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Posts posted by kylebees

  1. Not at all Bob. Reason being, the learning curve. There is no where to learn the game and all that it offers. Having never played any of the Battlefield games, I have no idea how or what anything is in the game. If it wasn't for Chris, I wouldn't have known how to even sign up for Battlelog.


    With this being said, I will give Battlefield another try, simply because I miss gaming with everyone. However, I will suck and bitch and complain the whole time. Not to mention, I'll ask a bunch of questions. This does not mean that I won't still play COD. Maybe it's because I didn't start playing CoD until the middle of MW2, that the game hasn't gotten boring for me yet.


    Again, I didn't want this to be a game war. I just wanted to know why no one plays this anymore.

  2. I definitely get what you say about the CoD community being a bunch of douches but in my brief experience with BF4, there wasn't much difference. People still sat in the corner waiting for you to run by, snipers everywhere spawn camping, etc.


    I get the part about the scorestreaks. I loved that about BO2. Do I miss it? Yeah. Does it make me not want to play? No. You just have to adjust. I guess that's the point I'm trying to get at. Why not change your strategy?


    As for the game changing by knocking over a tree or opening up a couple doors, that really does nothing for me. The few times I played BF4, I destroyed a shit ton of buildings and other shit but that didn't do anything for me either. It wasn't like it changed the game in any manner. Maybe I just haven't played it long enough but it didn't really make me think that BF4 was light ages ahead in the technology department.

  3. First, let me say that I'm not trying to start a war of Ghosts vs. BF4.


    Seriously though, what's wrong with Ghosts? I've played the shit out of this game and quite honestly, I feel it's the Best CoD since MW2. The connection is better than Black Ops II by a long shot. The maps are decent and from the looks of the DLC they will get a bit better. All the weapons are pretty well balanced. I guess the only down side in my opinion, are the people that play the game.


    So that's where my question comes from. What's wrong with Ghosts? Have you honestly given the game enough of a shot to know that it's that bad? I just don't think you can play the game for less than 24 hours and conclude that the game sucks.


    My first prestige, I struggled but still held a decent K/D and winning percentage. Every prestige since, both my K/D and winning percentage have gone up. I believe this is true due to map knowledge and just getting the feel for the game.


    I mean, we use to have loads of people on here that played CoD and now, I only see a few of us on at any given time. I miss the days of having full teams destroying the competition and just having a good time. I'm interested in what you guys and gals have to say.

  4. Adam, I live about 3 hours form Boston. I would have no problem driving up there to meet up with you. Just keep me informed and we'll try to meet up.


    Also, this thread is not forgotten. It's just kind of hard to think about it with all the fucking white stuff on the ground. When it starts to warm up, we'll start organizing this a bit more.

  5. Very nicely done Euan!!


    From the couple of times that I have played this, it seems that there are plenty of GOOD teams of 4 playing this mode now. If I had anything to add, it's lots of communication is key. A good connection would help as well but that's a whole other issue.


    I really like the advice Euan has given on his set-ups. Again, only having played a couple times, I'm still a little wet behind the ears, so I don't have the correct set-ups. I run silencer on almost all my guns but for the mode, you can really see that it's not necessary.


    I look forward to playing this some more. I love the fact that there are no IEDs or Strike/Support packages. Just you and your gun skill basically.

  6. I actually finished my challenege a few weeks ago. I just forgot to post. The game has kind of sapped my energy to be honest so didn't feel like i was happy about it.

    Still it's kinda cool when people look at your specs and see your favourite weapon being the throwing knife!

    Not as cool as having an IED as your favorite weapon. True story!!! :o

  7. No need to stop posting Brede. It's just every post you make seems to be the same thing. That's why I apologized. I don't want to offend anyone here and you're not the only one that complains a lot.


    Jonny, I'm the same way, with one exception. I look for the good in a game and try to play on that. For instance, Kill Confirmed has been my game mode since it was introduced. However, with Ghosts, I have found a new love for TDM. Hell, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  

  8. I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. And it's not only happening in this "Complaint thread".


    I, too, offered some solutions to the complainers here, get a new lobby, turn the game off or stop playing. My god, if it's that bad why the hell do you keep going back to it? Yes, I rage a lot in this game but you know what?  I don't come here to complain about it. The biggest complaint I have is with IEDs and the solution offered up by spectre was a great idea. But you know what? As much as I get killed by IEDs in this game, it's not enough for me to come here and post about it every time I get on and have a session. This is my point.


    Joe, deterioration, absolutely hates the game. You know what he did? He stopped playing. Just saying.

  9. So having purchased this so that I could game with all the cool kids, I'm still very skeptical of this game. There is so much going on before you enter a game, with no instruction whatsoever. Thank god for Chris and Euan, otherwise I would have had no clue. With that being said, I still don't know what more than half the things I can do in this game.


    My first impression, I think it's utter bullshit that you can't start off in a team together. That's the reason I bought the game, was to team up, not to get into the same lobby and then get put on to the other team.


    TTK is sooooo long. I can't tell you the number of times I was shooting at someone and hitting them, only to have them fire back after and kill me right away. To me, this is no better than COD.


    The spawns are god awful. Granted I only played TDM so far (as that was what others were playing), I spawned many times only to get shot in the back immediately.


    People complain about campers on COD, I got new for you, they're on BF4 as well. Lots of corners, laying down, not moving. Retarded.


    I have loved the few maps that I have played on. Flood Zone isn't even that bad, as I like to flank and most of these morons snipe on that map, so it was pretty easy to get behind them. I have played roughly 6-8 games and I have had Flood Zone come up 3 times and Some other map come up 3 times. Sucks that there isn't an option.


    I also like that fact that almost everything can be destroyed. Makes it pretty interesting that you can camp in that little hut, my grenade launcher will blow that shit up!!


    All being said, I don't think I have given this enough of a go but first impressions haven't been that good. Does anyone know if there is a private match mode where we could get a group in together so that we can try to figure out all the buttons, equipment, etc, without having people kill you? I would like to have some things explained to me while I'm actually in a game.

  10. If you go on Twitch and watch ALMOST anyone livestreaming, they all seem to be spawn trapping, with Blitz being the game mode of choice. Truly sad to watch as people join a shit lobby only to die immediately upon spawning, over and over and over. What fun is that, aiming down your sights waiting for a guy to spawn in front of you? Fucking retarded. It's even more sad when these douchebags end up coming against half way decent players, then you start hearing all the complaints about this guy is camping, this guy is watching their spawn, etc. etc. They wonder why people back out of games against them and then call them all kinds of names for backing out. Bunch of non-confrontational pussies!!!

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