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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. Throwing knife. Hunter master race you see
  2. Ok looks easy enough, let's do it
  3. IB not mentioned at all in the weekly update, not sure it is on next week. I actually like IB, its really about the only time I put much effort into PvP. If they have light level 36 boots at a low rank this time I'm definitely grinding it, time permitting.
  4. 3rd icebreaker bought, just too useful to risk leaving in the vault! Charlie got one as well, and now feels 'useful'.
  5. Euan, me and Charlie will be running the 9coin weekly tonight so if you see us on just feel free to jump in
  6. cheers Nev, will look out for you - me and Charlie have a goal of soloing the abyss as well (well solo as in both of us at the same time - duo-ing). In fact he's got to 12 lamps just himself. Just going to keep having to do those early bits over and over and hope for some luck.
  7. Now but just happy with being top of the league Three good teams though , going to be a cracking run in
  8. any rules on how many times you can do it, or is it one go per guardian, wipes give nil return?
  9. I'm in the away end as it happens, mate who is a Derby fan. I'll sing it in my head! I'm hoping for a 0-0 draw with lots of injuries to key players Chances are Boro will screw up anyway.
  10. I'm sure - still think its a bit crappy though, but i'll adapt, just need to go into it knowing its for 2 or 3 drops and a couple of chests at this stage, anything else is a bonus. And I do like the first two parts anyway. Its finally pushed me to level up my Gally as well
  11. Even spelt the date out to stop any UK / American confusion Nexus with Void burn, juggler angry epic blah blah We should have a speed run competition! Have to say I'm delighted, grinding through the Archon Priest last week was getting me down!
  12. Big showdown in the Championship tonight and I'm going. Top of the division is tight as hell with Bournemouth, Derby and Boro one point apart and a chasing pack of 3 others not far behind. So tonight I'm going to Bournemouth v Derby, even though I'm a Boro fan ( we are away at bottom of the table Blackpool). So a draw at B v D and a Boro win puts us top, and me the only person in the entire ground singing 'we are top of the league'.
  13. The bs is this... You have to do the raid to get to level 32..... But you can't complete the raid unless you are level 32... Not strictly true I know but close enough
  14. That Crota fight is stupidly hard. Raid starts as a level 30 raid, if a party of 31s and 32s struggle with it even with plenty if experience in the ranks, that's just stupid. Bungie need to sort that out. I actually quite like the early part of the raid, but the end spoils it massively
  15. We are on all afternoon if anyone wants to raid
  16. Mine as well, that was easy
  17. I'll look out for you , my boy tends to help me till he's done the weeklies on his one character and then ditch me if I need help doing my 3 characters. Not as helpful as you guys!
  18. Ok mate I'll llook out for you , still got weeklies to do as well, and understand were you are coming from
  19. Gary if you're a bit burnt out on raids I'd be up for just doing anything on crota, barely been on it so even learning the abyss and getting that drop would be good, but no problem if you aren't up for it. Looks like we will be struggling for a raid team together tonight anyway
  20. Yes Charlie has these gauntlets and has nearly solo'd the abyss , I've got some as well just not levelled up yet
  21. Yep difficult to imagine spending anything much this week. Even got an excess of exotic shards after breaking down Light Beyond Nemisis ! Wish you could donate stuff to clan mates. Might upgrade one of my old Mida's though
  22. Go for it Dave, don't be put off by the fact its been renamed Plan C, its really Gjallerhorn in disguise
  23. My nightfall loot: 1st run - payback SOS, seems utterly crap , low impact auto - big clip but takes about a full clip to kill a crota thrall so cant see this lasting 2nd run - light beyond nemesis, already got, so sharded not done third run yet, not sure I will get chance
  24. that would have been even better, I'm a strange coin addict!
  25. BUMP Friday night is raid night - who's on!
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