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  1. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to phil bottle in Happy Birthdays!   
    Lots of birthdays this week 🙂
    Hope all celebrated in style🥳
    Have a great day today @J-Lurch   🍻👊😘
  2. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Happy Birthdays!   
    Happy birthday James!! @J-Lurch  Have a top day squire 😎🍺💃
  3. Haha
    Lurchzy reacted to phil bottle in Gorillaz Netflix Movie   
    I like the aesthetic, it's just Damon Albarn's voice that does me in 😁
  4. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to G_dub52 in Gorillaz Netflix Movie   
    As a Gorillaz fan I would absolutely give it a watch, I agree with @GazzaGarratt though I hope they manage to inject some charisma and personality into it. 
    Could be something very good if they get it setup right 🤙
  5. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Riff Machine in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    I hope so, although we've had similar issues with Fifa 21 that persisted all the way through... This one is a major one though 😞
  6. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Riff Machine in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    FIFA 22 Pro Clubs
    Here we are, back again.
    Our FG Pro Club team has returned for another season of victory, laughs and most importantly... blazing shots over the bar!
    Our previous season saw us win countless trophies, cups and even head-to-heads with rival teams. As well as winning everything imaginable, last season gave us an amazing platform for new signings to make a name for themselves and really bring character to a good team. We truly built something FG can be proud of.
    However... with all that said, we're back again on the new release of FIFA 22 for some more amazing football. Craving the same dizzy heights of the last season. Striving for more trophies and more laughs along the way. This season we'll be continuing with the same format as last season with, Monday nights being our main meetup time. Hope we have as much fun as we did last season!
    Don't be alarmed if you haven't brought the new FIFA game yet. FIFA 21 MNF we be continuing until the new year before we start on the new game, so you won't be left out 🙂 

  7. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Gorillaz Netflix Movie   
    It'll be interesting to watch it for sure @Lurch . I wasn't a fan of Gorillaz back in the day but that was just cos of the music.
    It probably hits the spot right now if they can make the characters have some personality to get behind.
  8. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Gorillaz Netflix Movie   
    Could we be seeing a full feature length film on netflix by the gorillaz? 
    Personally I love the style and aesthetic of the gorillaz and have my entire life. And enjoyed recent album song machine season one which features multiple animated tracks linking with the story. 
    What's you opinion, will you be watching if released? And are you a fan of the gorillaz style and abstractness of music and cartoon? 
  9. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in NFL Fantasy League with FG?   
    Sorry for the late reply, but I'd be up for this if you can put my name down? Haven't watched NFL for a long while but might be interesting to get back into it!
  10. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to Dan94 in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Dean Smith new Norwich City manager.
  11. Love
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Forever Gaming's 'Feel Good' Fund   
    Well deserved champs! ❤️
  12. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Forever Gaming's 'Feel Good' Fund   
    Well deserved champs! ❤️
  13. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Forever Gaming's 'Feel Good' Fund   
    We might be busy doing bits and pieces (there is soooooo much to do 😅) but we try to ensure that a few people get recognised to give them a big smile along the way. We wouldn't have it any other way would we?? The FGFGF recently:
    As mentioned above, @Antpool84  has been a great addition to FG this year and whilst he's tried to get involved in many game nights, the storage has been holding him back for some time. Hopefully the 2TB external drive goes a little way to keeping his smile on his face. Huzzah!
    Equally, we never thanked @jordie1892  back in the day to help create and get the FIFA mini euro league up and running. To get over 40 matches done was immense considering we hadn't done anything like this before and as a gesture to one of the coolest FGers we have, some FIFA Points went his way so he can boss everyone on Ultimate Team in FIFA 22 😄
    Finally, our resident Batman Chad @Riff Machine , has gone through a hell of a lot of late so it felt logical and common sense to perk him up with a few goodies below and some Steam vouchers so he can find something to enjoy on his PC. We're always here for you big man 👊
    We have lots more to do, loads of ideas and thoughts to implement and we're nearing Christmas (a little too quickly, even for me), so where possible we should and must continue to make people smile with the FGFGF and keep donating when and where you can. Who knows....if I/we can find the time to muster something on similar lines to the Big Xmas Giveaways we've done in the past then we'll certainly give it our best shot to try.
    GGFG 🧡

    P.S. Don't forget looking at out next big meet up next November and our potential first Charity team event in April/May (See Site Info Section for more!)
  14. Haha
    Lurchzy reacted to G_dub52 in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    I'm sure it will get sorted dude, in the mean time I'm trying to train the pup to sleep on a Monday evening so I don't have to keep dropping in and out lol
  15. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    I hope so, although we've had similar issues with Fifa 21 that persisted all the way through... This one is a major one though 😞
  16. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to G_dub52 in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    I hope they sort out the dodgy kit issues etc before the new year then! looking forward to getting stuck into Fifa 22 Pro Clubs with the boys!
  17. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    FIFA 22 Pro Clubs
    Here we are, back again.
    Our FG Pro Club team has returned for another season of victory, laughs and most importantly... blazing shots over the bar!
    Our previous season saw us win countless trophies, cups and even head-to-heads with rival teams. As well as winning everything imaginable, last season gave us an amazing platform for new signings to make a name for themselves and really bring character to a good team. We truly built something FG can be proud of.
    However... with all that said, we're back again on the new release of FIFA 22 for some more amazing football. Craving the same dizzy heights of the last season. Striving for more trophies and more laughs along the way. This season we'll be continuing with the same format as last season with, Monday nights being our main meetup time. Hope we have as much fun as we did last season!
    Don't be alarmed if you haven't brought the new FIFA game yet. FIFA 21 MNF we be continuing until the new year before we start on the new game, so you won't be left out 🙂 

  18. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Fifa 22 - FG Pro Clubs   
    FIFA 22 Pro Clubs
    Here we are, back again.
    Our FG Pro Club team has returned for another season of victory, laughs and most importantly... blazing shots over the bar!
    Our previous season saw us win countless trophies, cups and even head-to-heads with rival teams. As well as winning everything imaginable, last season gave us an amazing platform for new signings to make a name for themselves and really bring character to a good team. We truly built something FG can be proud of.
    However... with all that said, we're back again on the new release of FIFA 22 for some more amazing football. Craving the same dizzy heights of the last season. Striving for more trophies and more laughs along the way. This season we'll be continuing with the same format as last season with, Monday nights being our main meetup time. Hope we have as much fun as we did last season!
    Don't be alarmed if you haven't brought the new FIFA game yet. FIFA 21 MNF we be continuing until the new year before we start on the new game, so you won't be left out 🙂 

  19. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Cycling - New Bike   
    Haha hope you're referring to the Furze video 😂😂 crazy stuff! 
    Appreciate the shout out hahaha, always good to know who to ask if you get in trouble.
    I'm sure we could set up a camping trip and take the bikes one day! 
    I appreciate all the help! Didn't even know what a 'schrader' valve was hahaha. 
    Will admit I'm going to try my hardest to keep this one in good nick, find bikes are getting a lot more expensive if you want something reliable. Might give me more motivation to put the effort into it! 
    Will definitely look into getting the suggested! However don't blame me if I come crawling back for more advice 😂
    Hey unless you're going to ride it religiously like myself something nice a cheerful will do the trick! 
    Nice to know you invested in it, could always make it a project?
    @phil bottle
    Specialized bikes are beauties, just slightly out of my price range I think though! Nice you've got that much ride out of it. 
    Think mud guards and a rear rack bag might be the way to go to get started then! Appreciate the advice. 
  20. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from phil bottle in Cycling - New Bike   
    Haha hope you're referring to the Furze video 😂😂 crazy stuff! 
    Appreciate the shout out hahaha, always good to know who to ask if you get in trouble.
    I'm sure we could set up a camping trip and take the bikes one day! 
    I appreciate all the help! Didn't even know what a 'schrader' valve was hahaha. 
    Will admit I'm going to try my hardest to keep this one in good nick, find bikes are getting a lot more expensive if you want something reliable. Might give me more motivation to put the effort into it! 
    Will definitely look into getting the suggested! However don't blame me if I come crawling back for more advice 😂
    Hey unless you're going to ride it religiously like myself something nice a cheerful will do the trick! 
    Nice to know you invested in it, could always make it a project?
    @phil bottle
    Specialized bikes are beauties, just slightly out of my price range I think though! Nice you've got that much ride out of it. 
    Think mud guards and a rear rack bag might be the way to go to get started then! Appreciate the advice. 
  21. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to Drifter in Cycling - New Bike   
    Nice looking bike. I bike a lot during the spring/summer just for staying in shape a bit. Prob do around 25-35 miles per week, nothing crazy but enough to keep the blood flowing since I'm almost 50 yrs old now. Mine isn't anything special, just a standard dept store $200 no name, I put some Kevlar tires/tubes on it as well as a few things like upgraded seat and speedo/lights etc. One of these days I'm like to get a nicer one like a Trek or something like you have.
  22. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to Mikepjbell in Cycling - New Bike   
    Interesting looking hybrid!
    Things to consider:
    - Get a saddle bag, always handy to hold a spare tube
    - Make sure you have a pump which will pump up a schrader valve
    - Enjoy it, keep it clean, keep it well lubed
    Cleaning: Fine to use fairy liquid and warm water. Then rinse with normal water.
    Lubrication: Small moving parts - buy some GT85 and spray in small amounts to prevent rust. Large parts get some good quality Muk-off grease.
    Make sure you don't get any lubricants on those discs though!! If you do then you'll just need some alcohol rub to keep them clean.
    Also, I have a bee on my bonnet about saddle height. Don't make your saddle too high, when you extend your leg on the pedal your heel should be able to reach the pedal. Seat posts which are too high cause feet, leg, hip, back, everything pain.
    Other than that, ride it like you stole it!
  23. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to phil bottle in Cycling - New Bike   
    My last couple of bikes have both been Specialized and my current one has lasted around 10 years, which is a miracle in London.
    You might appreciate mud guards in wet weather, though I don't bother personally, as I tend to cycle in shorts and pack work clothes in my bike bag. Including spare pants 🤗
  24. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Cycling - New Bike   
    I'd probably go for a gravel bike too if I was biking to work...although I never they had names these days!
    @phil bottle is your man with bikes but also @Mikepjbell  because he used to sell them...not sure if he still does??
    I suppose they might want to know if you intend to use it for other things or just going to work and back?
  25. Love
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Mikepjbell in Cycling - New Bike   
    I cycle to work and decided to get a new bike (Dual Sport 2). Wondering if anyone else cycles much and if so if they have any suggestions on additions I could make to the new bike?
    Decided to go with a gravel bike to help with road and shortcut routes rather than going with one or the other. 
    None the less, look forward to it! 

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