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Hi, was recommended to this site by "Plumbers Crack". I'm a 50 year young gamer, been gaming probably 40+ years. Main console now is PS5, sometimes on PC too. Still wasting time on Destiny 2. Anyone wanna shoot some aliens in the face, send me a DM/friend request

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Oh Lee is going to love you, he's eager to get Destiny nights up and running again.


With the dlc coming to ps plus I was going to redownload it so might see you on there soon 🙂




Welcome mate, we've got a good mixture of ages on here, mostly 30s and 40s and that lovely incorrigible bastard Dave who I think must be nearly due his telegram from the King 🤪


Welcome to FG! 

Hopefully see you online at some point!

Hey @oldskoolrave ! Great to see a new face as always! @Plumbers Crack is the 3 wise men all wrapped up in one here...with the odd Dad joke somewhere involved to keep us all sane. So if he's recommended you, then you must be golden 😉


Yep, Matt is right, Destiny 2 was many peoples game here for years. Its dropped off the last 12 months considerably but I know I am planning on making a big push to ask everyone to get back into it come June for the The Final Shape. Its such a fun game to play and help each other. So much stuff to do and lots we can talk and have a laugh with. Fingers crossed I'll be seeing you online with FGers taking on whatever Dungeon, Raids and Missions we have to try and get done 😄


You play anything else other than Destiny? We also group up on other stuff too just in case you like different things alongside D2.


Hope to see you involved on here, a great place - the best place, to call Home on the interwebz (thats fact, not just my humble opinion 😄 )

Forum Signature Test.png

This is probably the only man I'll let get really close to me and look deep into my eyes.....




Yeah, he's my optician! 🤣🤣 really. Welcome aboard fella 👍


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

Welcome to FG!! 🤘🏻

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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