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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. This was an exact copy of my previous post. Apologies
  2. It's fucking fantastic. Think Skyrim with better graphics. I'm not too far into it but I think it's great so far. Got it for PC master race as well hahaha
  3. I'm here man! Patrick's day is next weekend yeah? I've a free gaff. Bring your own goat though. Mine's tired.
  4. Yeah I said to my mate this morning, they should use that particular death for Daryl
  5. It's forum shit and psn shit. I don't think you need to worry. Yes. Yes I fucking would.
  6. Thinking he's all that and a bag of biscuits
  7. Come May, I'll be in London again. This time for a lady though hahaha
  8. People have sandy vaginas again. Before anyone accuses me of talking about them without mentioning names, you can't because I AM talking about you. This goes for Scipio, James, Bees, ME, Baabcat, Tiger, Paendrag and nearly every member here. I only name these names because they're fresh in my head. My point is we have sand firmly inside of our vagoo's and we need to apply some wet wipes to them or something. For instance CoD, Scipio has taken it personally that people are bashing the game because he still likes it. Kylebees had mentioned that some comments made about the CoD community "could" be taken personally but haven't been. I've had a private little bitch and moan just recently because no one watches my videos, they say they're awseome and brilliant but the views go back down to shit by the second video. Why do I bring these topics up? This is sandy vag behaviour. You know what else is sandy vag behaviour? People constantly downing on someones hobbies or beliefs. Drifter wanted to make a thread to show of a film he wanted to see, first thing he does is feel the need to defend himself for posting it. Fuck that! He shouldn't have to feel that way. Yet he did because he's well aware of all the vaggies here that leak sand. Look, I've rambled and I'm sure someone will disagree with this post but I'm going to leave you with this: CoD is shit. Battlefield is shit. GTA is shit. Religion is shit. PC master race is shit. Adam is shit. My videos are shit. FIFA is shit. ^ Those are different peoples opinions. Can we all just fucking get back to liking eachother? You cocks.
  9. Bullshit with that ninja face. If it was you, you'd talk to me. At least I hope you would. *shakes fist, widens eyes and cocks head a little bit
  10. I'd be up for this. GTA would be my area. Off topic: ran into someone called dattebayo68 yesterday
  11. They're both shit. GTA V master race reporting in. Fifas shit too. /Helpful insightful post
  12. Hahahahahahahaha! Good guy Jesus!
  13. I do man. I don't talk about CoD anymore. Battlefield either. I despise most FPS shooters now so I only talk about GTA. I still love that game with all my heart. The connections are bad right now though. Just trying to get back into discussions on here. I've disappeared a bit as of late. Which I think you'll understand
  14. James has it right. I paid for ghosts, I've paid for every other CoD. They robbed us of our money. I don't waste time nor energy hating the game, it comes naturally. Just like sprouts, fuck sprouts. I've always hated them but never thought to myself "darn, why am I wasting my time and energy hating these green balls of cunt?" Then again, I haven't paid €65 for a piece of shit bag of sprouts that look/feel/taste NOTHING like they promised us it would. You know why we don't even play it? Because we've played it.
  15. Welcome to the forum man! I'm not around much on the gaming front anymore (still on that GTA flex) but happy to see new faces around here. You're right, everyone here is a pleasure to know and I'm sure you'll fit in just nicely. Chris is good skin.
  16. I think stretch missed this slagging completely. Which makes it so much better when he said " I feel fine going. It's just how i feel the day after night before. Shocking aint the word! "
  17. That's what I like to see! Where abouts you from man?
  18. I'm going out 1st March for my birthday. Will I hold off til you get over here man?
  19. DayZ is it? I saw something like this before to do with DayZ. Also, who the hell is Wolf? Hahaha welcome to the forum dude!
  20. Well in that case, count me in. We sound pretty alike
  21. Sang "I want to fuck you" at the top of my lungs one Valentines morning in my front garden to my ex. The postman had a good laugh.
  22. "I just wanna thank you guys for the support" Shut the fuck up Brad! I unsubscribed cause that sentence haunts my fucking nightmares now.
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