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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. Mmmm. Lord Saladin doesn't seem to have any bounties today, WTF.....don't understand that at all
  2. Better hurry, Xur looks like he is about to be killed in the crush
  3. Heavy ammo synth in Da House, oh yes! No land beyond, crest of alpha luipi, radiant dance machines, void fang vestments, chest engram
  4. Morning Daves
  5. Important little tip for maxing those bounties. Lord Saladin won't give you the same bounty again if you have already cashed it in once that day. So, if you take the 10,000 Xp bounty on Friday, complete it, but hand it in on Saturday, then you won't be offered that same bounty again on Saturday, even though the bounties refresh. Get them done and handed in on the same day for max rep Also I noticed yesterday the buff I have was already up to 50%, that's with tempering shader and emblem. 6 bounties with a face value of 600 got me 900 rep. Will try and report back on what today's buff is up to.
  6. All this wishing for heavy ammo synth, you guys have forgotten how Bungie roll. This is how it will go: End of Feb, fix heavy ammo glitch 1st Xur of March, heavy ammo synth.
  7. This is good news as it means 27 strange coins a week pretty much guaranteed. I think bungie are also right to leave nightfall and raid alone, easy enough to get a team on LFG if you guys aren't on, and so the AFK issue won't impact the premium content. Now if we only had anything to spend strange coins on.....
  8. I count him as a team
  9. That's my plan, just need a team
  10. Hunter 31 needs 5 radiant shards to be 32, need to run Crota Titan 31, needs boots, was trying for IB boots but need to park this gaurdian and concentrate on my warlock. So will need to get raid boots from Crota. Will need a ton of shards as all shards have gone to my hunter warlock 31, needs boots and will get them in IB hopefully. Will also pick up gauntlets in IB even though I have raid gauntlets, as will be easier to upgrade. Will still need radiant shards for chest piece So need to run Crota as often as possible for shards and Titan boots. Having chosen to go for warlock boots instead of Titan boots in IB I know which raid boots will drop first, bound to be warlock lol
  11. I enjoyed getting it done, big accomplishment as it's tough , but time it takes is the thing that puts me off
  12. Me to, want to do crota, weekly and then hit iron banner
  13. I think, not tested fully but pretty certain, that the only padding you can do is to use the emblem and shaders from previous IBs to get the buffs this time around (Can you transfer emblems and shaders between characters via the vault? Need to try this due to worries about glimmer shortage) It may be possible to keep completed bounties from IB to IB but not worth losing the bounty slots for that length of time IMO
  14. Euan has dropped icebreaker and truth in the last two days. I say we stop helping him
  15. Agree with all Diddums points. The other thing that says MG over Rocket Launcher is there is a daily '10 headshots with heavy' bounty, this is pretty easy with the MG
  16. Yes it's light level 36 this time round so will help get your guardian to level 32 And even better than that it will be easier to upgrade as its normal upgrade stuff, not radiant shards, which makes it easier in my view
  17. Just thought I'd share some tips on Iron Banner, mainly from mistakes I have made in the past Week long event, start at level 0, armour at levels 3 and 4, which is what I'm mainly interested in Work out what you want, this time round gauntlets are at level 3, boots at level 4 Items cost glimmer, not crucible marks. They aren't cheap, 9950, so be aware of this, as no point grinding IB and running out of time to get the glimmer you need IB xp comes from wins, redeeming losing medallions, bounties and buffs. Every medallion is worth 80% of a win and are redeemed on your next win, so losing isn't a disaster. However you can only carry 5 medallions so long losing sprees are not helpful, find another lobby! The IB bounties from Lord Saladin vary between easy , ok and tough, make sure you do as many as possible each day, very valuable Xp Buffs come in the form of class items, emblems, shards. Worth having as they all add 5% (to check, but about right) but they cost glimmer! quite a lot of it, so you got to weigh up how much glimmer you have as well. The best Buff though is Tempering, which costs 1 mote of light for a 12 hour xp buff. The most important thing to remember here is the % buff increases as the week passes, by Sunday or Monday this a 100% buff! which makes progress really quick Crucible bounties don't count but can be completed and crucible marks are earned, which is really helpful if you don't play a lot of crucible 5 map rotation, all control, heavy ammo for the win It's a grind, but die to the buffs, not that much of a grind especially if you can play later in the week
  18. Rusted Lands and Shores of Time, might be one more as well
  19. crypt dweller scout rifle, not sure I'll be doing this one again lol
  20. I'm down for an abyss run tonight as well, want to see if I can drop boots before grinding the IB
  21. Never bothers me starting at Rank 0 on IB, its just the rules of the limited time tournament - I'm not sure I could think of anything else that makes sense TBH. I'm also a bit addicted to multi-tasking in Destiny, to help with the grind, so IB lets me: progress to level 32 gear earn crucible marks (want 200 on each character by the time HoW drops) progress to level 2 crucible reputation on each character (titan and warlock aint there) by the time HoW drops have fun - I like IB, due to the win requirement games are good Biggest problem is the week time - its easy enough to rank up but having the accelerated xp that you get later in the week helps a lot, and I'm away later this week so that's a bit of a problem
  22. So IB looks like it is back, and I think, guessing from the app, that boots are now light level 36, so pretty useful to me as I have two characters who haven't dropped Raid boots yet. Even better IB boots will be easier to upgrade for me, as I'm short of radiant materials, and IB stuff will just be the usual materials Hopefully I've got time to get through enough to help me out
  23. So all the horrible stuff and nothing to help. I'm in.
  24. Had chance to watch video now, looks good.
  25. Yes it's always someone being careless and dieing that's screws the runs I've had with teams out of LFG. Need to do this though
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