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Everything posted by techno

  1. I'm still going to wait till after release reviews but I never played w@w MP so I'd be interested at least, I'd even be interested in blops3 tho I had to play hc I really enjoyed blops 2
  2. Well I got up wife was playing and she's level 5 with a new badger ccl So I went and got a plug one.. Scrapped It should have been something like a ghost or speeder just something different.
  3. YepYou shoot things they die quick your high level with good guns they don't die quick run away
  4. Psions with shields are a real pain in the nightfall and phalanx don't flinch either so it takes a while. Weekly is much easier for a change. As such I got 9 strange coins on both Please xur have something I can buy.
  5. Unfortunately not No burn, weeklies and nightfall going to take a while.
  6. Apparently 22% of people polled think the dlc is going to cost your soul :
  7. Whether you level that or something else does it really make a difference?They need to add more varied content to do that's basically what this is everything else I'd just shooting stuff no matter what you use.
  8. I'd like to give it a go but I'm only free on a weekend... Hmm Gorgon maze. No sparrows allowed at the first gate I also thought we ought to maybe try a shit weapons only raid similar to that YouTuber did.
  9. If you don't want to read its all here in glorious colour.
  10. Once again nowt much to spend coins on might just get those gauntlets but dragons breath no thanks guess I need to see what's on offer next week. Will use motes even if it's just time gain exotic shards.
  11. Plenty safe and shit Happy New Year!
  12. I have to give credit to sledgehammer I didn't think they could make a worse game than ghosts but they did so well done on launching the worst cod in history. Anymore exo suits and they won't get my money, infact until I see favourable reviews from certain people I won't buy another. Oh and it's a shame that the community has as much to blame for its demise as mlg. The MP in destiny is known to be broken but it's still more fun than AW for the the short time I endured it.
  13. techno


    Yes always lol And anyone can cheese the bridge solo.
  14. techno


    I have 2 weeklies to do so hit me up for those I should be on.
  15. techno


    As there are 2 raids now thought I'd start a new thread just for people to post in if they are needing or wanting to do either raid or if they have check points and when there available and see if we can get some groups together. Personally I was hoping to get some VoG runs in either mode and to take down Crota if anyone's got a save point beore I return to the usual routine next week if anyone's up for it.
  16. Explosive rounds will be nice, just need to be lucky and get on the end part and get and he drop. Once its launched.
  17. I dropped 2x rocket launcher solar damage and 11 energies.
  18. techno

    Far Cry 4

    It's not usually something I'd look at but down for giving it a go if the opportunity arises.
  19. Finally after many shard runs I got something to drop, I also got the fatebringer but had to wait to announce it due to Ryan screaming and Chris screaming, for a few hours I actually thought it was Chris that had dropped one too I also dropped the helmet for warlock I think that might be full raid gear for her now too, it's in the vault. Good job on getting the vexed Lee what really does suck about the glitch atheon battle is you put all that effort in and get shards/energies and ships final boss battle should drop a weapon/armour, anything even if you have it and just scrap it. However now we seem to have it down let's keep kicking his ass.
  20. Oh yes... Can anyone lend me a voc lol
  21. I'll be on straight after I get back from hospital appointment lol so hopefully around 1pm UK. We have save points at gate keeper for hard raid. Pretty much up for anything.
  22. This.
  23. I like his commentary
  24. This explains it
  25. Thing is with these crates there not imo something to work towards as there random drops, to me it was something else that was broken with the game the fact to be competitive you need a random lucky drop.
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