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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. It's a poisones chalice to be honest. If he did things one way alot of the community would hate him, if he did it another they'd still hate him. For what it's worth i couldn't give a shit about the guy. And as much as we bitch abouy communication, name any other game that gives a weekly update to it's community (sparse as it is, it's still there). The buffs/nerfs are just a natural progression on any MMO style game. If they are doing it you at least know they are looking at the data and doing something with. By doing this it's an admission they know the game isn't perfect. I think most of the frustration lies on what this game could be. I'm more than happy to give them the patience and time (see what i did there;)) to do it
  2. 1) COD 1 & UO Expansion 2) COD 2 3) BO2 4) MW2 5) MW1 6) WaW 7) MW3 These are all games i enjoyed the hell out of. Any other versions range between meh and shite for me. Really hoping they go back to older settings for the next iteration. It'd be the only way i buy the next version i reckon. UO was a beast of a game with all the custom maps and stuff
  3. Just remember you will only get rewards from raids, weekly's and nightfalls once per week. With the reset day being Tuesday. Nothing to stop you rerunning it, but don't expect moar loot
  4. Not tonight for me. Breaking bad night with the mrs
  5. 1st run - Skull of Direarmamamamama thingy. Exotic Warlock helmet, looks nice but buffs don't look anything to write home about. 2nd run - 9 energies, fuck yeah!!
  6. Much as it pains me, Chris is totally right. Didn't feel like we were carrying you in the slightest and to do the jumping puzzle at pretty much the first attempt was amazing.......bastard!! 2 exotics for me last night. Everybody better watch out for me and my Universal Remote tearing shit up now!! Plus Last Word dropping on Atheon was awesome
  7. Yeah boi!!! Totally down for this. Just probably won't be on at stupid American times (no offence like )
  8. Hi Si!!The best way is just to start sending out friend requests to us all. You'll get to meet and play with us all once you get a few on board. There's usually a good few of us on every night doing various crap. My PSN is stretch616 For the clan tag. You need to go into the group page (on a PC) and there should be an option to upgrade your group status to a clan status. I've already done the approval for the group. Any questions or help you need, feel free to give me a shout.
  9. I only joined part way through the first run last night. So big props for Gary for getting everyone as far as they'd already got. General observaations is that there is too much of a pressure to do things right straight away. More time needs to be taken to understand the bits we are doing and if that means a few wipes then so be it. So long as it results in people understanding rather than just doing then it's time well spent. Jumping puzzle is getting there with The new method. Listening to Gary last night was great. A really good understanding of where is and isn't neccessary to jump not only on the gap but on the ledge as well. Surprisingly Gatekeeper phase was done without a wipe. Mainly down to taking our time. An experienced team can do this in a few minutes, but there is no shame in taking a bit longer to be sure and getting the same result. In my eyes the biggest issue we have is listening. There were a lot of occasions ladt night where wipes/deaths etc.. could have been avoided if people listen. If the instructions aren't clear, that's cool, i'll repeat them as many times as needed. But just not listening to them just makes the whole thing harder than it needs to be I hope everyone learnt something from last night as that is the important part. I'd quite happily do another run like last night to help people out
  10. Still going to take it with a pinch of salt. Remember they "listened to the community" on tge last release and gave us 3 PvP maps!!
  11. This! Once you understand the basics of the relic all the other sections start to fall into place. Also using the relic helps you understand why it's important to know where you and your team mates are on cleansing phases as a non-relic carrier.
  12. Not likely to be on for most of the week now. Gotta keep the mrs sweet before my Slipknot gig tomorrow!!
  13. I'm totally down for helping out on this, but as with Lee, afternoons are pretty much a no go due to family commitments. But i will quite happily dedicate as much time as is needed on this, as in the long run it will save everybody time and hassle. Getting checkpoints of the specific points will be the only bit slowing the thing down
  14. My weekends are all over the place so i can't commit to a regular night. But if i'm on, then i'll raid!
  15. Dude, for carrying my ass through the arc burn nightfall on my shitty toon, you can have all the Fatebringer kills you want. Just help me run VoG as much as poss to get my own!!
  16. Patience is a virtue it would seem. I'd like to try that stratgey on the normal raid next time we do it
  17. Yo dude. Good to have you on board! Glad you enjoyed it. There will be plenty more raids and stuff to come soon! Hope we didn't just talk nonsense about the raid and you learnt a fair bit as well
  18. From what i've read so far it doesn't seem much of a holy grail to me. CE just doesn't have that "it" factor that VoG does. I'll hit it on normal, but hard mode, meh....
  19. Something, anything for my fricken motes of light. After that, i dunno really.....maybe a Ghalli would be cool and then watch the Destiny forums implode from all the rage!!
  20. Sunsinger warlock + Icebreaker + VoC makes that daily a cake walk solo //(Plumber)Dave - Tell Rod he's welcome! It was really cool to someone new through it. Our team worked really well to help him through the whole thing and i'm glad he enjoyed it. On a seperate note, what weekend night are people on for raiding this week?
  21. Zombies looks ace, but not enough to save this franchise. They need to go all out and release a zombies only game. DLC just aint gonna cut the mustard anymore
  22. Really pleased to hear you say that! It's been weird hearing your voice when gaming and you not raging!! Can't wait to get you into your first raid
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