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Everything posted by techno

  1. Seriously nothing wife and I don't buy gifts for each other at Xmas, people think its weird but all year if we want/need owt we just get it. So I will get whisky or wine I don't drink some socks and some deodorant stuff. If I'm lucky any t-shirts I get will be wearable. Good chance when the final child leaves home Xmas will hopefully just pass us by. Only good thing is this year 2 weeks off work...
  2. I can see what your saying, main thing that pisses me off is about VoG I really want stuff from that and as you say now people won't need to run it. The raid gear is now obsolete I referred to it yesterday as yesterday's fashions. The weapons not such a big deal other than there's nothing in the new ones I think are must haves, upgrades are more powerful to start with and I will upgrade only what I really use. The strike playlist is now also only worth doing on level 26 so rest is pointless other than to level up lower level guardians if there is any, and blue drops as rewards really bungie. Green drops really are annoying now. Diddums is right, before you could play solo now with the new level it's almost impossible in fact some stuff now requires 3 people. My other concern now is the same thing will happen again with the house of wolves.
  3. So is it 29th now? What time were you thinking of kicking this off? We need to synchronise watches.
  4. When you swap for the new upgraded one I think it has a less powerful zoom option.
  5. It is pre reset day, but I'm good for both.... But I'm..drunk so looking forward to this shit going ahead Im off from 19th to 5th of jan So anything anytime.
  6. It felt like Xmas lolI thought 1 character level 31 buy Xmas now I could get 3 with 2 more boot purchases.
  7. Not sure if people know but I tested it and it worked. Double bounties to rank faster vanguard and Eris Pick up bounties immediately on reset that's 9am in uk Do bounties before you turn off console hand them in turn off your console, restart it and bounties are back to be done again.
  8. Got upgrade for souros and icebreaker need a little glimmer for armamantarium and a bit more for light beyond nemesis and I got 3 helmet engram. Hope to get lucky with those if not there shards. Nothing else to buy not interested in truth. Save coins. Just decrypted my 3 engram got apotheosis veil so that saved my warlock swapping,got ats arachnid for hunter so no buying one and got glass house for Titan Big savings.
  9. Lol I hate you all by the way!
  10. May as well throw the hat in the ring. Psn technohamster real name Gary, been amongst this community since just before black ops, found it just looking for info,upto ghosts really a massive cod fan but not now bf4 and now destiny.. Well really destiny. I do have farcry 4 but it's just a fill in. Older gamer, works nurse was shocked yesterday by the fact ive worked as a cnc machinist here.. As I am now for 28 years man and boy lol. I've brought up 4 girls 2 of my own and 2 step daughters so gaming is my release in the winter and motorcycling in the summer, from the best place to live as a biker in the UK Yorkshire. Nice to meet you.
  11. Unlike last weeks lol
  12. Jason got VoC? Good for you man!
  13. Nice, said earlier this should be treated like weekly and nightfall now. Oh and some work on hard mode too.
  14. We must be the only ones not to drop that gun!
  15. Surely that means playing as me
  16. Having done this week's weekly heroic with Chris and Tommy I was thinking about how long it took, basically VoG could be done in about the same time so it's basically a strike now, not sure what it rewards but surely it's a decent amount of vanguard rep which would certainly be the quickest way to level up for commendations? Also with the damage mods on weeklies and nightfalls fatebringer/preadaths timepiece and mythoclast really would be helpful let alone shards and energies. VoG is relevant just the raid gear isn't.
  17. I have my party tomorrow but it's in the afternoon so if I'm fit I'll be on so you can count me in stretch.
  18. techno


    Just upgraded cryptard got legendary chest piece in mail auto rifle one I was going to buy, will grind for boots this weekend need marks.
  19. A bit different
  20. We discussed it yesterday and I am fine with it, it was going to happen its one week in 5 I would be livid if they got it for free, it's a bit like moaning they dont get the new raid. The only way round it and it would still be controversial is to put 2 weeklies on and let dlc owners do both that week. Or are we just supposed to keep doing the same 4 strikes forever? I think Chris put his thoughts about it across most eloquently lol As for nerfing loot drops I've this is the first I've heard of it.
  21. techno


    The murmur does seem pretty decent for a free drop. The videos I've seen about nightfall the drops as usual seem pretty crap on the whole.
  22. I got to have a few hours on the raid today got an invite from a random I met a while back, he obviously remembered me as when I joined he was saying how I was pretty good lol Anyway we beat the first part and I have no idea how but the second part was a wash, we did get 2 people across the bridge and as a level 30 seemed to stay alive quite well the lower levels dying stopped us. What I got from it was level 30 minimum with hopefully some 31's is a must. I also need to look into some higher damage legendaries but it's going to be hard to replace my grim citizen.
  23. I have heard the chest at the start has random spawn points. Nice drop stretch.
  24. I have seen some coverage on YouTube, no commentary at all so I had no idea what the hell was going on other than having to kill lots of tough stuff in the dark, looking forward to giving it a go myself.
  25. Mazzer and me tried to do it on level 30 and got to the final boss (at the time we didn't know that) but on 30 there are so many more enemies it's unreal.
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