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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. He didn't do this to come back. He done this to piss miley off. She's mentioned straight out in the song, girls making prats of themselves twerking? Fair play to him I say. She's brought enough embarrassment upon him. This is payback. Embarrass her.
  2. Just please just watch all of it hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
  3. GTA. Still a better game than them both
  4. When I get it however I get it, I'm doing a live comm plaything. Most definitely.
  5. Not gonna be for a long time man. TS soon enough though
  6. Argh! You PS4 scumbags! I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I WANT!!!!!
  7. SHOULD NOT BE REMADE! This was thought of thanks to the 22 Jump Street thread here. My first opinions are that I thought the original 21 Jump Street series was brilliant, my friend's brother had some on VHS xD I also really really enjoyed the film adaption just recently. I stand firm to my beliefs though that remakes shouldn't happen. Yes we get the dinger every now and then but we also get shit loads of shit films that are just shit. I hate that shit. I wasn't alive when the originals to most of these films first premiered but I still saw them first as a child. Classics should not be remade. I hear they're doing a new (Monty Python's) Life of Brian. Why? It's such a good film. It makes me laugh so hard to this day and they're going to butcher it? Robocop? Yeah it looks good on the action front but they're killing the story. I rambled on a bit but what are your theories? Should classics get remade? PS. Superhero films are a different thread. They are new starts to different comics (I think) I agree to these but not if they're too recent. Spiderman and Batman (to an extent) spring to mind.
  8. It's actually called NekNomination. I think Adam was renaming it to suit how the idea of it makes him feel. Could be wrong but if I'm wrong then Adam is wrong because I'm right. Boom.
  9. More than one person has died. A young lad down the road from me died the other day.
  10. Oh hahaha. You know that's not the problem Bart! The fucking thing wouldn't fit on a floppy. High density my ass.
  11. No a toaster can't. My laptop just barely runs it. I can't afford to buy myself food during the week after getting the kids sorted on the weekend. That means I can't afford to buy a laptop or desktop. I'm not getting mad here. I've played the pc version and it shits all over the console cousin. It's just that some people are not ok on the money front. €15 is a lot better than the price of a laptop. But seriously, pc version > console version.
  12. Oh dear Jesus I just watched this and it looks amazing! I thought Jamie Foxx was an odd choice for Electro but he's a stunning actor and this trailer just fills me with confidence. We didn't see much of Rhino though. I like that.
  13. Check out the yogscast resource packs. They played tekkit a lot and never had a block that wasn't decorated
  14. Haha that was supposed to be 3 busy's but I like the look of that more.
  15. No worries man. It really is a nice world. Sorry I couldn't stay on for long, laptop was struggling and I had to study for an exam tomorrow morning too. Busy busy Bush
  16. I will watch this. Sounds amazing.
  17. Yeah I'm on board with bees. I moaned so much about it so I sold it (numerous times) Now that it's gone for good, I don't get to play with the lads but at least I don't moan anymore. If a game stresses you out (in general, not a specific person) it's not worth playing.
  18. Don't get it brede. You'll regret it. I haven't played PS4 version but it's the company and community that are the problem, not the platform. I say get battlefield.
  19. That particular person has died in the comics though. I don't see that happening so soon.
  20. Hahaha could have worded better, I'll try again. If my name gets pulled out, transfer the prize to someone in Britain.
  21. PSN Ireland #28 Will then hold a popularity competition to give it to a brit.
  22. Good to have you back man. Delighted that college is going well for you too. How have you been? Any lady folk on the scene?
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