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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. Especially me. I vowed not to get this game. Yet here I am absolutely loving it wondering "How the hell is only 12:30pm?" Fucking 3 and a half hours til I can play it again......
  2. I haven't got that map so I'm no help dude. What looks horrible about it though? I haven't seen any gameplay on it yet. I played that map once or twice and I don't remember a thing about it. What's some landmarks that I might recognize?
  3. Sean! Were you sniping only last night? The games we played at the end of my session I was sniping only and was pulling in some good scores. I really like sniping in this game.
  4. Euan probably used his mod powers to change everything hahahaha
  5. Sorry I backed out. Ste got the game because I convinced him with words and gameplay. I wanted to have a few games with him too.
  6. You will be! Although I hate how quick you are with your comebacks.
  7. Was great getting some games in with you last night lads, especially Kyle! I've missed you man, been way too long. After my mate heard your "WHAT!", he said he wanted American friends too hahaha
  8. It's mostly just the word faggot being thrown at each other xD
  9. I'm having a debate with a lad in college now about Ghosts Vs. BF4. hahahaha It's getting hilarious now.
  10. Just call it quits man. You're only competition is Stretch and Stretch uses the shield anyway Just have a class.
  11. Start a PPR for these kind of posts man. lol, I iz troll
  12. Did you notice the way I wasn't raging (much) last night? Ah, the joy of being able to use what I want, when I want hahahaha
  13. I'm actually talking about the challenges that don't show up man. You have the 5 that are selected, but all the hidden ones still work away in the background. I think the pick 5 thing is more like a tracker so you don't have to go searching every time.
  14. I love Chasm. I also really like the snowy train one and the one we were playing last night when the KEM changed the map. I honestly don't like the Scotland map. It looks pretty but it plays rough. I'm even better than Tam at names haha.
  15. This is wrong man, I looked through my challenges and it was counting ones that weren't selected
  16. I'm gonna be on from about 3pm until late. I'll see you there man.
  17. My impressions: I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm a CoD hate-boy and have been for a while. To have this fresh breath of air while playing a CoD game on release day is wonderful. Yes I still die from behind every fucking time but that's ok when I'm not lagging everywhere. I had 3 host migrations in the full session of 5 hours or so. All of them were successful. I hopped on for 3 games this morning with Matt and Josh on their host and the hit detection was still spot on. That's all I have time to write right now but everything else is positive as fuck. Side note: Knee sliding for dogtags is somehow much cooler than dolphin diving for them.
  18. I know man. I've had great games and the connection is solid. I've only heard Euan moaning in game haha
  19. Sorry I'm off early lads, horrible tooth ache. Will be on tomorrow for sure. I'm loving this game.
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