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Everything posted by techno

  1. They said vex was locked.
  2. Thank for the heads up I will set it going in the morning.
  3. I'm with virgin for broadband I did as Dave said but they do tie you back to 12 months. My problem is it works fine at the moment so to me that's better than saving a few quid, I too have sky and pay for bt sport so I could save but I've heard nothing good about when I was looking.
  4. Yes not live for me but I think I read a 14.00 hour time somewhere in us.
  5. I would have liked another raid more on the VoG style so hopefully they do finally add such a thing. I am looking to how the new prison of elders works and hopefully it is fun. I will be getting all my ranks close and more ranks for each character before this drops unfortunatly I'm away when they show prison of elders stuff so I will have to check it out when I'm back. Trials of Osiris I'm a fair pvp player and if anyone wants to give it a go I'm down for it because as Lee said this game is just way better when in a party and no way I'm doing it with randoms! The thing I'm also interested in is how fleshed out queens wrath might be providing it is coming. Either way with it being summer I hope to spend less time on the ps4. As for the destiny forums people will always moan you only have to read youtube comments to see that.
  6. Now with the vex those 2 bounties it's only good for will be a breeze
  7. Think horseshit sums it up, 5 months and this is what we get, well done bungie. I will reserve judgement on that 3 player coop no doubt it's 3 to allow matchmaking. Edit isn't trials of Osiris just one map too lmao
  8. I wrote that earlier.. Mainly VoG crota had level 33 enemies.
  9. Planet Destiny: House of Wolves Timeline, Upgrading Paths, 1.1.2 Tomorrow : 365 attack fatebringer?
  10. No raid that's just plain dumb, anyone for a level 34 VoG?
  11. I'm at 3 years now... Still waiting on the wife to stop.. Yes right
  12. We already know how much content there will be, still last longer than dying light Ryan I said may 19th earlier Does it sound like queens bounties will be coming also?
  13. I see, personally rather than go through that I'll just play something else lol Having played pvp today bungie seem to be making it worse with every patch, they need to un-nerf the auto rifles But best thing they could do is remove fucking supers!
  14. You have thorn? Are you after multiple thorns?
  15. And will do again all using tmartns bloody camping spots
  16. Actually thorn bounty is easier now if you've dropped word of crota, and I'll be surprised if people don't have atheon epilogue now. As for armour I don't care as its a first person shooter.
  17. I posted a video in forever Gaming thread people are not going to be happy about less special ammo.
  18. Nothing but heavy ammo and some hand cannon telemetry.
  19. Ooo people going to be unhappy, further restrictions to special ammo in the crucible.
  20. I don't care what era it's set in if the gameplay is solid and old school type cod, feet on the ground, any hint of anything other than that and I'm pretty certain I'm out. So far nothing has peaked my interest or made me think it's going to be anything but garbage.
  21. Can't believe there's trailer breakdowns on that.
  22. When I read about your mot running out I thought shit insurance... I guess it was OK?
  23. Thanks Ryan looks like a blackberry to me.
  24. First run kicked right at end thanks bungie! WTF is a marrionberry? Chance hand cannon 11 energies Unwilling soul auto rifle.
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