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Everything posted by crispymorgan

  1. UK PSN is showing add £50 via paypal and get £10 off. Seems like a nice way to get battlefront a bit cheaper.
  2. This game sounds great. I want to play this game. Seriously, if they conveyed all that stuff, let you play in the golden age, and follow that entire backstory through.... wow. What an epic adventure.
  3. It wasn't so much I wasn't aware, it's fucking awful design. When I respawn I want to be A) as close to where I was before as is allowed and near my team mates. It's pretty dumb at the moment, but improving with experience. The lag for friendly gamertags is awful so I shoot friendlies until the game tells me to stop. Last night I was a sniper, and just killed loads of people, was much better. Unlike Diddums driving...........
  4. Hi, my name is Crispy. It's been a week and 2 days since I last played Destiny............... *round of applause* I'm worried I may relapse though, Planetside 2 is making me angry.
  5. I dunno man. PS2 just seemed to push all my buttons tonight. There seems to be too much fucking about. Warp here, run there, die. Load this run there die. The balance seems a little off too, you're either smashing a team, or being smashed, never really got that balanced battle vibe. I just HATE the amount of messing required to actually play with your friends. I'm still on the fence. I'll play more, see if things get easier.
  6. Downloading Warframe the other night wilst playing BF4 FTML. I may as well have posted the bullets.
  7. No US EU coop is a major drawback for me....
  8. The sheer arrogance of the guy!!!!!
  9. Few nights I've logged on to find a few people online, and even fewer playing Destiny. Are we done? do we need to specify a certain day to at least make it easier to get a raid? I was struggling to scrape a 3 person fireteam together the other day.
  10. I just did a little sex wee.
  11. Doesn't split, you both play on the same screen. only down side is when one person is in the menu the other person can't move. Bob, how are your PS4's set up? if you make your primary PS4 the one Charlie plays you can get away with one PSN sub and he can use all the PSN content you buy (Diablo 3 is half price)
  12. Thorn who? I'm all about the Vex now
  13. Ajay was shredding with the Montecarlo before. I changed my name to Mr Assist with the Thorn.
  14. I might bust out the multi tool for pvp. I feel dirty using the thorn.
  15. As an RPG noob, this is overwhelming. Good tips, keep em coming.
  16. I'm burned out on destiny now. Lets get a regular group going, love playing this game with a group.
  17. I'm awesome and I wasn't cherry picked either. I sort of get why this has happened, but like Nev, I haven't really had any sort of fall out with him. I know he could be a short tempered guy, but everyones entitled to a few rages now and again. Raging at kids for being dumb is bad though. It could have just as easily been my son, and it's certainly something he's done before and I've always respected the way it's been dealt with by members on here. Edit: pretty sure I was the first person to use the term Gjjallahorny too.
  18. The biggest barrier for me to overcome is that PoE is just so fucking boring.
  19. 3 players really sucks. It doesn't feel the same
  20. I'm back from holidays, so bring it on!
  21. The levels feel a bit drag and drop. Throw some scenery in, use that previous level backwards, spawn enemies here here and here. done. Hand that over to a mod community and watch an entire universe unfold infront of you.
  22. They should just call this the prison of defender titans.
  23. On the hive one head left until you find a raised bit against the wall. In front of it are two metal fence things with a tiny gap between. Look through the slit, and shoot the boss, have the other 2 defend you. you can shoot him, he can't shoot you. collect bacon.
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