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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. That was pretty nice. Good find.
  2. Wii
  3. Mario Kart for life! Hell yeah... Welcome to the forums. Lee's a good dude, so I'm sure you'll fit right in here.
  4. Thanks.
  5. That's an interesting theory, Lee. Where do you read about the splicers? I'd like to check that out if you've got a link.
  6. Yeah, it became a chore there for a while. A break was good. It doesn't feel like a grind to me at all anymore. It's just fun to bullshoot and shoot stuff. Glad to have you back.
  7. I'd love to shoot some alien again with you. I took a big break from it and PS4 in general, it felt good to come back to it. It's such a smooth, relaxing game, perfect for talking shit and playing.
  8. LOL. Then, I guess this is goodbye. haha
  9. Sounds solid. Hope it works out well.
  10. Cool man. Hope it's not too pricey or tricky. This shit is way over my head. I don't know how I haven't blown up the whole forum by looking through the admin settings. You're a brave soul for trusting me.
  11. There's a few of us that have recently started playing it again. Just back in and see how it goes, maybe you'll want to get it.
  12. That's definitely a possibility. But, eventually, this will be a bad ass game. I have no doubts.
  13. I could never get into Sonic. I tried, but he never did it for me. I was always a bigger fan of NES and SNES than any Sega system.
  14. I'm sure you'll be able to spawn in on your squad as well. This looks amazing. I'm pumped up for it. I'll be getting this for Christmas for sure.
  15. Good looking fish, Steve.
  16. Fuck Sonic. Mario for Life!
  17. I had no plans of getting it, but if a bunch of us keep playing it like we are now, I might pick it up. I also want Skyrim remastered too. So, I'm not 100% sure yet.
  18. What's up with this:
  19. It's been fun joining you all on Whatsapp.
  20. Glad you're not dead. Glad this place is up and running again.
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