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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Anyone else click on this thread thinking it was going to be Diddums' game on crucible the other night and then being slightly dissapointed?! "Guardian down"!!
  2. Good shit. Just annoys me that they kind of do adhoc things like this for PvP which are a pretty big deal, but outside of DLC PvE doesn't really get a look in. Guess i want to have my cake and eat it
  3. Battered the crap out of my 1st nightfall running it as (mostly) a gruesome twosome with Dids. We both got garbage drops but was fun to just keep hearing "Guardian down" followed by "fucking splodey shanks"
  4. Hopefully a few people from Eurogamer a few years ago will get this picture i just took on the tube
  5. Where is it you work J? I use a couple of American suppliers for my grinding wheels. //Gary - What made you switch? Money i guess
  6. Yo Cal. Good to see you back here in the thick of it. It'll be great to see the weird comments and threads here and not just on Facebook!! Maybe a bit of GTA online soon? I never got round to doing the heists. Are they worthwhile?
  7. Yup been there for 9 years now for my sins!! In other news my tent fits(ish) in my back garden!! We got soaked last weekend and it needed airing and my mrs insisted it wouldn't fit. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!
  8. Make sure to send Diddums an invite. He gets all pissy if you don't, so it's usually best to a few
  9. There's some work i gotta do in here (somewhere!)
  10. And here is the reason why we sucked so badly at ToO!!! Want me some IB goodness. It's always good to get a few people on the PvP side of things. No strategy just random running and gunning at it's best!!
  11. Elitists can suck my balls. It's a videogame, get over yourself. It is a shame that this type of person has probably alienated some of the more casual players. I'm tempted to get on Reddit now and create a noob team thread where the requirements are a sense of humour and the ability to fail the gorgan maze at least 15 times before asking what's a jumping puzzle. I have a lot more fun playing with those people than people insisting that a 365 Ghally is the be and end all of the game.
  12. Good to be back on for a bit last night. Got the 32 PoE done so another pce of the armour sorted. However looking forward to having a good bash on IB this time around. Me wants all the etheric light i can get my hands on. Plus IB makes for 6 man parties and shennanigans which always a bonus!!
  13. Going to miss it this weekend as i'll be away. Might try and have a bash on Monday though if people are about to help
  14. Good job Ryan. We couldn't get anywhere close to going flawless. Any tips for us noobs out there?
  15. Here's a couple of clips from one of the games last night including the jump snipe. ToO stuff:
  16. It has been really good fun to try it out. It's been a steep learning curve but fun whilst getting there. The highs we've experienced over thr past couple of nights far outweigh the dissapointment of the multiple spankings we had. Diddums going all MLG on a game and getting 15 kills was just fecking awesome! I know PvP isn't everyone's bag but this game mode will give massive longevity to the new content for me. It's well worth a bash if you have the patience to learn how to play the game mode, as it can be frustrating at times.
  17. PoE on lvl 28 is a nice easy way to grind out some coins
  18. Fuck, shit, bollocks and arse! So remind what lvl 1 unlocks then? I'm sure i got to use one of these token thingies to use in lvl 1
  19. Whilst it see where you're going with that. I played an MMO called city of heroes/villains for years. After being out for a very long time and people complaining of lack of content and saying they could do better, the devs finally gave in and released an update which gave you full cteative control to make your own storyline, missions, characters, the works. It was awesome to begin with. The amount of content doubled if not tripled overnight. But that was the beginning of the end of that game, therr was too much content. People stopped giving a shit about the lore of the actual game and just devised power levelling scenarios to min/max their toons asap. The good content was hidden in a massive pile of crap. And the original story didn't seem to matter. The game no longer had the welcoming easy going feel to it anymore which alienated new and old players. Basically it was the beginning of the end of the game and eventually went the way of the dodo. There's no doubt this game needs more content, but it has to be done right otherwise this world and lore they've built could all be for nothing.
  20. I'm glad everyone is finding it a challenge and fun so far. It'll make our eventual progress to the 35 PoE all the more sweet. Nearly at PoE rank 1 now so will be getting me some sweet shaders very shortly. Just keep running that 28 and you'll be there in no time
  21. Could you not attatch a Fatebringer to each of those Jellyhorns? Then we'd be getting somewhere!!
  22. Sam - It's one reward per level per week. So you can get all 3 rewards combined for doing the 32,34 and 35 PoE. But you won't get multiple armour cores for running the 32 version for example. Only other way to get round it is using alternative characters
  23. I think i'm in the same boat as you as far as the game delivered vs the game they sold. The vanilla game was a dissapointment in that aspect. However i'm just looking at what they are delivering now in expanding the experience. I know i like what they've done, but to quantify if that makes it a good purchase? I guess that comes down to hours played vs cost in my book. Other people will have other metrics and that's cool. But for the £80 i've spent on this game, i've already more that got my money's worth. Should i have had more to experience for the £80, possibly.
  24. I can totally understand where you are coming from. But for some reason it doesn't seem to bother me at the moment. I guess all the DLC packs i bought for CoD kinda desensitised me to what we should actually expect. I can only hope that they are looking at that aspect for when Comet comes out later this year. For the meantime, i'm more than happy with what we've got. Also, not one mention of Trials of Osiris yet! I've really enjoyed the PvP aspect of this game as well, so another game mode that focuses on winning and good gear sounds pretty interesting too. Overall this expansion is miles above and beyond the last one. Do we maybe expect too much sometimes?
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