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Plumbers Crack

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Everything posted by Plumbers Crack

  1. Q: What song to sing while eating a doner kebab?
  2. And where is Euan?
  3. You mean a Multiverse? Why didn't you say so? For those of you not conversant with the Multiverse, here is a brief explanation and can I also heartily recommend The Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, one of the most amusing authors of our time Multiverse From Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki A universe is a small thing by comparison, as it contains only the sum totality of any one chain of causal events.A multiverse could perhaps best be described as "Everything", as best understood and described by Lobsang Ludd and Wen in Thief of Time. Everything is.... well, everything. Not just the things that we perceive are, from our lowly vantage point, of only being able to see and act in three dimensions of space and what we perceive to be one-way linear time. It contains everything that is, was, will be, and more importantly all the mights and maybes. Things and events that we might distantly speculate about, or that we wonder might have happened if events had played out a bit differently... for instance, Mustrum Ridcully wonders wistfully what might have been if he'd married Esmerelda Weatherwax. Meanwhile, Granny can't think straight for all the thoughts in her head which, while they're talking in her voice, damn well aren't hers. And all those memories of different lives led by other Esmerelda Weatherwaxes that are leaking in from somewhere... Which is because somewhere out there, it HAS happened. As Roundworld seer Robert Anton Wilson phrased it Everything you can imagine is happening out there somewhere. Which is the definition of a Multiverse. Even if it isn't happening here, there will be a whole sub-infinity of parallel universes where it is. If the created Multiverse contains all possibilities and all probabilities become events somewhere, then it also includes the concept that things and people may be able to cross the boundaries between Universes. Under great stress and need, for instance, Rincewind and Twoflower are able to pass temporarily to Roundworld, where they manifest aboard an airliner in alternate personalities, as Dr Rjinswand and Jack Zweiblumen. The Elves can cross between universes - not quite at will, but whenever they are called strongly enough. Noble dragons may cross to our universe when summoned. Time-travelling bag lady Mrs Tachyon can certainly travel in time - this includes the probability she may also be able to travel in space. Things from the Dungeon Dimensions may cross from their own phase of the Multiverse whenever opportunity presents itself. The Librarian uses L-Space as a means of navigating between the possibilities and probabilities of the Multiverse; Hex trawls it to bring back fragments and echoes of books from other universes. Hex also manages the various transitions of the Wizards, between the Disc and the Roundworld project. Vampire flashsides are such a powerful psychic event for the vampire and anyone in his/her vicinity that they are capable of wearing down the usual dividing walls, and bringing two or more realities into the same place at once. And some concepts or qualities or even people are so powerful that they resonate across every phase of the multiverse like a very big bell... but the biggest, loudest, most resonant bell of all which is heard everywhere in the Multiverse is, of course, Azrael.
  4. Q: Song that gets you pumped up for a night out
  5. Gary, is that another of your fancy dress costumes or something from your day-to-day wardrobe?
  6. Check out here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-bandwidth_Digital_Content_Protection I only had a rough idea until I looked for you!
  7. That looks insane! reminds me of some of the children's model cars from Hot Wheels and stuff!
  8. Scottish football's new secret weapon! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-26371625
  9. OK, I'm in internal refurb hell at the moment so I don't feel in the frame of mind to organise this but here's a suggestion:- 'Murica is generally speaking GMT - 5 to 8 hours? Make the first couple of get togethers the first or second Sunday in the month at 8.00pm (20.00) GMT then tweak the timing from there. I suggest Sunday as a lot of folks go out socialising Saturday night This Sunday is the first Sunday in March.............. ? Discuss please with suggestions
  10. When are you 30 Dave?
  11. If there's barely anyone playing can we do private matches on MW2?
  12. Hopefully tomorrows (?) DLC on the Playstation will freshen things up
  13. Should be interesting....wonder if they'll stick to the book
  14. Think I still got. It. It was my first FPS and MP
  15. Could this be a way of getting a few extra bucks to help with the aquarium costs, Steve?
  16. I think (and hope) that the 50k debt Jordie mentions is what he would owe if he went to university. Jordie, from what I've read here and in some of your other posts, I think that you'll succeed at whatever you put your mind to. There's always football coaching
  17. Just heard on BBC News that Mt.Gox has disappeared owing million to Bitcoin holders. Can't post link as it's on the TV Edit: link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26333661
  18. Well, Unless he knows how to use Linux, or can afford an Apple, he'll still have to run MS Windows
  19. No change there then, Kyle? I still play Ghosts coz pf the players, I am bored to the back teeth with the maps now, the wait for the first DLC is too long. I agree with James comment about the next CoD having to look over it's shoulder BF4 is a bitch at first, and very frustrating, but the more you play , the more you understand and I like very much the fact that YOU can choose where to respawn either at a fixed point or on a squad mate, you're not just dumped in by the game engine. One tip:- avoid flying in a helicopter piloted by Glen!
  20. Tonights TG....back to its best!
  21. USA 0-1 down, man the barrricades!
  22. I had to Google Hammond Robotics......... showing my age?
  23. Anyone on this weekend? Possibly tonight?
  24. Don't think it's going to happen. Saw the upcoming fixtures and they look pretty tough
  25. There were server problems last night. Got kicked and couldn't join any server and that was on quick match. Apart from that no problems
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