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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. The only thing big about this update that was being touted as the 'big one' is the download size Update 1.09 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare now live - Patch Notes | Charlie INTEL CHARLIEINTEL.COM Infinity Ward has released the latest patch update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare overnight on November 22 on PlayStation 4, Xbox... Lots of things still outright broken or neglected. All eyes on 1.1 'the biggest one' I bet..
  2. Serial Cleaner FREE on Humble Bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/store/serial-cleaner-free-game?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_twos_tile_index_1_c_freegame_2019_storetile_serialcleaner
  3. Just a guess but I'd say:- - Connection is likely prioritised and the fact they are publishing ping figures rather than just bars or outright hiding such elements knowing they can be caught suggests this may be the case. They have falsified this shit in the past where it was totally removed or masked in later COD titles. - 'Skill' is probably more attributed to form, possibly in 5 game blocks of averages rather than outright k/d. - Clans are being matched against other clans when possible so a low skilled/reverse boosted party leader can't take a team of pub stompers into a low skill lobby. If no other team is available, they are probably being put into high-end form lobbies or ones comparable to the party leaders form. I do think once connection quality is established, then skill becomes a factor for matchmaking so it's possible both of these elements are working hand in hand and are equally important.
  4. I didn't get round to getting the game and then I saw this review yesterday which pretty much answered a lot of questions. Suffice to say, I wont be getting the game anytime soon, if ever
  5. Some of Stadia's Biggest Supporters Are Beginning to Turn Against It - IGN UK.IGN.COM With wide-spread reports of delayed Stadia pre-order access codes, some of the streaming service's biggest supporters are already starting...
  6. I am a bit skeptical about it because it feels more of a cash grab for Activision rather than something to bolster the product especially with the core game still having many fundamental design and technical issues. I'd rather they iron out those before they include yet another tacked on mode which has to be heavily supported. Spec Ops and Trials are still pathetically unfinished and largely neglected so having another aspect to manage will just spread the support and population even more thin of the product. There is still so many bugs and other issues going on, BR will just add and create more problems I reckon.
  7. Looking good and probably has less bullshit than Diablo 4
  8. It's one of those things that if you're a fan of the genre, you may like it for decades to come just like gaming. There is no age cut-off point with things like that unlike some toys for instance or 50 year old men still playing the likes of COD. A lot of this superhero stuff is quite mature actually, plus there is an appreciation for how production quality has evolved from decade to decade. What becomes embarrassing about it is when grown adults squabble about such things but all in all, I don't think you're ever too old to keep enjoying such material. There is certainly a lot more embarrassing things in this industry right now like all these woke reboots for instance.
  9. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/extinction-rebellion-co-founder-calls-holocaust-just-another-f-ery-in-human-history-11865863
  10. I was quite disappointed with Drift0r’s video yesterday - it started off quite promising and then didn’t really deliver anything conclusive and the latter part was all speculation. I don’t think people really care how it works or why it’s in the game - they just want it removed and rightly so. COD has never been the same since it turned into a sweatfest and lobby matchmaking was dictated by things other than connection. Ironically it was only a couple of years ago Drift0r said SBMM did not exist in any COD game and he waged a $1000 bet or something and was subsequently proved wrong and had to pay up. He then got ridiculed by even the devs. I think we need someone like Battlenonsense to dig deep and investigate this properly but a lot of the workings will probably never be truly discovered or ever disclosed and they probably change over time especially when the monetisation kicks in.
  11. I think a positive will be that he lives in London so he wont be housebound in a hotel the entire time like he was at Man Utd.
  12. Great news😎
  13. Spurs may win a trophy now at the expense of attractive football and a squad harmony. Mourinho isn't the man he used to be - his style of football isn't effective any more plus he's lost quite a lot of respect in the game for his attitude, behaviour and overall antics. I though he would've mended this at Man Utd after his horrendous exit from Chelsea but nope, he was just as big of a prick there too. I didn't expect him to ever manage in England again.
  14. Pochettino sacked. No surprises there. Darren Anderton favourite for the role😎
  15. I have died countless times just trying to place that only to get no kills! I've had a few huge strikes on Euphrates and Piccadilly because of the spawns, otherwise it's pretty ineffective on a lot of maps outside of ground war.
  16. I think it's a burger. Samuel L Jackson ate one with cheese in Pulp Fiction.
  17. I use the Tom Cruise Missile as it's largely a guaranteed kill plus you have even get triples on ground war or 10v10 maps like Euphrates Bridge. Not quite as iconic as the predator missile but still very fun to use especially when you see everyone panic as you glide the missile in. Care package is another thing I run as you can earn two or three a match in some modes and despite seeing a lot of Personal Radars, Shield Turrets and CUAV's, it's a good way of landing high-end streaks with low end effort. I always struggle with the 3rd slot although I have had some success with the Wheelson and VOTL. Certainly the latter is very common among players it seems. The Support Helo seems astonishingly powerful especially in larger modes so I may give that a try someday. I don't really bother too much going for high-end streaks though.
  18. It's not Half Life 3 but it's something at least. Pity it's VR but I would expect this to be exceptional compared to the usual quality of games in this format.
  19. Until Monday 10am PST/6pm GMT. Good deal but I'm gonna wait until after Christmas.
  20. Inevitable really. It's just the map used in spec ops and they would never have created such a vast space if it wasn't going to be used for BR. I may give it a go but it's not something I'll likely bother with. Hopefully it wont detract too many people away from the core multiplayer. I have a feeling this game is going to change dramatically in December when the premium aspects come in.
  21. I think the system will probably be digital only but the storage will be cartridge SSD's or an external range of storage which can be inserted and replaced with ease rather than screws having to be undone and warranty's getting put under risk. Games are pushing and surpassing 100gb so if you have a few installed and don't want to delete anything, just swap to a different storage drive with a cartridge maybe..
  22. It's a great package, £30 gets you Halo Reach, Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo ODST and Halo 4 - that's like a fiver a game!
  23. Company of Heroes 2 FREE on Steam until November 17th 10am PST.
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