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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2018 in all areas

  1. I played most of the DLC all weekend and it's great. The machines in this area have a different type of corruption which gives them a level of difficulty. There are more of these corrupted machine than there are regular old machines, so it's not an area to venture into lightly. There's also a totally new machine that a bit of bastard imo. There's been a couple times where I've been in a position where, for some reason, the machines aren't able to approach any further for melee attacks. I took down three Bellowbacks pretty easily by just standing behind a knee-high rock slightly down the road from them. It may have just been that I was just outside of their area, but not far enough away for them to wander back, but something similar happened with a Stalker as well. There's also a few new weapons and outfits to get here as well. The ones you can buy require an additional type of currency exclusive to the Banuk that you have to hunt down as one of the collectible types. Fortunately it's something that you buy the map markers for. I've bought two outfits so far, but only have used one a few times; the Banuk snowsuit. Switching between outfits from the base game is fast and there's basically no load time, but with the snow suit I've found that there's a few second delay in loading. Not a big deal, but noticeable. The landscape, as expected, is damn beautiful. It's made me want to visit Yellowstone now, though the amount of visitors there is having an adverse effect on the environment, if I recall correctly. I think my parents are going there in the next couple months, so I'm a bit envious of them. Also mountains. I love mountains and we should probably just move out west. Probably once I finish the DLC I'll probably start a New Game+. Anyways, I'm leaving work, so that's all you get.
    2 points
  2. Sennex

    Why ww2 is shit

    I haven't seen a single issue any of you all are talking about so far. I only play Hardcore TDM though, so IDK The Game plays fine for me, not a single connection issue, but then again I get about 150-200 mbps down and about 50 mbps up.
    2 points
  3. techno

    Why ww2 is shit

    I can see your point Bob , it's why I play KC but think Dom plays better on most of these maps. Gustav and USS Texas are terrible Dom maps. I would swap less maps for more war maps as long as they're not like bloody Neptune. 😃
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. techno

    Why ww2 is shit

    A few videos talking about pretty much the same thing, I said last night ww2 is so broken (like destiny 1 PvP) that it actually makes it fun, if it wasn't as broken it would be just plain dull. So quickdraw useless attachment.
    1 point
  6. Baabcat

    Why ww2 is shit

    I disagree on the potato thing Gary ( how weird does that sound). I’ll give you an example, I like Gustav on TDM , and fucking hate it on Hardpoint Also some maps are pretty good, Point du hoc, Gibraltar , Ardennes forest , but maps are a very personal opinion , 9 is a bit few I agree, but would you give up War mode for 4 more maps. I probably would but most people wouldn’t and that’s probably the decision sledgehammer made.
    1 point
  7. MW2 and MW3 are still my favourite CoD games. BO1 was shit for about 6 months until they fixed several very big issues, like getting an actual party to work, then it was a decent game. BO2 is the worst CoD I've played along with what ever the fuck the first exo-suit game was called. Fucking bullshit hitmarkers from sniper shots to the chest, getting killed around corners as if every bullet is straight out of that Angelina Jolie movie and some of the most boring maps I think I've played on any CoD. WaW was good for 6 months then everyone and their mothers managed to hack it and treyarch couldn't fix those issues. In the end they stopped even trying once most of the players moved on to the newer games. I didn't bother picking up Bo3 and the other one. If I wanted to fucking jump around like the people in a house of pain music video, I'd go play Halo. But in the end, it all comes down to preference with this, I know a lot of people who love the treyarch games and hate the others and vice versa and it's just about which games they did well on and which they enjoyed the most rather then which game actually worked better.
    1 point
  8. Baabcat

    Why ww2 is shit

    Also forgot Most buggy and glitched cod to date. I rember the launch of BO1, you had to take a degree in networking just to get a lobby. Can't pin that accolade on WW2. As far as I know they have had one game impacting issue, on point du hoc, and they fixed it in a week.
    1 point
  9. Baabcat

    Why ww2 is shit

    I honestly don't understand this hate for WW2. Ok there are a few things that can be criticised but I find them minor issues compared to the fun I'm having: sometimes you you end up on the wrong side of the lag, . I view lag as inevitable in a MP shooter, and if you can't cope with that you shouldn't play MP shooters. If I'm really struggling, I just back out, problem solved onky 9 maps ad they are all crap apparently. I just disagree with the all crap comment, I play loads of different modes and different maps play differently in different modes. The only map I really don't like is Uss Texas but guess what loads of people do, as it's always voted for. Opinion on map is a very personal thing, I actually really like flak tower on Dom and hardpoint. Only. 9 maps is hard to defend, but mix your game modes up and it's less of an issue. I know it's sacrilege to suggest playing anything other than KC and Dom, but actually there's plenty to go at Shotgun range is a bit shit on two of them , agreed, but the explosive sheets will help you rank them to get the single bullet attachment which I am hoping helps Division system is a a bit limiting, agreed, but it was well flagged before game came out, and I don't find it that bad. Developer trying something different in a 12 year old franchise, what a bunch of twats lol weapon balance , peprsoanlly I can do pretty well with any assaults, smg, snipers, , and lmgs if I am patient, and the combat shotgun. Helll I've never done pretty well with the shovel. All of this in Core. Just don't understand the comments about lack of variety This thing about ADS after running, it's nonsense, just hipfire with steadyaim the way smgs are meant to be used. Want to run round with an assault rifle, expect to get you ass handed to you, it's not their sweet spot.
    1 point
  10. I'm the total opposite. I struggle to go positive - or even get a kill sometimes - in Core but once I play HC I can do fine.
    1 point
  11. MrBiron

    Why ww2 is shit

    3 reasons why I thought the game was shit: 1) The netcode/connections/whatevs is just awful. But this has been an issue with COD for years. And it's tied to the game engine as well. Out of all the AAA shooters I've played COD is the one where I have the biggest issues with the connections. 2) Limited loadouts and CaC. I honestly absolutely HATED the Division system. It's just too limited compared to the usual Pick 10 system. 3) 9 maps and they were mostly terrible. Not only did we get a pathetic amount of maps but the fact is that they're not even good maps. USS Texas, Flak Tower and that forest map are some of the worst COD maps I've ever played. I was surprised by how bad the maps were as I thought most of the maps in AW were actually very good. *edit* All in all I'm quite disappointed by how much I disliked the game. I was looking forward to it as I really enjoyed AW. But it's like somebody given me something I love but then taken a massive dump on it.
    1 point
  12. tronic44


    Yes, this is exactly what I’ve wanted. Love co-op games like this! Also we’re notorious for our tactics and communication
    1 point
  13. See the problem with these people who make these videos are going for one thing, views. I watch two YouTubers when it comes to CoD games. Driftor and Exclusive Ace. They have both been critical when it comes to the game but also have good to say. And if you’re posting Thunder videos his reputation holds zero water. Sorry just saying. All these people say the exact same this,it’s broken,it’s the worst call of duty ever,can’t wait until the next CoD. Blops 3 was broken as fuck. They all are. It’s a fucking game where people try to find exploits. Most of of the people’s hate have to do with the sprint out time. No one would of never noticed it if Ace didn’t do a video about it. Plus in reality I would say 90% of people couldn’t notice it if it was reduced. What people are bitching about is a different between 300 milliseconds to 250 milliseconds. And QuickDraw isn’t broken. Does exactly what the attachment says. It allows you to ADS faster. Says nothing about ADS faster out of sprint. It has never did that in any CoD game. There is plenty of shit I would change in this game. There is also tons of shit I would change in every CoD game. People need to understand that they will never make a more perfect game that MW2. The most fucking broken game ever
    1 point
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