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Posts posted by Playertd

  1. Hopefully. I need to farm helium to upgrade my armor. One more upgrade and I should be 28.

    Did you have to do that Mars mission again.

    What did you get from the nightfall strike

    Yeah had to do that danm mars mission again...hate it so much now LOL. 


    I got an exotic shotgun that is a primary, and it's long range....weird gun, gotta try it out some more to see if I like it. The guys I was with got 13 shards or 13 energies.


    I just really like the buff it gives you 20% xp and rep, getting that at the start of each week would help so much.

  2. Has anyone gotten anything good as if late?

    I got my first exotic armor, a helmet for my Titan. It blinds enemies in my bubble so I can camp in there easy now haha. 


    Also got this weird shotgun that is a primary, haven't really tried it out yet though.

  3. I finally hit 28 and completed my first nightfall strike, that was hard but totally worth it!


    Rewards range from 12-13 ascendant energy/shards, exotic weapons and more. Also gives you a sweet buff that increases xp and rep gained from everything.


    We gotta start doing this once a week.

  4. Drifter, on 01 Oct 2014 - 12:06 PM, said:

    Oh and also. That "like" button here on this site is killing participation as well if you ask me. Use to if someone posted something cool then you had to reply to their post to let them know. Which in turn got them to reply back to you and others joined in and activity went up. Now with the "like" button all you do is click "like" and that's it. No reply, no conversation, no activity level. Yet again another thing from FB that is killing sites (the like button). IMO that like button should be removed from the site if you want to try to boost activity.


    Just my .02

    I completely agree with this, if I like/agree with someone's post I usually just "like" it instead of commenting and starting conversation. Gotta get out of that habit LOL. 

  5. cyberninja2601, on 01 Oct 2014 - 12:11 PM, said:

    I've done very badly every one of the PvP modes. What primaries to you guys use? 


    I was trying with the pulse riffle and my warlock. I could get hits a plenty but no kills. 

    I think Auto rifles are the way to go, seems to be the most effective for me and most of the top score players I run into use auto rifles as primary. 


    As for secondary I like Fusion rifles or shotguns, both are good one shot kill weapons at closer ranges.

  6. I absolutely hated the 3v3, mostly because I ended up with low level teammates while the other team got level 28's, but after 7 loses in a row I gave up on that game mode... I think it would be a lot of fun in a party but I can't stand it solo lol.


    I usually just play control for my go-to have fun mode, I like it so far.

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