So… it’s not good. Unfortunately.
On a positive note though it’s not as bad as I had heard. It kind of just exists. I pretty much watched the whole thing with zero emotional attachment to any of the characters, which is weird, since I loved the original movies.
The story is borderline moronic but maybe that’s me. Idk. They re-used about as much footage from the original movies as I think they had new footage.
The action scenes are decent enough and there are some decent acting performances, although I think Keanu may have been there for the paycheck instead of the performance. He seemed kinda blah through out.
I just don’t know what to say… 😂
I give it a 5/10 it’s not the worst movie I’ve seen by a long shot but I still don’t know what the fuck they were doing. I say if you want to waste about 2.5 hours of your life, watch it. Just keep your expectations on the low side. There’s plenty of nostalgia to be had but other than that it’s as shallow as a kiddie pool.
*Go see Spider-Man instead