Another thing is all these trailers are nowhere near representative of the game or football either. Just a load of OTT nonsense with ludicrous animations, camera work and effects. These 'gameplay' trailers should all contain in-engine direct captures. Oh and I take it all back what I said above - EA did give us raw gameplay; about 1.7 seconds of it and it looks like FIFA 23, FIFA 22, FIFA 21, FIFA 20, FIFA 19 and FIFA 18.
I really miss the 08-13 era because FIFA was just going from strength to strength and improvements were obvious and could truly be felt. The amount that was accomplished between 2007 and 2012 was so significant and although the series was propelled by a window of demise by PES as it struggled with a generational change, FIFA in that era had the licence and they finally had the gameplay to back it up with.
Frostbite is a complete crock of shit for this game and the animations are worse than what they were a decade ago. The only difference with this engine is that there is a greater animation library but most of the time its just bloated with wonkiness and the engine itself cannot fathom which one to use so everything appears janky and cumbersome especially in slow mo. This was something PES nailed perfectly time and time again and things like the ball physics was a sight to behold as it captured everything perfectly. The games are also beginning to look so last gen too and I think we're getting to the stage where Frostbite is already pushed to its limitations, not just in this but with Battlefield too.
E-Football is still two years off getting back to square one and that's wishful thinking and the other football game (UFL) is still not set in stone yet. Christ I miss the days when there was so much choice - Actua Soccer, TiF, ISS, Pro Evo, Adidas Power Soccer, Actua Soccer, UEFA Striker etc...