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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. The Darkness II for £4.99 from £19.99
  2. Confirmed now http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/09/official-call-of-duty-site-confirms-names-of-the-four-dlc-map-packs-for-ghosts/
  3. There must be a catch... http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/09/infinity-ward-giving-free-personalization-pack-for-the-holidays/
  4. Planetside 2 is excellent for a F2P. Also may I recommend shoplifting?
  5. He'll probably download the dog and it'll be a poodle!
  6. Hotline Miami is £1.74 from £6.99 with 24 hours remaining
  7. Makes a change; she's usually the one in the dock! Cannot stand that cow.
  8. If Battlefield goes annual; it will be an even bigger cash-grab. It'll be like rolling DLC except every 12 months you have to weigh-in £50 for the 'new game'. At least COD offers some diversity between studios. Whatever shitty update they did today; I've lost about 4 ranks and a shed-load of campaign 'cloud' data. I am also a Premium user but cannot play China Rising because I am apparently NOT a Premium user despite it clearly showing that I am. Xbox One users apparently cant download their exclusive Second 'Insult' Assault DLC and a few key servers have lost a wealth of information regarding favourited players. My settings have also completely bollocksed up and reset. Nightmare:-(
  9. What does everyone make of this match-fixing palava? Sam Sodje arrested the other day and DJ Campbell nicked this morning. Pricks the lot of em! Just goes to show how easy it can be done - £70,000 for 1 red card is easy money and it's probably happening on an even more massive scale. Really f*****g the fans, clubs and their own team mates. Burn the lot of em!
  10. Oh so not worth the money http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/09/guard-dog-skin-called-the-wolf-coming-to-ghosts-for-3/ I'd be happy with microtransactions for things like camo but in all honesty; I couldn't give a flying fig what my dog looks like as long as it kills! What's next; a scarf for your soldier to use on Whiteout!?
  11. Asylum and City were absolutely remarkable games but I've been a bit put-off with the reviews of Origins. It's made by a new developer isn't it too? May pick it up on Steam if it dips below £20 notes
  12. Just released a 888mb update for Battlefield 4. Good you may think? Nope! In doing so; they managed to crash every single server without prior warning that an update was being enforced. Everyone currently connected has been booted. They have just wiped my friends entire statistics for the day and killed his server in the process. Bah, you gotta love EA for their downright foresight in sheer stupidity and carelessness!
  13. Can't wait for this movie! http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/12/09/first-inbetweeners-2-still-released The first one wasn't as good as the TV series but I'm really looking forward to this anyway.
  14. They are also doing Game of Thrones http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/12/08/telltale-confirms-game-of-thrones-project Just hope they aren't taking on too much as The Wolf Among Us episodes are being rolled out every 3 months now to make way for new projects. Love Telltales games though and particularly looking forward to the take on Borderlands.
  15. If you like Borderlands and The Walking Dead; this is for you http://kotaku.com/new-borderlands-game-coming-from-telltale-makers-of-th-1478745808 Fantastic combo!
  16. Another thing that can be added to Spectre's list is the leaderboards; why do IW's games collate the rankings by score only? All this does is reflect who plays the game more than others. At least with Treyarch, the rankings hold more merit with SPM over duration of all-time, monthly and weekly. It's to me a more accurate depiction of quality rather than who has more time on their hands to play. I was in the top 75 Domination rankings on Black Ops with a SPM of around 850 which was a very satisfying but for me to replicate that feat on Ghosts; I'd have to be playing at least 12 hours a day every single day just to match the players in the score-based leaderboard. It's not a crushing problem but it's another feature that isn't as well implemented as what Treyarch have done. Basically anything in Barracks sucks the big one!
  17. BF4 in my opinion is actually terrible. There are more severe game-breaking issues on the game than any other title I have seen. If you're struggling to get into Ghosts; Battlefield 4 will make you give up on the genre altogether lol! The state the game is in at the minute and has been since release; EA do not deserve your money or time.
  18. I wonder if all of this was just a publicity stunt anyway? I can see Mr Macfarlane trolliing the hell out of the diminishing fanbase! Well it's worked...
  19. KO Times ammended http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25281867
  20. Excellent post Spectre! You could also have 'Dynamic Maps' to the add section but in all honesty, are the maps really all that dynamic? Sure you can open and close a few doors, blow up a little bit of scenery and a lamppost may fall over but it's hardly pushing the boundaries in this day and age. IW sold it pretty well in the build up but the final offering in the dynamic stakes is nothing short of what Black Ops 1 offered with elevators and zip wires. I like Ghosts but I expected a bit more and seeing what they've taken away from the series in total just seems to show to me how condensed and stripped down Ghosts really is. For me; the loss of theater is very disappointing not just for my lack of a capture device but in regards to spotting and reporting hackers on PC effectively and with evidence. The infrastructure of Ghosts is really depleted and whilst I like what IW have done in terms of the class customisation and weapons; I find their past two titles a major step backwards in comparison to what Treyarch are doing in moving the franchise forward.
  21. VGX awards Nominee sale - ***Ends tonight*** Bioshock Infinite £6.24 The Stanley Parable £5.99 F1 2013 £14.99 NBA 2K14 £14.99 Rayman Legends £12.49 Injustice Ultimate Edition £19.99 Tomb Raider 2013 £5.99 Metro: Last Light £8.49 Grid 2 £7.49 Far Cry: Bloody Dragon £4.07 COD Ghosts £33.19 Papers Please £3.49 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons £5.99
  22. Lol! I would think eBay have passed it on to Trading Standards - which should give them a right laugh at the office at this jolly festive time of the year! I am surprised eBay actually reimbursed him for such sheer stupidity. Instead, he should be banned for attempting to inflate the price of pictures lol!
  23. Just a summer of friendlies against similarly skilled teams, namely; Albania, Cook Islands and Grimsby Town.
  24. Nor was the poor chaps Xbox One!
  25. Steam listing the release as December 17th
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