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    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Favourite Challenges and Blueprints to Complete   
    Again, none of the blueprints are really worth it. The battle pass is cool to buy if you want but if you arent interested in cosmetic stuff then just keep doing the free one. You will get the guns free anyway. You could just grind the free one and towards the end of the season you are done or finished leveling then it may now be a bad idea to go ahead and buy it since you'll have everything done.

    All the Marksman rifles are good but hit marker crazy if you arent hitting the head. You really are better off with the stronger sniper on WarZone. Again, it's your preference. The Marksman rifles offer more mobility while the snipers offer more power. If you arent looking to shoot too far the Marksman rifles may be great for you. Kar98 is really good being said anyway so you have a great choice there.

    If you are looking for the semiautomatic and not bolt you can stick with the Marksman rifles and use the first one (dont remember the name) or the Fal. The Fal (AR) is super good and can be built to 1 shot also.

    As for the scopes.... The Fal also unlocks a sniper scope if wanted. The holocaust scopes are good but just offer a lot of distraction with the designs unless you commit to unlocking reticles. Again your preference on how far you want to scope. Personally I recommend thermal scope on WarZone. Makes spotting enemy's super easy and you can use it to scout your path as you move forward or even catch campers in the trees or rooftops. There is a thermal scope that also offers a hybrid for a red dot scope so you can switch between the 2.

    Via the FG App

  2. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Favourite Challenges and Blueprints to Complete   
    I agree with@IRaMPaGe , the blueprints for the most part are shyte. They are only good to have when you have no attachments unlocked for the weapons at all so it gives you a little extra for the time being.

    To be completely honest you are better off just working on your favorite guns and unlocking what you can. It is super easy when double weapon XP is active.

    If you want advise on what guns are good I'll put my 2 cents in. AR - M4A1 (the best AR in the game and one of the best guns in general). SMG - MP5 (The best SMG in the game, personally I love the P90 as my SMG of choice since you can pick up decent MP5 in the game). Sniper - HDR or AX50 (both great depends on your playstyle). Shotgun - (Dont worry about them, they are trash in WarZone). LMG - PKM (Great LMG but causes your mobility to hinder as well as any LMG but provides a big punch with a massive magazine).

    For WarZone you want to build range, control, and accuracy. There are a lot of open field areas that you really need it. Personally I build that on all guns. That being said, if you dont need Ghost, I would build the M4A1 as the previously mentioned build, and build P90 as mobility so you can maneuver in close range flights. Just know, UAV is very powerful in this game mode.

    I run a P90 class with a Sniper class and a M4A1 with a rocket launcher class.

    Now, as far a blueprints you want to complete via challenges, well to be honest, I have no clue since the system in this game suck. From challenges not completing, having to select 1 at a time, not being able to see what group of 1 challenge unlocks, ect.. it's just garbage. You will have to google what you want for what gun. Just not worth the time to be honest. You are better off working on the gun and unlocking what you want.

    Via the FG App

  3. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Free to Play - Cross Platform - Battle Royal   
    Personally I love this game mode. I usually love BR games. I LOVE the respawning options they added to the game. I actually love the gas mask and haven't had the issues that others have had thankfully. I'm STOKED that they didn't put the effing tanks in it. I love it more than Black Out, personally hated it. I'm just happy its free!!!!!!

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  4. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to ChaosGladiator in Free to Play - Cross Platform - Battle Royal   
    Well, not a whole lot of positivity in here, but let's try and change that!
    I love this game/game mode? Not sure what to call it as it's kind of separated from the base game?
    But yeah, I love it, by far my favourite BR out of the bunch. Bit of a learning curve to it, but that's to be expected. Anyways, here's my opinion on a couple things:
    - Contracts. Holy fuck these things are great, need money for a killstreak? Maybe buy back a dead teammate or just get some armour plates? Pick up a contract! I usually avoid the bounty ones and go for the scavenger/flag capture points for some easy cash and items.
    - Respawn mechanics. Oh you died? Welcome to the Gulag comrade, fight for your right to go back or lose and have your team buy you back provided they can scrape together the 4500$ needed.
    - The map. Yes, it's effing massive. But there's 150 people (ish) in every game. I think over the course of a full evening of this you'll likely have an enemy team dropping in with you no matter where you pick in almost every game so there's not really many dull moments, the insane changes from landing downtown and having skyscrapers around you to suddenly finding yourself in the countryside or in the snowy mountains as the circle moves is also awesome.
    - Custom loadouts. Fuck looting for weapons, get the first and best rifle or what ever off the ground and start looking for money. Once you or your team have collectively amassed 6000$, find a shop and buy an airdrop with your custom loadouts. Running an overkill class with a sniper and AR or SMG is so incredibly overpowered it's not even funny. Not to mention rather than having some random weapon with attachments you aren't used to on them, you can have what you use every damn day. Getting this early on has been a huge contributor to me getting more kills and definetly has helped me get some wins.
    Now, for the few things that actually piss me off.
    - Camping. Every goddamn rooftop, every window, every fucking mountain has a team on/in it sniping. And it only gets worse the smaller the circle gets. The only counters that I know of so far is getting into the zone early on before the gas forces you, or having a UAV and using it before approaching an area with a lot of buildings where you suspect there might be players. Putting a heartbeat sensor as your tactical in your custom loadout or picking one up off the ground can also help provided the guys camping aren't running cold blooded... Oh and to quote one of my favourite FG'ers over the years @kylebees "HE'S SITTING IN A FUCKING CORNER!!" 😄 
    - The gas mask. FUCK this FUCKING hellish useless lump of FUCKING bullshittery. Sure, protects you against the gas, but it will kill you in other ways. Twice I've finished 2nd because of the gas mask in situations where I had every advantage, but the mask fucked me over. How you ask? Because when your character pulls it on or off you become a useless fucking potato that can't function. You can't effing aim at all, which is fair, yeah I guess using one hand to pull the mask on or off will hinder you a liiiittle bit, but they need to redesign it to where you don't FUCKING start pulling it back off if you are already shooting as you come out of the storm. The other thing that got me killed was being on top of a building, I had the high ground, pulled mask on, jumped off building to get away from gas and just before I can hit the "X" buttom to pull my parachute.... My character pulls the mask off and I faceplant the fucking ground.
    But there we go. My opinion on this after spending a LOT of hours on this over the weekend.
  5. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare Regiment   
    If anyone hasnt had invites as of yet put your name down in here and someone can pick it up and send one out to you.
  6. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare Regiment   
    Shoot me one, I'll be in both, if I can.

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  7. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from TigerBurge in Modern Warfare Regiment   
    Shoot me one, I'll be in both, if I can.

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  8. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare Regiment   
    For those in the US, HAPPY hour is at 12 PM PST.

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  9. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to Plumbers Crack in Modern Warfare Regiment   
    We’ve created a regiment for Modern Warfare and invites have been sent. Make sure to check the Regiment tab in the Social area for the invite. The main benefit is Happy Hour which is an hour of double XP when you have at least two regiment players playing together. Happy Hour is currently set for 8.00pm UK time. If you haven’t received an invite (please check first) tell me and I’ll sort it out for you.
    Thanks to Froggie for the initial setup 👍😊
  10. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from tronic44 in FG Videos In 2020   
    I miss the old COD Montages. I have no real interest in other games mostly due to no time to really play them.

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  11. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FG Videos In 2020   
    I miss the old COD Montages. I have no real interest in other games mostly due to no time to really play them.

    Via the FG App

  12. Haha
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in BO4's Final Insult   
    Game was trash to begin with. Now, I think it's worse than trash.

    Via the FG App

  13. Haha
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in BO4's Final Insult   
    Game was trash to begin with. Now, I think it's worse than trash.

    Via the FG App

  14. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Modern Warfare First Impressions   
    I personally love the game and see some great potential. I haven't bought a COD game in a while because to be honest, I didn't like the futuristic crap and flying around. This game doesn't seem to have some spawn trapping issues on some maps as well as it seems to promote a lot of camping rather than the fast play style that COD has always been about. Other than that, I miss the feeling. It definitely has the potential to be the best COD made IMO.
  15. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare First Impressions   
    I personally love the game and see some great potential. I haven't bought a COD game in a while because to be honest, I didn't like the futuristic crap and flying around. This game doesn't seem to have some spawn trapping issues on some maps as well as it seems to promote a lot of camping rather than the fast play style that COD has always been about. Other than that, I miss the feeling. It definitely has the potential to be the best COD made IMO.
  16. Love
    datfroggieguy reacted to J4MES OX4D in Modern Warfare First Impressions   
    Priority MP issues acknowledged
    Footstep audio needs a lot of toning down. The sounds are quality but the directional and distance audio is way off. People are scared to move and others just soundwhore corners for pre-firing. 
    I use Claymore with the x2 perk and it's a filthy setup. I sometimes get more kills this way than gun ones. There's so many doors, angles and corners to exploit, you are guaranteed two kills almost every life.
    Battle chatter is laughably flawed - your character will speak at the worst possible times in which the enemy can hear it i.e sneak up on an enemy and your character will shout 'Enemy Spotted' and then the enemy turns round and you get melted. It can't be disabled either.  All they have to do is make it so only your team can hear such notifications. If they aren't willing to do that, then there has to be an option to turn it off.  
    Spawns need a complete rework on the non-beta maps especially Picadilly. I never thought Spawn trapping would ever come back after Havana ooh na naa in Black Ops 1. Even spawn killing is an issue on bigger maps especially in ground war. 
  17. Like
    datfroggieguy got a reaction from phil bottle in Modern Warfare First Impressions   
    I personally love the game and see some great potential. I haven't bought a COD game in a while because to be honest, I didn't like the futuristic crap and flying around. This game doesn't seem to have some spawn trapping issues on some maps as well as it seems to promote a lot of camping rather than the fast play style that COD has always been about. Other than that, I miss the feeling. It definitely has the potential to be the best COD made IMO.
  18. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Froggie!   
    Glad to have you back Froggie! We need to get you back on Blops with us all
    Make sure you share that mobile game aswell bud
  19. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to NCA-Paendrag in Froggie!   
    Ribit. Welcome back man.
  20. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to Plumbers Crack in Froggie!   
    Welcome back Froggie! 
  21. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to burnfitbillyboy in Froggie!   
    Frogalicious [emoji196] [emoji322]

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  22. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to Diddums in Youtube Stuff   

  23. Like
    datfroggieguy reacted to Diddums in Youtube Stuff   
    Continuing the theme of things I want in my bedroom:

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