Good write up,I'm downloading now from what I've seen it looks good but dull as hell I guess I will see tomorrow.
I actually enjoyed my time with hardline tbh but that was on console I know it died on pc
Are we going to get another going this weekend?I like the scout rifle/ sniper combo especially for the boomer night
Never really used red death in pve might give it a run for health regen
Actually flicking through it kind of makes me more proud to be English.
Oh and as for avoiding Leeds it's a little difficult as it's where I work so I'm currently there now.
Didn't see why I should avoid the city of my birth though
If you ever get any higher light gear.
If the white nail perk worked like it used to id say it was worth it but that nerf killed that gun as far as I'm concerned.
Having had said that I wouldn't be opposed to giving it a go if the timing was right.