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Everything posted by techno

  1. Does anyone know which bosses the 3 of coins thst Xur will sell work on? I also see Xur selling legacy engrams that give year 1 exotics with year one stats something else solely for the noobs
  2. Do teeth swell ? Hope it's not too bad!
  3. This guy has some guides apparantly I haven't watched them yet
  4. Expect disappointment lol
  5. Anyone on tomorrow night to do at least one story run through,I'll be on from early afternoon till late. Alcohol a bonus.
  6. You won't need materials to gain rep materials will be best used for just light level gains.I made massive leaps this morning with a couple of dead orbit packages and some engrams, before decrypting anything put on your highest rated stuff and decrypt one at a time as Chris and the video said you'll get better gear.
  7. Never would have thought about how I decrypt engrams
  8. It's probably too late but that's what they may have been hinting at.
  9. Which one did you go for?
  10. Also won't post video as you all hate his voice but if you pick the wrong arms day package you can dismantle it in your inventory and go choose another one. If you read comments that's a hunter only weapon in video warlocks get a fusion rifle and titans a shotgun.
  11. Pretty much all of it baring some elemental burn primaries and exotics
  12. I've just spent a few hours working...cough watching youtube and there seems so much shit to do in ttk at the moment it's overwhelming. This is a good thing!
  13. Ha ha fucking awesome Bart!
  14. techno

    Monte Carlo

    It's not too good in pvp due to auto rifle still being a little weak but I saw a video yesterday about it being a great melting pot build.
  15. Year 1 stuff is useless I've already started getting rid of mine. As you say you can only infuse stuff that's higher and year 2 which kind of makes sense.
  16. Are they French?
  17. techno

    Blind Raid

    Good point I noticed a couple of patrols on earth required light level 220
  18. techno

    Blind Raid

    Friday blind drunk blind raid night.. Getting to level 40 takes no time I did titan in a couple of hours and only done 1 story mission and handed in about 20 bounties so Friday is definable feasible.
  19. Yes had to laugh when I saw this I'm leaving them there what I got today are way better..in fact year one weapons are better
  20. techno


    I know mines over 3200 but I personally don't care. Same goes for the lore tbh. Never read a grimoire card.
  21. Something about vip rewards glitching the quest line https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/13550
  22. Oh yeah getting shoulder charged of a cliff or a control point never gets old such a fucking laugh...dickums
  23. I really didn't think we'd finish thst by the end I was almost asleep...Oh I do remember shooting the gatekeeper with word of crota before people left the room " everyone's dead " Matt" no you guys got this" lol
  24. It's different on each guardian.
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