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Everything posted by Xethius

  1. I didnt see any patch today? Ps4? The game played the worst its ever been LAGGY AS FUCK!! How about make a patch to fix the things that matter!
  2. I have to say i'm really disappointed in this game too. I'm trying to like it but i cant. I have no desire to level up and go into battle dealing with the same shit over. The game has some cool new ideas that I would like to casually play out but I can't invest in this series anymore. Gone are the days of me getting a streak. I fucking suck at this game and it's frustrating. It's frustrating because tdm sucks, the lag is horrendous. I constantly wanna just put my controller down and be done with it. Way too many noobs on there using OP guns. Ie ak12 bal27. I can't even use the smg's as they suck dick. I was soo looking forward to the sn6 it looks bad ass but i cant win any gunfights close or from afar. As jason owl said the graphics look cartoony and weird. I fuckin miss mw2 and bops 2. In its current state this fucking game sucks. I'm ashamed I allowed myself to buy this and get all excited for it.
  3. I'll have it day zero. So count me in, Xyrcus.
  4. Love this show watched both seasons on netflix just waiting for the 3rd one to come out now
  5. It's ok to have disagreements, everyone does and i know every "Place" does. It's not okay to make a member feel unwelcome or unliked because they're feeling like shit. I've been a member of this mw2forums community since i was 18, im 22 now. I have changed and i have grown, I have gotten close to alot of you guys, and some i sorta drew away from(My fault) Either way, to me this place is a godsend. Life is hard so i come here to vent like many of you, don't like it? Balls. Don't comment on anything if you cant prevent yourself from making a condescending passive-aggressive remark. Ive made threads on here about being depressed, why? Well because i always thought this place was a run a way if you will. That my brothers will always have my back if i fall in real life. So i can feel normal again and bring myself out of whatever rut i was in. (advices here helped alot). So, whatever this is guys, dont let it turn into auptykville shitfest. Keep it civil and always be sensitive and open to other's feelings. Just because things may be going good for you dont mean they are to others here. You never know they can be in some nasty hell and be coming here to seek comfort. Just my 2 cents. This is all just an observation of what ive seen for the last few days. I dont know what was said to some members, but i do know this is how we need to be with everyone here if we wanna remain as a friendly community. I'm also like steve i stay out of those political threads because i know where they usually go, it's just my tactic the avoid the avoidable.
  6. I followed spectre's route and just used conditioner on my hair, i also buzzed my hair to 1/2 inch. It feels good for now
  7. Well I haven't exactly commited to my diet :/ I'm trying to lift weights and run almost everyday though, its just so hard to do Thanks you all for your advice though.
  8. Probably same shit different day for me too because ill have to work, but the day after me and my gf are going to the zoo for our 1 year. I hope i see elephants lol.
  9. Well i cant scrub as you describe because im pretty sure my hair will fall out lol. Ill take all this advice though i appreciate it I just wanna get rid of this horrid shit its killing me as i type this i can feel my scalp burning to be itched and when i do it'll be winter time again :/
  10. Thanks for the advices guys Steve, i think you just opened my eyes about portion control. I have absolutely none of it! When i get something to eat, anything at all i eat all of it right then and there. Even if i'm not hungry. So i think thats my biggest concern there to portion out my stuff, itll be hard but i have to. I have no idea what my daily cal intake is, but if i had to guess itd probably be up to 4o00. If i have a 12 pack of pop i have no problems drinking 8 of those in a day especially when im gaming. I do like sweet tea, but dont those have just as much cal and sugar as pop? The only reason why i drink so much pop is because i'm addicted to caffiene and the thirst quenching that it does. I'm gonna take your advice man those snacks look good too, but i know the special k ones are costly over here. Will little hugs suffuce too? i think they have only 10 cals per barrel.
  11. I remember the days lol. Its where i met alot of cool ppl and my friend Mike Lol i definitely grew up alot since then, so sorry to anyone i offended.
  12. Got an idea from steve's workout thread. I really really need to get back inshape, i've been feeling really depressed of how i let myself go. Do you guys have any tips on what i can eat thats reasonably affordable? My whole diet is pretty much junk. I drink tons of pop and eat shit like chips and cheezeits. I rarely have a "whole" meal. I'm at 6/3 and a half and 250lbs now, i'd like to get down to 210 with a muscular well built frame. I already have my workout routine that im gonna start up again. I guess i'm aiming to burn fat. So what are some possible drinks i can replace pop with? It cant just be water as i get sick of it very quickly(can force myself to drink a gallon a day if i have to) Some lunch and mid day snacks? I usually eat some sort of cereal and i try and eat dinner although, again all junk lol. I appreciate it guys I need to do this for myself before i get a health scare.
  13. What happened with you and your friend sean? Also I miss having ya around man! hope all is well in your corner
  14. Haha^ I'm 22 years old. My head of hair is full pretty much, i got a receding hairline but i think thats from my moms side. its alitte thin on the sides where i keep itching. ive used head and shoulders and it didnt really work, so either ill try selsun or do what spectre said, before i give in to chop all my hair off lol. Thanks guys hopefully something works!
  15. Feel alittle embarrassed asking this, but i'm getting desperate now for a solution to my terrible dandruff. Ive tried shampoo's, cutting my hair really short, nothing is working.. :/ As far as i know its genetic as my dad had it before he went bald. Alot of my hair is starting to thin out because the dandruff is taking over the top and sides of my head. Any recommendations?
  16. Xethius

    Far Cry 4

    Hey now no shooting elephants!!!
  17. Shit, Dave. I'm really sorry to hear that I wish the best for you brother, you'll be in all of our thoughts
  18. The nerve of some people...Assholes are everywhere though :/ sorry you had to deal with that man.
  19. Been letting my grow out, slowly but surly those hairs in the patches are filling in..if it looks good in a month or so i may post a pic
  20. I actually just got back into bops 2 bc i hate ghosts...so this is good news for me, only wish it was as smooth as ghosts though..
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