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Everything posted by Lurchzy

  1. until
    Looking for a few good men and women to complete a few ranked games on Modern Warfare 2.
  2. Worth getting a FG squad together? Good communication and clear objective strategy could be really useful for this Ranked gameplay. Might as well use it if we've got it.
  3. I haven't played it yet but it would be fun to know if you could complete it by being a pacifist 😂
  4. It's becoming a thing very quickly I think, the technology is advancing so fast. I've already seen AI models on Instagram and YouTube. You can normally tell but because they're based off real images of people sometimes it's really hard to decipher what real and what's not.
  5. I recently came across this topic and had very mixed feelings about it. Personally I think it's a bad thing and will have negative effects on beauty standards (which are already out the window for women). The AI models will continue to become even more unachievable for women and corrupt the idea of beauty for men. What are you thoughts?
  6. Can you use a transparent background to solve the background colour issue? Otherwise this is really helpful, thanks @Luseth!
  7. until

    Can we repeat our success this Monday?
  8. I definitely use score streaks, comes in handy when you're only getting assists because your playing with kill stealing bastards 🤣
  9. Is this available for PS4 yet? I can't seem to see it anywhere apart from on PS5.
    I like how you ended your streak by killing yourself 🤣 "No mother fucker can kill me but me"
    Absolute snake 🤣🤣🤣
  10. until

    Really good night! Lots of fun 🤘 Keeping that win ratio high!
  11. I wasn't saying I like it how it is. I was just saying we pay £60 for a game, I don't then expect to have to pay even more. I agree there aren't enough maps, but I'm hoping they continue to keep bringing more out as the seasons go on.
  12. I'd debate that we shouldn't be expected to pay even more money for maps when they already taken more than enough money off us 🤣
  13. New maps and gamemodes! @GazzaGarrattOne in the chamber, confirmed ✅ New DMZ map! Battle Royale updates! Plenty more ranks and skill divisions!
  14. until
    Get your name down for this week's FG Friday! I was thinking we could play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Multiplayer? It's always a night of fun and laughter. Event is from 20:30 GMT till late. Hope to see you there!
  15. Gun game announcement for the new season! @GazzaGarratt
  16. Unfortunately I highly doubt serious action will be taken. Although I am interested in what caused this action to be taken, what rules were broken?
  17. I want to agree with you but this isn't a Sunday League team, I just wouldn't expect these mistakes from a Championship Team. I do however think it's a massive shame that the league can't just highlight the mistakes to amend before/ or after the Transfer window close to help both parties.
  18. Good result for Spurs this week! Conte will be running down the halls in the hospital after that Kane goal! 😂 Also a good result for the Seagulls! Mitoma is looking fantastic at the moment. Can't wait to sell him for another 40+mill profit 😂 I don't know how Brighton's scouts keep doing it!
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