What a blast doing this blind was! 5+ hours working out this section, i'm just devastated that the PS5 hasn't stored the settings to record voices like the PS4 did 😞 However, here's the run we had which shows how we had Charlie @Venom  and @Baabcat as the Operator, Nick @Bluebear  and Me @GazzaGarratt as the Scanners either side and finally Scott @RedXIII  on as much ad duty as possible.
We had numbered the control panels 1-5 as per Nick's great suggestion and simple drawing he did whilst we were in there. Shanks hit hard and I got explode twice in quick succession down to where the shanks were.
We started the round really well but as ads overhwhelmed us we fell behind on the fuses, only to clutch the last one at the end with next to no heavy ammo and a random pulse grenade securing the completion. I dropped the Scout Rifle at the end, a super gun to drop - looks good and shoots great.
Next time with voices! GGFG!