Thanks for the advice guys. So this is what happened:
Upgraded Light Beyond Nemisis, figured why not as I had a shard and loads of glimmer
Bought Obsidian Mind, leaving me just me needing 9 coins to find to get Symbiotic. Thanks to Gary and Diddums (well Gary mainly, sorry Dids) got my Warlock through the weekly mid tier for 6 coins. Then no luck at all rest of the night
After a deep 3 hours sleep got back on and ran some Roc strikes to get engrams , got 9 , no coins, but Cryptarch ranked up so got one coin out of package engrams
With time running out on Xur the RNG gods finally smiled on me. Warlock pulls off a gold tier warsat defence on Moon, gets one blue engram. This turns into a coin, and my daily event package gives me the one I need. Result, got Symbiotic with 40 minutes left, phew. Thanks for the help Gary and Dave