We could do with teaming up as much as possible for ib so if I'm on and your doing it send me an invite as I've never really used any kind of pvp strategy.
Little light is really good on a phone as I can actually see what weapons are but I pressed the pen and my hunters name disappeared so I had to give it a name on the app.
Hunger of crota sucks as Ryan says he'll never use it neither do I ,gjallerhorn is required and works everywhere.If/ when people are on I could do with running 2x level 32 ...not fussed by level 34 this week .
So for this noob is it best just to buy the banner etc as I believe you get a boost from equipping that and there are buffs to use,do you use them from the start too?
I know they increase as the week goes on.
Seems weekly update says iron banner back on Tues and etheric light will be available amongst other things.
Might be finally something I want from it.
Yet the next day Chris was back on playing and I actually brought up what he said about not playing and taking a break...Can't remember what his reply was but he's played plenty since...I would agree on it being a short break
I know man...been thinking about battlefield especially with the new dlc and patch but bloody destiny keeps drawing me back simply because of playing with people but I ain't grinding like I used to.
Wow just downloaded makes as much sense to me so far as a Chinese dyslexic
Edit think I may have sorted it ,working my phone in latex gloves isn't the best.
Yes like pulling teeth till Ryan let us in on the secret happy with the one level 34.
Wonder how Ryans 35 is going.
Sorry Lee couldn't do the last 32 as his Internet shit out.