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Everything posted by Xethius

  1. What are some of your guy's hobbies and what are you into to collect? For me I enjoy collecting various things such as flashlights, Ty beanies, and guitars. Some of my hobbies are playing my guitar(electric), playing video games, and being out in nature. Something about being out away from it all...Yeah really can clear your head on a bad day. Anyway for S&G here's some of my guitars. Xaviere XV-610 And Epi LP Standard
  2. Yes I got it for ps3. Ill type my general thoughts later, But overall the connection is good. Ive had a few laggy moments, but for launch it ran quite well. This game as chris says is the best cod yet. Plays and feels so much like cod 4 to me, yet has the goodness of bops 2 with its own unique flavor. Graphics on ps3 as i though sorta suck. You can tell its scaled down quite a bit, but its not the death of the game lol
  3. The whole point is that im getting sick of getting the shit end of the stick with cod. Its not fair to us. We pay good money for a unfinished product...I just hope they release a patch like bops 2. @chris, chances are it wont play crisp itll probably have some issues. But i expect that already
  4. If someone can show the vid here instead of the link, thanks. Yeah I hear ya man, but it sucks for those who cant get the ps4/xbox one...I wanna enjoy my cod, but knowing that x360 has Pc graphics compared to that same old goddamned pasty shit that us ps3 ppl seem to get year after year, pisses me off. What the FUCK i pay 60 fucking dollars I expect a decent product...Not to get fucking stollen from. // end rant. Solution is not to get it I know...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YDPNl7PeUU good shit
  6. You guys be the judge....Alls I know is we're royally fucked on ps3. Stupid fanboy devs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxwScsZEptk
  7. Wow what abunch of lowlife thugs. Hear some of the shitty excuses they say? Haha I hope they get banned.
  8. Xethius

    The XM25

    Interesting! Thanks for the read dave ^^ I've used this little guy before and gotten some sweet kills with it, but I didnt know you can actually do what you described
  9. I like the S&D one, will be playing that one alot
  10. Ive got a mini review for it in my PPR, not a bad game.
  11. I wonder if the lean/slide option will cause any balancing issues? Sorry if its a dumb question. Kinda staying away from the info to this
  12. Sounds interesting ^ lol. I just had some Mnt dew voltage and a slice of raisin bread
  13. Amen man! This world is full of crazies. I wouldnt mind a cabin in the woods myself either. It'd be just me and my good ol self lol.
  14. Bros before hoes, it's worth a mention.
  15. Didn't see a thread like this, so here it is. What's the last thing you ate or drank? For me it's the new Gamefuel Mt dew cherry flavor.
  16. Wish I can grow beards like you guys, I've got pretty much a full beard now without the connectors( corner parts) which sucks bc i'd love to have a circle beard and or goatee
  17. Xethius


    Welcome Ceppy Hope to see ya around
  18. Yeah that was a weird character for guy to play lol. I watched Seeking justice on netflix with nick cage and guy pierce, great movie
  19. Well i quit my job a few days ago :/ We'll just see about that
  20. Xethius


    Appreciate it guys!
  21. Lmao^ seriously im like jsin and Mike I dont come here more often because everyone's at each others throats. C'mon guys we're brothers here. Leave that auptyk shit at the door. I'm nit saying not to have disagreements, just be civil about it
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