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Posts posted by Playertd




    The previous games in the series were all single-player.  I'd imagine this one will be too.  It's awesome.  


    Have you played any of the others?  DA: Origins is free right now.  


    Nope, only played a demo of number 2. 

    I';; download origins and see how that is for sure.

  2. cyberninja2601, on 09 Oct 2014 - 03:43 AM, said:cyberninja2601, on 09 Oct 2014 - 03:43 AM, said:

    If there is a problem with ports and setup (which is what message says) your IP provider might be able to help you. I assume that everyone that has your service has basically the same modem so there would a good chance that other customers are also running into this issue.


    Do they have a decent tech support group? 

    Yeah good idea, I'll give em a call tomorrow. 

  3. It DC's completely randomly as far as I can tell, sometimes every minute or so, solo or in a party. Sometimes I can play for an hour or two, but most of the time I DC a lot.


    I'll try a hardwire connection tomorrow...pretty sure it's not my internet though, I can play other PS4 games online, xbox games online, just not destiny lol.

  4. Well I think I found out what is "wrong"



    Looks like the fix is complex and has the potential to totally screw up my internet connection.


    I'm definantly not computer tech savvy and don't really want to chance messing my stuff up. Destiny is gunna have to go on the shelf for now....hopping they release a patch or something to fix the issue.


    Back to xbox 360! :(



    Side note---really sorry Jason #1 and Jason #2, my connection couldn't have dropped at a worse time in the nightfall strike.

  5. Well I think I "fixed" my connection issues.


    I have a Netflix addict living in my house, so I went to their website and lowered the quality of the videos, and poof! No more lag or disconnects :P


    I'll for sure be able to do Sunday.

    Aaaand nevermind. 


    No one but me is home, and I'm disconnecting every 5-15 minutes.


    I really want to like this ps4 but the connection is so killing it for me lol.

  6. This is pretty fun, the faster TTK is really nice, enjoying it a lot more than normal crucible.


    Not to mention you get crucible rep, marks and banner rep for playing.

  7. Hector - So there are only 3 "raid" chests?

    Sheez - Good point about staying alive. *says the guy who kept falling off the cliff*

    In the gorgons maze we should also practice focus firing on gorgans. Once they spot you, you have a short window of time to kill them, thus averting team wipe.

    We could use another Voidwalker. Nova Bomb easily smokes two Praetorians at a time. In hindsight, I should have probably been on minotaur duty.

    A random group I was in tried that, we all shot 2 rockets at a single gorgon (12 rockets in total!!) and he lost about half his health lol. 

  8. What time are you running it? Wondered if i'd still be up and could mooch in with you guys.

    Totally desperate to do this, but not sure i want to raid the Destiny forums for a PUG (pick up group)

    I've joined 3 or so random groups....all of them failed on this last boss, you need crazy coordination for it. 


    I think we're starting in 7 hours or so.

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