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Posts posted by Playertd

  1. Stretch616, on 28 Sept 2014 - 02:17 AM, said:

    Cool dude. I think we're all at a level where we can give this a go now. The main problem is going ti be co-ordinating it so 6 of us are on at the same time!!

    Yeah for sure, we could definantly do it if 6 of us were online for a few hours. Myself and 5 randoms who have never even stepped foot in that place made it to the last boss, we got stuck there however....trying to learn his strategy at 2am got us to tired LOL. 


    Would probably be worth watching some youtube videos on it or something, but that just ruins it for me so I'm trying not to :P

  2. One thing that does piss me off about random drops is after crucible games, you come top or just do well and get nothing, think I played 3 or 4 games yesterday and got nothing at all win or lose.

    That's one of my biggest beefs with this game, the completely random pvp drops, they should give the top 3 players, or just first place player a guaranteed item.


    It sucks doing work, getting first place and then getting no reward while the derp going 1-12 on your team gets a legendary engram >.> 

  3. I'm doing a vault of glass raid right now....wow it's not what I was expecting. The boss fights are very complex and the sneak/jump puzzles are really challenging, absolutly love it and cant wait for more to come out.


    Aaaand the loot is awesome! We need to start running this it is so much more fun than strikes.

  4. Nice finale ....





    I had figured Bran was going to meet the Children of the forest to deal with white walkers and whatnot, didn't know they had fire balls and skeleton zombies though LOL


    Interesting deaths to, Tywin dying on the crapper was kinda funny and unpredictable :P

  5. The wording on the last one is messing with me.


    I votes yes, because yes I will NOT be buying the game. Is that what is intended?

    Yeah I worded that funny on accident...if you vote yes that means you won't but the game period.


    In the future I won't make posts at 3 am :)

  6. How will you be getting this game, if you get it at all? I'm planning on waiting a week or so after release, to see if the game is any good, has good connection ect.


    Curious to see if any of you will be pre ordering, and how many will just skip the game altogether :P


    Plus I need to figure out how to make polls....

    Danm I can only have three poll questions haha.

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