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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Ahhh ok. Just re-read it and noticed black spindle wasn't on there, so hopefully there'll be a rake of shit that will be hidden away
  2. Glad i wasn't the only one who thought that. I really hope they expand on it or have more stuff hidden in the wings somewhere.Hopefully there will be a good variation in the legendary stuff at least
  3. Ok i see what we did wrong on our tier 2 last night now. Looking over the notes i can't see it mentioning anywhere the strategy of "Running around in circles, screaming about fucking wizards, dying a fair bit, insulting your team mates, nipping off for a beer, running to the closest shiney object only to find it's actually some white ammo that you maxed out on about 10 minutes go" Thank god for guides like this. Should be a breeze next time! [emoji41]
  4. Crucible was about all i played until the new expansiom csme out. Maybe a good blast on it is in order. It's just still all so overwhelming that i kinda forgot about the PvP!!
  5. I'm down for that if i'm on dude. Batter a good few strikes out and get you up the light levels
  6. Finished the totem relay race and also the warpriest. I think a couple of us got drops, the rest was engrams. No major drop to speak of that i can remember. Gary lagged out at the last second on the warpriest but managed to load in just in time to get a reward. Loved doing it all over again yesterday. The relay race was so much slicker this time around and didn't seem as much of a cluster fuck as it was before!! Warpriest will be easier when you all know the ropes a bit better. But the first few times we failed hard!! Had a very quick bash a golgoroth afterwards and it looks like this could be a tough fight. Some weird mechanics in there that need to be manipulated correctly and as a team. We'll see a bit more of that next time no doubt Good games from everyone last night!
  7. Good to know it drops from everything then. Still need to run me a nightfall. Not done one since...........well ages ago
  8. See how the night goes. I'm not entirely sure how many people are going for it tonight anyways. I have a feeling that bit is where the light levels will start making a big difference. Still, no bother in doing it all over again next week!I get the feeling this raid will be something that's done over a week rather than battering it in an hour
  9. More than likely a fresh start. Not alpt of the others can make it. Plus a bit more practice on the bits i did already will not go amiss. It's a hard slog to get as far as we did
  10. So..... anyone up for a go on this tonight?
  11. This only drops on heroic strikes right? Got me one of the weapons already which is a pleasant surprise!!
  12. Fair to say, his excitement level was off the charts last night!! Top lad!!
  13. Was a bastard wasn't it. Managed to get the boss down at the last minute, but had no chance of getting through those adds Edit: Just read that link. Wow!! So paraphrasing a little i read the following: "Due to a bug/glitch/whatever, some of the drops have been at 310 light rather than the INTENDED 290. If you still have a 310 in your inventory then it will be brought inline with what was INTENDED. If you want to infuse it to take advantage, there's not alot we can do about that" The amount of butt hurt on the Destiny forums is amazing. People crying about a "nerf". Let me explain something kiddies. Something has to be INTENDED to be of a certain level before dropping it's effectivness, that is a nerf. A bug/glitch causing you to get drops that were NOT INTENDED and then correcting it is not a nerf. Christ, they even go as far as to tell you how you can still benefit from this glitch and some people are still bitching. Wow, just fucking wow!
  14. I thought it was 2 as well, but i'm sure one of the chests gave us 2 fragment thingys.Charlie was the only one to drop a weapon as i recall?
  15. So feedback after our 1st run. First "puzzle" wasn't too bad after we figured it out. Get the relics and put them in the statues 6 times. 3 people on each side, 1 to carry relic, 1 to protect relic carrier and 1 to break the glass doors that appear. Not too much else to this and went quite well once we figured out what we were doing Jumping puzzle.......Well what can you say! It puts the VoG jumping puzzle into perspective. A lot of trial and error, but the key is to understand what is getting you somewhere and what is a red herring. But very, very doable if you can get those jumps timed just right Relic/Totem relay race - As frustrating as this was last night, it was easily the best mechanic for teamwork that i've come across. 6 people all working in tandem, making specific call outs at specific times and everyone knowing what to do was a thing of beauty when we finally did it. However getting it down to a fine art is going to be a long road on that. My original thoughts were for middle plate people, 1 looks high and takes care of wizard & the other goes low and is on minion patrol to thin the numbers for the totem teams. Totem teams worked well, especially when we had the boomer call out working. Bubbles here were a god send, but person who doesn't have the aura needs to be careful to stay in the aura otherwise their life started to diminish. That's my take on last night in a nutshell. I really hate to think what hard mode is going to be like!!
  16. Jumping puzzle again i'm afraid and it's not easy time this time around!For what we covered a light level of around 280 was fine. I was 281, didn't feel like i was dying boy and put more than my fair share of bad guys away! With that said most of the enemies we faced were level 41, i'm expecting to start seeing some 42's pop in the further into the raid you get. I'm going to start using the spoiler thread now for what we covered last night so be warned if anyone feels tempted to peak their head in there!!
  17. Good work tonight folks. Got all the way to the first proper boss fight before calling it a night. Some frustrating parts in there but ultimatley satisfying when it all comes together. Can't wait to have another crack, hopefully on Friday
  18. I like Owl Destiny threads because they rarely stay on topic, have some useful info and go over some people's heads That kinda on topic still?!
  19. How many marks do you have?75 marks will net you a 280 ghost or boots depending on your need. Should be around 30 a day up for grabs if you do the daily story and crucible.
  20. This should be the one Dave: https://youtu.be/BeiNzP1yPjg Struggled to find a decent quality vid due to copyright restrictions on alot of them Edit: note to self to check you tube vids first. Trolling little dicks!!
  21. Parenting at it's best!! I'd liken it to proper father and son bonding time!!
  22. Had a bash at this last night with Bob and Crispy. It's a nice little addition, but i didn't quite get it. Reward drops were inconsistent to say the least. The tier 1 fights were over in seconds, tier 2 wasn't much longer. Don't think we did a tier 3 but i guess it's just a 3rd boss at the same time. However when you roll this up into the package of a standard patrol it's a great little addition that could have some legs if they refine it a bit
  23. Not out tonight now, so might be down for a run at this. However the absolute earliest i'll be able to get on is 8(.30) after putting the kids to bed. I'll let you know for sure once i've got clearance from the boss!
  24. If you've a few minutes spare have a read of this article. It's about a company in Holland that caters for terminally ill patients to have their last wish granted. It's amazing to read the lengths they go to and the great attitude they have. Some really touching stories in there, which actually put a smile on my face to know that some of those people died happy, after having a final experience rather than confined to a bed in a hospital http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34297590 '> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34297590
  25. It's the amount of drops rather than quality from my experience so far. Ran 4 or 5 in a row and really noticed that drop rate increase but i didn't see any purples on the latter strikes
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