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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Steelers, superbowl bound. Via the FG App
  2. It changes up the strike to make it more challenging or more fun, elemental burns, non replenishing shields, your mele is stronger, you take more damage in the air, shit like that. I said when I first saw the road map that I would probably play the game again in May, and it seems that hasn't changed. Via the FG App
  3. We've had it. Been in the wife's family since 1972. The distributor we've only had about 5 years. Via the FG App
  4. Funny thats what you guys call Stella, that's how we feel about Budweiser drinkers. Lol Via the FG App
  5. Didn't realize that many had it. Chris and I just picked it last week after I nagged him some. Via the FG App
  6. Shit, we sell so much of it they give us these fancy pants glasses to serve it in. Lol Via the FG App
  7. Yeah, we sell it at both places (we have a distributor also), I think it's 5% iirc. Via the FG App
  8. I got the season 3 pass since I didn't pay anything for the game (trade in credit), it was 29 bucks I think. The old operators don't seem discounted yet. So far digging Fuze and mostly using rook on defense, but plan on getting a few new operators to try. Have 6 atm. Edit :unless 25k is the discount price? Then what the hell did they used to be? Lol Via the FG App
  9. Lol. Nice. I haven't. Interested in trying it and possibly selling it at our bar. Has a large startup cost for what I want to do. Unfortunately. Been jumping around on what I've been drinking lately, some IPAs, some stouts, and this one Shandy I'm addicted to. Via the FG App
  10. Jason


    Didn't see the minecraft tag. Thought we were talking about brewing beer, was disappointed. Via the FG App
  11. That was a big factor in me deciding to buy it. I always wanted to play it anyway, and knowing they aren't planning to pump out sequel after sequel made my decision easy. Via the FG App
  12. Do you get hyped before hand by watching old episodes of top gear? Via the FG App
  13. Nope. Wasn't even having fun in the beta. Via the FG App
  14. Don't mind the static weapon rolls much, but mostly agree with what's been said. Bring back the Heroic strike Playlist and make it a viable loot choice. I keep expecting them to add an update that does this. Minor complaint, but Wtf did they do to the vault system. It was damn near perfect at the end of D1. They are using too many recycled weapon and armor skins imo as well. Hopefully that changes with updates and dlc. Example, they have this sweet new iron banner armor and recycle every gun model. Come on man. I actually enjoy crucible alot this time. All and all I'm enjoying myself, but I can see the hardcore players running out of shit to do. Via the FG App
  15. Whoa. Via the FG App
  16. Yeah. It's gonna be epic. Via the FG App
  17. It's a blue quest flag by Devrim. Via the FG App
  18. Yeah, a hat or beanie would be sweet. Although like Bart says, I don't need it to fit my 6 month old daughter, I want it to fit my head. Via the FG App
  19. It's a free gift. Not bugged. It's ment to be infused. Via the FG App
  20. Yeah, the last one seems to be random as far as which door opens I think. Via the FG App
  21. As far as getting power levels up, the Nightfall is pretty much a cake walk this week, so do that to get you some good gear. Via the FG App
  22. Well maybe not all. But I remember reading something about it. I can't find where now damnit. Especially with regards to guardian exos. Via the FG App
  23. All exos were humans at one point iirc. Via the FG App
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