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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I would consider it for a Champ. You do get something that could be discounted that way. The skins aren't worth it to me based on what is available
  2. Do you work for the post office by any chance?
  3. As much as this is great, there just isn't enough time to play with all these darn games. I think I have 6-7 of them that I haven't even started. Skyrim Legendary has got to take about 200-300 hours to play the entire thing. Especially of you decide to try to be the warewolf, vampire and hunters. You have to play through 3 times (assuming only 1 character). I must admit I like the PC however. My PS has been sitting on a shelf unplugged for at least 3 weeks maybe even more. All I use it for is to play blueRays.
  4. That doesn't quite sound right in this day and age. Should we call the cops? Just boil some leaves. That's all tea is anyways
  5. Yep, I do dark binding, followed by tormented soil, followed by shackles. I haven't tried to put the shield on myself before shackles yet. Don't know if that would work if I am shielded. Obviously you need loads of mana to do that but Q, W + R work well. I've also build her with a crap load of cool down reduction + AP and I have managed to Q, W, Q and R which is crazy good.
  6. I did one top because we had a newbie player that had no idea about lanes or what we were talking about and left the top lane solo. I was suppose to support on bottom. I did one mid because Mid got DCed and we did not want to leave the lane open. Bot was more than capable alone using Yasuo The rest were Support on Bot. Latest games was 12,1,17 after we lost our ADC to a bad connection. I think I've found my goto champ or simply figured out how to play support properly. Had a killing spree of 11 and a triple kill.
  7. Well so far with Morgana 7,5,14 (first game) 5,3,20 2,2,15 1,1,26 3,2,17 Needless to say I like her a hell of a lot I just have to learn not to get trap between my team and the other time by overshooting.
  8. Tried Morgana bot this morning (she's free this week). I like her a lot. I always found her to be a pain to play against and she's very good. Also been trying to use some of my other champs more. Soraka and Garen are getting some play time. Getting slightly better with Garen. Soraka is pretty darn good also.
  9. Well it's not like this game is bug free. BattleFailed is a rather appropriate name for it
  10. 41 according to that, 48 in reality must have been because I think the iPad is cool
  11. It's legal for medical reasons here. Just need a doctor to give you a prescription. A lot people seem to forget there are a lot of medicines with Narcotics in them. No one seems to have a problem with doctors prescribing those. The image of pot smokers is the problem. This is what takes it to the extreme however http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/mountie-says-he-has-legal-right-to-smoke-medical-marijuana-in-uniform-1.1565395
  12. that's happened to me. Was the invisible man. Strange as hell. I haven't played in over a month however, would have expected that to be fixed
  13. Been practicing in custom matchs. I start with Machete and health regen ( to build spirit of the spectral wraith) and attack wolves and then Wight (I get time to buy both since those spawn at 2:05 and I use smite on the wight since it regens so quickly now) and then recall. Buy mana regen or spirit stone depending on gold and then wolves and wight again. By then I have w,e,w and I can start to attack the major monsters without too much problem. I have to try with actual opponents next. My biggest problem is I have to remember to use Dark wind before Drain. I didn't realize that if you attack or use a spell it cancel out drain at first. He is really good once about level 5. Been building Hextech gunblade, blade of the ruined king and crystal scepter for him. Not conventional at all but trying to see if I can benefit from the life steals and Attack damaged rather than ability power. Will see
  14. You got: As British as Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood I guess being Canadian makes me British light
  15. I've you tried to Jungle with Fiddlesticks? I'm trying him now. He's highly rated but I can't really get him going. He's too weak at the start and can't even take down the wolves solo. By about level 3 he becomes usable. Be 5 he's extremely good. I've been trying to build him with life steal which may not be the wisest move since life steal is available mostly with attack damage. I've you been using the MOBA builds for him. I beleive you use to play him a lot.
  16. You don't like WarWick Jungle? I like him a lot. Probably my favorite role. He a great jungler and can support others pretty well with Hunters Call which will get you lots of assists and blood scent. He's most definitively for a team player.
  17. Wow a blond girl with boobs. yep that's her likeness alright. Couldn't possibly be anyone else in Hollywood
  18. Darn right. 2 posts up
  19. Nah, it's obvious that the vendor is trying to take advantage of someone who does not read the description carefully and EBAY does not want people being taken advantage of. Some people for example do not have english as a first language for instance
  20. If the guy had common sense he would not have knocked up his girlfriend at the age of 15 and then decide that he should be spending 450 pounds on a gaming console for a 4 year old when he has little source of income (it says he is a student). I'm pretty sure the family can use that money on something more important. I'm also pretty sure that he's using his son as an excuse to get himself a gaming console. He's an idiot.
  21. Actually I think DICE is most of the problem. They obviously failed to execute. EA just distributes this shit mess. However I am sure some key executive made the call to release anyways to beat CoD to market. I'm hopeful the board and stock holders put the screws to their management. They've had more than there fair share of fuck ups lately. Lots of games have not met expectations (Maden, BF4, Crysis 3....).
  22. The wall street Journal and a number of other analyst and pointing out that BF4s quality is so poor and EAs ability to respond as so problematic that it's affecting sales and share prices. EA has had to assign resources to fix it on all platforms. http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2013/12/05/battlefield-4-woes-continue-to-plague-electronic-arts/?mod=yahoo_hs They've actually halted all developments at DICE until the issues are fixed. Things have got to be pretty fucked up for a public company to admitting stopping all development in order to fix problems with a released product
  23. Actually had he trusted Dean and kept his mouth shut Dean's plan might have worked. Gadriel knew of the plan because he overheard Kevin talk. He was already dispatched to kill Kevin so trusting Dean wasn't what got him killed. I'm glad Cas is back in the game. The human thing was fun for a while but going nowhere. I think they are going to end up using Crowley somehow. I like this season much better than last
  24. @Dr Diamond I still recommend the Fender mustang Amp. It comes in different sizes and I don't know how "professional" you want. I have the II. It allows to program the settings for any of your songs and there is a user community online that have done some settings for alot of songs already. I got mine about 2 years ago and no problems http://www.fender.com/series/mustang/
  25. I probably now have more games than I have time to play. Skyrim here I come again
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