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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. The most fun games I've had so far have been my two forays into search and rescue. I can see me putting some time into both Search modes, rest so far is a bit meh.
  2. Actually started improving my scores yesterday by staying on roofs (walking on the streets makes you cannon fodder), suppressor is essential, and I think extended mags will help when I get them. Even used my exo jump to good effect But there's a lot wrong with the game: weapon camo challenges are seriously crap - gold at 50 kills, most of the rest of the challenges a real pain in the butt - how did they copy all the other challenges from BO2 and then think it was a good idea to change the weapon challenges. I know I will never complete the 500 headshot challenges for probably any weapon let alone all weapons - that's me losing interest already Sniping sucks - the ADS time is like 4 days. With all these jumpy fuckers its horrible. I like to mix my game styles up and try all the weapons - that's me losing interest again Dual wield LMGs - FFS - its not even an option its default. Crap gimics I hate I've enjoyed some of what I've played, seems a lot better than ghosts but things like the above will mean I lose interest sooner rather than later
  3. Camo challenge tuning, hope they mean starting from scratch as they are pretty horrible , gold very easy , everything else stupidly hard. Given they learned a lot about challenges from BO2 wish they'd just gone with BO2 camo challenges
  4. Tried and it does very much depend on having reasonably balanced teams, or it can be over very quickly. But probably the most fun I have had on this CoD so far (not played much to be fair) Also tried Uplink, fun but with the potential to be the spawn killing game of this CoD
  5. Hey guys I ducked a few invites tonight as I had limited game time, and couldn't reply as I was split screening with my son, so couldn't go back to main menu without constant whining in my ear. Sorry for not responding, gonna be like this for a while I think
  6. I'm saving it for PSN outages
  7. At least you can mute the 11 year olds, screaming down the mic, calling everyone out and raging all the time. I cant mute mine, he's sitting next to me
  8. Had a few games last night. It actually worked we'll out of the box, so that's a big plus. Did have one laggy game but generally felt pretty smooth. Haven't really worked a lot of stuff out on it yet, keep forgetting all about my exo abilities and have only really used the shield one to any effect. I like that shield I'm liking the way the challenges look pretty much like BO2, good challenges = major time sink Tried sniping early on against the bots. OMG that is not good. Takes forever to ADS. Liked the one shot shotgun pistol So far impressed , although I did turn it off and run the Daily Heroic in Destiny. Two good games, how will I cope
  9. Needed one more strange coin to but something good off Xur, got on in a strike, and went to see Xur, about 4pm GMT and he'd gone. Thought he was meant to be there for the weekend!
  10. Bought the engram. Got an exotic for that warlock class I dont have yet . The warlock I don't have has two exotic armours and one legendary armour. My level 24 Titan is still all in blue. Screw you RNG
  11. Same here, looking forward to it
  12. Like
  13. Or as it's known in our house, The Weekly Heroic Strike
  14. I'm desperate to do VoG , just really struggling to get any decent game time in at the moment, hope you guys are still interested in it when I do have time
  15. One of Bungies weekly posts in the app points to this website, http://db.destinytracker.com/inventory/buckets/1498876634 It's independent from Bungie but it's building a big database on everything Destiny.
  16. Welcome, I've just set up my11 year old with a Destiny account, now I cant get anywhere near it myself.
  17. Baabcat

    NFL 2014

    I'm off to see the lions v the falcons at wembly this weekend, can't wait. Lions looking good
  18. A flat earth would be so much better for our international band of brothers/sister
  19. Chip you have been accepted into the Group, but now you need to go back to bungie.net and choose to join the clan
  20. The Goodies used to be a great British comedy programme when I was a lad. Crazy surreal stuff. This song was just a spin off Used to watch it every Sunday tea time
  21. I actually like both the PvE and the PvP. The grinding was getting me down a bit but now I've got a much better understanding of what you need to do to get stuff it doesn't bother me. I don't think I would ever spend CoD like hours / days into the PvP but I'm not sure I' ll ever do that with CoD again anyway. And the superpowers do make it a laugh
  22. Watched the first 2 last night. Loved the sales pitch for the grey jumper 'I wouldn't wear this in public' And he survived the chop. Seems a bit totty light this time though
  23. I've got to buy some sort of ammo pack from him as part of a exotic bounty. Of course then the next step will be some stupidly hard PvP challenge so I will have just wasted my cash no doubt
  24. I meant to say yes please to that as well Relic iron one works really well - in fact so well that if you keep going round the route new chests appear fairly regulalryl
  25. Good one Dave, I often decide were I'm going, wander off to get a drink while it loads and come back to find I didn't press Launch. Even worse when I'm fireteam leader
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