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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. Yeah, I know about battlelog, but why in the hell can't you do it from within the game? Lol. We shouldn't need an app or website to set up classes outside of a game. Seems very silly.
  2. ^ [Like]
  3. I wish there was a way to set up loadouts that didn't require you to be in game or in the shooting range. Seems silly that they didn't implement it.
  4. You can customize your load out Midgame on PS4. I don't recall the button for sure but I think it's square.
  5. I looooved DA: Origins, but couldn't get into Inquisition at all.
  6. I'm currently in the Phillipines, I'll contribute to this thread when I'm back in the states.
  7. I'd love to get some games in with you dude. We're all on PS4. Get BF1 and join the cool kids.
  8. Awesome tips. Nice find.
  9. Ahhh, okay. Nice.
  10. I didn't know about any of this. Best of luck to you and your wife, Dave. Good on everyone who contributed. This community rocks.
  11. What are those lyrics from?
  12. Mccree is pretty fun. He's all I used tonight. I want to try out the sniper girl tomorrow. I'm beat though, headed to bed.
  13. Got the game tonight at Meijer for $49.99. Looking forward to joining you all.
  14. I traded in the Division already. I want to hang onto BO3. Probably be my last CoD. I'll end up getting it eventually. I like the idea if Blizzard supporting it with free updates.
  15. That sucks. I hope hoping to rent it this week.
  16. They mention collecting resources or samples don't they? I'm not sure what the point is either, but I'm interested in knowing more. I'm enticed but not sold.
  17. I'm not getting it right away, but it's a game I'm definitely keeping an eye on. Seems like it could be really cool.
  18. Did someone say LoL? I'm definitely thinking about getting it. Plan on grabbing it from Redbox to try it out and then decide.
  19. Glad you're enjoying it Welcome to the guild.
  20. I was working 3rd shift at the time. My partner and I would play it for hours. We'd try different strategies and see how far we could get. Kept us busy. Good memories.
  21. BO is one of my top 10 favorite games. Boring definitely isn't what comes to mind. Some of the best MP and zombies on the series imo.
  22. Wish it was a little cheaper. I want it, but I don't want it for $60.
  23. That looks really good!
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