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  1. Haha
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in COD 2023   
    So with all that's been said is anyone hyped about cod 2023? 😉
  2. Haha
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    So with all that's been said is anyone hyped about cod 2023? 😉
  3. Haha
    techno got a reaction from MrBiron in COD 2023   
    So with all that's been said is anyone hyped about cod 2023? 😉
  4. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    And as I said, most of those maps are siphoned off the Warzone one by a completely different developer. 4v4 is just 6v6 with different rules that I could've concocted in a private match ruleset from day one and not many core MP players care about raids and other tacked-on crap lifted from other titles which is detracting away from the heart of the game. So what if they've paywalled some extra features - doesn't change the core content and shouldn't be an excuse to spread it thinner especially when most of it isn't even made by Infinity Ward themselves. 
  5. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    Especially as it’s the only paid portion of the game. 
  6. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in COD 2023   
    It is a shortcoming though. A lot of people, myself included, only play 6v6. And the fact that they've lost a load of players just shows that they really should be making sure they support the 6v6 community.
  7. Like
    techno got a reaction from MrBiron in COD 2023   
    You can look at it anyway you want but 6v6 is the staple for cod and has a huge following if you get that right then by all means branch out into other bullshit. As @MrBironsaid and you agreed we got 10 base maps for 6v6 some of which are truly awful and no new maps since launch which no matter how you spin it is disgraceful but at least it's free so that's something I guess. 
    People will and can moan about lack of content for 6v6 as it's always been in the game they won't moan about lack of content if they had never made dmz etc .
  8. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in COD 2023   
    You can look at it anyway you want but 6v6 is the staple for cod and has a huge following if you get that right then by all means branch out into other bullshit. As @MrBironsaid and you agreed we got 10 base maps for 6v6 some of which are truly awful and no new maps since launch which no matter how you spin it is disgraceful but at least it's free so that's something I guess. 
    People will and can moan about lack of content for 6v6 as it's always been in the game they won't moan about lack of content if they had never made dmz etc .
  9. Like
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in COD 2023   
    You can look at it anyway you want but 6v6 is the staple for cod and has a huge following if you get that right then by all means branch out into other bullshit. As @MrBironsaid and you agreed we got 10 base maps for 6v6 some of which are truly awful and no new maps since launch which no matter how you spin it is disgraceful but at least it's free so that's something I guess. 
    People will and can moan about lack of content for 6v6 as it's always been in the game they won't moan about lack of content if they had never made dmz etc .
  10. Haha
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in COD 2023   
    This aged well from infinity ward.
  11. Like
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in COD 2023   
    We probably will play it longer because the new one this year 🤣 will be made by sledgehammer games 🤣 so I'm still seeing mw2 as a 2 year release. Definitely won't buy a cod for campaign.
  12. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    Yep, all they’ve done is take away content potential and put it into other modes spreading the game thin. You would’ve thought with so many resources, they could make each potion absolutely laden with content and post-launch support. No new 6v6 maps in 5 months so what’s the excuse there and half the non-6v6 MP content is just siphoned off the Warzone map which was made by a developer completely unrelated to the MP aspect anyway. Vanguard had 20 more maps this time last year so there’s no consistency with the content being delivered across the franchise.
    IW have been largely anonymous since launch and it’s not like they work on Warzone or DMZ either so there’s no excuse for such a poor showing. It’s caused the majority of players to leave the entire game and Activision to radically change their 2023 approach so clearly it’s had a major impact on what should’ve been a very safe two years of COD. Fortnite already has its 2025 content compiled and these clowns don’t even know what to release in 6 months🤣
  13. Like
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    You can look at it anyway you want but 6v6 is the staple for cod and has a huge following if you get that right then by all means branch out into other bullshit. As @MrBironsaid and you agreed we got 10 base maps for 6v6 some of which are truly awful and no new maps since launch which no matter how you spin it is disgraceful but at least it's free so that's something I guess. 
    People will and can moan about lack of content for 6v6 as it's always been in the game they won't moan about lack of content if they had never made dmz etc .
  14. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    Personally, I'm not bothered about the era or whether the new 'game' is just that or an expansion - I just want a product that is made to the best potential possible from the most lucrative franchise in existence with 3000+ developers at their disposal. Really isn't asking too much especially when they are demanding £60-110 for the privilege once again.
    Sadly, this likely wont be the case based on these highly credible early reports - developers being bounced around pillar to post, timescales being completely unreasonable/unrealistic and Activision executives still toying with how to release the product for the best payoff and to hell with the community or credibility. They are only in this position because of their non-existent post-launch support on MW2 which was a perfectly fine game under the hood despite some questionable design choices. COD 2023 should have been an absolute cert that built upon the foundation its predecessor but instead, it's nothing more than a shareholder pocket filler and a second crack and not making the same mistakes after the population has nosedived. 
    I can see SHG being thrown under the bus and being made scapegoats once again. They are the weakest developer as it is, so its one hell of a responsibility for them to concoct a full game that lives up to the name out of what was originally a tacked-on expansion. Either way, the community are going to be getting a very inferior product or one that's not been developed in the correct way. Activision really take us for granted but they are really beginning to make a mug out of the community if they think they can pass this shitshow off for full whack. With 3 mainline developers and another 8 side studios on their books, it's just insane how they are in such a messy position. 
    Maybe Sledgehammer can salvage something especially on the launch content front but I can see this 'spin-off' really struggling and franchise fatigue will really set in especially if MW3 is expected to be released the following year. If they had a clear forwarding strategy for each game post-launch, they wouldn't be in this mess. 
  15. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in COD 2023   
    There were rumours originally of just a straight up Map Pack for MW2 that contained all of the maps from the original MW2. I'd have quite happily paid for that. What they're doing now just sounds, like you said, desperate. If Activision would actually support 6v6 properly then they might not see the drop-off in players like they're currently getting.
  16. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Heavy Rain   
    Picked this up again today, this time on PC along with Beyond Two Souls which I didn't get round to playing. Although I know the story of Heavy Rain, I'm looking forward to giving it another go after a good 13 years. Along with The Walking Dead game, I think it will go down in history as a very important and unique game of its time. 
  17. Like
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in Do you want to learn to play modded Minecraft? - FTB Academy   
    So with my in house tech support aka step daughter I seem to have got as far as downloading the java edition... 
  18. Like
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in Do you want to learn to play modded Minecraft? - FTB Academy   
    I meant march 🙄 but I will take a look at it before then as I do need some motivation to use it more. Will look through the thread and video etc. I assume you'll need some sort of base game? 
  19. Haha
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    Call of Duty 2023 reportedly was Modern Warfare 2 "premium expansion", now standalone release
    WWW.EUROGAMER.NET This year's Call of Duty will be another Modern Warfare game, just a year after 2022's Modern Warfare 2. That's accordi…  
  20. Like
    techno reacted to phil bottle in Off the grid   
    Not actually game footage but interesting nonetheless 
  21. Haha
    techno reacted to cyberninja2601 in Mw2 BBC 😁   
    Mocking or envying 😉
  22. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Mw2 BBC 😁   
    Inbox full of videos mocking this, 😳
  23. Like
    techno reacted to phil bottle in Your thoughts on the Ev furure   
    As a teenage environmental protestor in the 90s it was clear to me that the majority of people are too caught up in their own petty bullshit to do anything about the environment, or anything else for that matter.
    I'm just glad I'll likely miss all the really horrific stuff coming our way in a couple of decades.
    How we organise ourselves as a species has done us in. Capitalism has ruined us. 
    I remember as a kid when they finally banned CFCs. The corporations had been denying any issues for decades, saying it was a Marxist plot, but they couldn't really hide the big fuck off hole in the ozone layer which just got bigger and bigger. 
    We were are now, it's too late to fix anything as far as I can see. 
    Just look at the world, people arguing over bullshit, inventing ridiculous conspiracy theories, too scared too look at the real cause of our ills, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
    I'll stick to my bicycle 🙈😅
  24. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Your thoughts on the Ev furure   
    Where I live we have several park and ride systems but it doesn't work and now most people have 2+ cars per household so it's completely obliterated any positives that could bring plus the car parks only have a certain capacity. It just doesn't work and is ultimately outdated. May be more beneficial in some cities but in others, it just doesn't make a significant difference.
    It's staggering how many cars are around my area now even compared to just 10-15 years ago. London has also decided to destroy small businesses in the hope of reducing emissions with ULEZ charges on virtually all distribution vehicles plus the congestion charges on top and other cities are trialing retarded traffic systems and other transport methods such as incredibly dangerous scooters. 
    People will ultimately be punished for using cars just to get to work that aren't deemed green even though the clowns that come out with these strategies take 3 holidays a year and only view one side of the story. I think we're 30 years too late to make sweeping changes because the last 15 years have been too damaging. 
  25. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Your thoughts on the Ev furure   
    My only issue with moving away from owning their own vehicle and it's something that's brought up alot tbh and one issue I think those in charge are trying to achieve by pricing people out of vehicles is that I have vehicles I drive for fun it's something that's overlooked. Also there are lots of people that tow caravans etc. 
    Around here they are moving more to a park and ride system to cut city congestion. As an example for me I'd have to catch 2 buses or walk half an hour to catch a train where by car it's 15 mins. 
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