unique experience to the gamer and after the incredible reception that Goat Simulator received; we thought fuck it; the name itself will sell the game anyway so lets just copy that and chill out for the rest of the year. We at Sledgehammer are fully committed to making Activision as much money as possible, and with our large fanbase of gamers who aren't even old enough to legally buy the game for themselves backing us; we feel we can get away with developing shite without damaging our reputation or the franchise's. We feel Call of Duty: Goats will be utter dross particularly as we have to work with retro consoles such as the Xbox 360 to maximse sales for our superiors but feel we can't do much worse that Infinity Ward and Ghosts. Stay tuned for E3 where we will be taking a closer look at our gripping 3 hour campaign and demonstrating the new old engine on the Xbox One at a dizzying 554p if we're lucky. We firmly believe this is a GOATY contender and we cannot wait to share more pointless screenshots in the coming weeks''


I can't wait for this!!

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I think that is the codename for the project like Iron Wolf was the one for Black Ops 2 and people thought that was the name of the game in the early leaks.

Could be. I just heard it from a guy that works at a Gamestop.




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Just out of interest; how is everyone pumped for the new COD?


I'm just not feeling the buzz tbh.  A few years ago I'd probably have a permanent erection this time of the year constantly refreshing google just for any leaks or new info about anything but with the impending release imminent; I could not give a monkeys toss in all honesty. I'm partly interested to see what SHG can do but I dunno if Ghosts has put me off the franchise or if I'm just tired of it as a whole. 


Either way; I hope it shapes up well and I can get back into the series with a quality game. 

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I wasn't very excited at all about Ghosts.  I was burnt out on CoD after MW3, but continued with BO2 (and enjoyed it), but by the time I started playing Ghosts... I was done.  I've put a lot of hours into CoD: 2, 3, MW, WaW, MW2, BO, MW3, and then BO2... so I was just burnt out on the franchise and even FPS games in general.  I barely played Ghosts at all, so I've been away from the scene for a while now.  I'm getting interested in it again, but I wouldn't say I'm excited.  The game might be great, but if the connection issues persist, then I just can't be bothered to waste anymore time with this franchise.  




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I wasn't very excited at all about Ghosts.  I was burnt out on CoD after MW3, but continued with BO2 (and enjoyed it), but by the time I started playing Ghosts... I was done.  I've put a lot of hours into CoD: 2, 3, MW, WaW, MW2, BO, MW3, and then BO2... so I was just burnt out on the franchise and even FPS games in general.  I barely played Ghosts at all, so I've been away from the scene for a while now.  I'm getting interested in it again, but I wouldn't say I'm excited.  The game might be great, but if the connection issues persist, then I just can't be bothered to waste anymore time with this franchise.  

Yeah, old habits of the franchise that still exist annoy me. For Instance Treyarch>good games, shit connection - Infinity Ward>shit games, good connection. A happy medium off the bat would be a massive plus for me getting back into it.

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Not pumped whatsoever. Wasn`t pumped for Ghosts and was only semi pumped for BO2.

I like the thought about an arcade shooter like COD but they do to much with it. Too many options, too much shit that "noobs" take advantage of and no one seem to be able to make it good regarding connections and stuff.

Wish/hope they go more back to basics with none or few killstreaks, no deathstreaks and balanced weapons. I like to unlock stuff through challenges though to keep me interested in playing on.




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Ghost sucked top-shelf a$$; fully expected, thanks to Infinty Ward.

I'm pumped because I'm eager to see what Sledgehammer can bring to the table. Will it be good as a 3ARC CoD? Who knows?

It certainly can't be any worse than an IW one...



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I was just about to write that, the ww1 thing didn't excite me at all, I'm not really into ww1 ww2 etc...

Then I remembered Black ops was set in the Cold War and wasn't a modern shooter and that was the best COD by an absolute mile!

So maybe I should be a little excited?


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A WW1 CoD, you say?


I'm all for that, and just the thought of trench warfare is giving me a CoDrection, but...WW1 wasn't exactly know for it's variety in weapons.

It was barely the drawing of the modern firearm.

But if you take that WWW1 setting and couple that with the pic on th OP, then maybe it's gonna be a timeline jumping CoD like Black Ops 1 and 2 were?

I'm down for that.



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But if you take that WWW1 setting and couple that with the pic on th OP, then maybe it's gonna be a timeline jumping CoD like Black Ops 1 and 2 were?

I'm down for that.

What would that mean for the multiplayer? Let's face it that's what we buy it for...


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What would that mean for the multiplayer? Let's face it that's what we buy it for...

Pssh, that's what I meant. x)

If it's jumping from timeline e to timeline, then that means a diverse range of weapons.



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If it's jumping from timeline e to timeline, then that means a diverse range of weapons.

Apparently according to the rumour; the campaign is a bit of a 'fantasy' with the character travelling back in time to WW1 or something rather daft. There isn't really much to go on sadly but the concept could either be unique or barmy. If true, how it will translate to the MP i don't know! 

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Apparently according to the rumour; the campaign is a bit of a 'fantasy' with the character travelling back in time to WW1 or something rather daft. There isn't really much to go on sadly but the concept could either be unique or barmy. If true, how it will translate to the MP i don't know! 

Try to quickscope me with your Lee Enfield while I blast you in the face with my f*cking laser cannon!


I really don't mind if the series moveas into the sci-fi territory.

People always whine that the series needs a fresh concept...well, bud. That's it right there.



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