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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. I gave up on my challenge (use new guns whenever I unlock one) the way you get weapons from squadpoints it just didn't seem like a good challenge to do. I am working towards the 200 kills with akimbo acog 44.s though haha, so that's sort of a challenge.
  2. SnD was one of the most popular, and competitive game modes, I can see some pro players being pissed about them dropping it...TTK shouldn't be much of a problem, people played mw2 and that ttk was even higher than ghosts. Just the recent cods have gotten some people used to low ttk, I bet they will be fine with it once they adjust.
  3. Whatever their on now, I hope they stick with it. Don't fix something that isn't broken lol.
  4. I haven't tried danger close yet, or seen anyone else using it....it's a really danm expensive perk pointwise, but yeah I can see people using noob tubes and launchers as a secondary.....I'll unlock it tonight and try it out.
  5. Having a riot shielder in S&R is really nice, he can collect tags easily. The UAV pings from the shield are nice to
  6. How is dead silence if someone has amplify? Can you actually run around unheard, or is pretty much useless against them?
  7. If you get the fast melee juggernaut on blitz it's game over...almost impossible for them to stop you
  8. LSAT is my go to gun atm...grip, red dot and muzzle brake it shoots more accurately than most AR's, out damages em to. The akimbo berretta's are my main secondary, love those little guns.
  9. Real shame about PC glad I got it for the 360 now haha
  10. No their not like fmg's haha, really their only effective in shotgun range. Ohhh yeah I love that permanent mute all button!
  11. Not yet...I think I need to wait till plumbercrack gets online and approves it
  12. I hate flooded and siege...like all the rest.
  13. My tip - use akimbo berretta's ....it's an instakill close range, and you can spray with em with their clip size. I always switch to em from my AR when I'm in close range places.
  14. Yeah Tommy I'm getting online now, I think my application for the clan has to be accepted by plumbercrack, not really sure though.
  15. Chris what marksman rifle did you get? I want to buy one but dunno which to get
  16. Yep now you two can bicker like old ladies again
  17. Nice gameplay dude, I tried a shield class yesterday and was surprised by how good it was, I thought with the quick time to kill it would suck but it's really good in this game
  18. Yeah those were good games, had like 3 laggy games that entire day/night.....I can live with that
  19. Why I think ghosts is the greatest cod ever - it has the best connection (that's the biggest reason). I personally like that the time is kill is fast, I felt so danm silly eating 10 bullets then turning around and killing someone in bo2/bo1. The maps so far are great...a few shit ones but there will always be. Best hit detection (this is kinda because of the good connection). I've played all the cods from cod 4 on up during their first weeks of release, none have impressed me as much as this one has. (mw2 comes close)
  20. You can unlock them even if you are not that level...just use the squad points. I just unlocked a level 48 perk, at level 13.
  21. It really doesn't matter how long the game is out for...right away I knew mw3, bo1 and Bo2 were not going to be great cod's...because of all their issues. This game doesn't have those problems - so it's the best IMO. Yeah it's missing a few game modes, S&D got replaced with S&R...so it's not entirely gone.
  22. Yeah that you lost to a bot Good games today
  23. ^^ Mw2 catered to quickscopers....this game not so much, the AR's outgun snipers nearly all the time.
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