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Just Cal

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Everything posted by Just Cal

  1. So this album leaked last night, this was a pleasant surprise for because this man is my god. He hasn't been up to standard on a few recent tracks but I'll always love him. A stand out track for me on this album is "Fine Line" So, if you've heard it yet, what are your thoughts?
  2. This is the only game I've played religously for the past year and I still love it. The 1st person view is a great addition. In the past months, I've taken to driving around the map in 1st person and with the map and HUD turned off and I love it. It's not the same as the current gen version of it but it's still brilliant. Roll on PS4. Soon........
  3. Watched it and I'm glad I did hahaha That's just brilliant. I wonder is there a trophy or achievement for that?
  4. I want to watch this so bad but is it legit? Will the game be ruined for someone who hasn't played it? Or is it a joke with an actual ending merged in?
  5. Have you had an XL bacon double cheese? The fuckers just fall apart haha
  6. Console: PS4 Game: GTA V Song: Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys Drink: Monster Energy (Who needs teeth on a desert island?) Food: XL Bacon Double Cheese from Burger King Song was a toughie. How about if I got all my music and spliced it into one continuous track? haha
  7. Ok, didn't realize there was another episode aired last night. I really love this show and apparently judging by the contents in last night's episode, I was right about Alfred haha
  8. I think so! Link to album, scrolling is definitely recommended.
  9. So finally caught up with all 7 episodes and I love it! Being a tad fanboyish towards the Batman universe, I'm loving seeing little nods and meeting the characters before they become the characters.......if that makes sense haha Talking on the Alfred comment, I think maybe he's giving him tough love. He was gentle enough at the start but I think he knows enough now that he has to toughen Bruce up seeing as he's the last living member.
  10. It wasn't the first time I watched it and it won't be the last. I watched Stardust last night. I love this film so much
  11. I haven't got the game but I watched Euan play a game and it didn't grip me at all. You all need to come back to GTA with me.
  12. What this sex machine said. My interest is definitely piqued but I won't be getting a PS4 for the foreseeable future.
  13. This isn't helping the image
  14. I stole this for Facebook so fast hahahaha
  15. After getting my ma into the walking dead, she text me this morning saying That woman knows what's up hahaha
  16. I was told I was too good looking to donate sperm after the riot I caused last time
  17. Once it starts becoming a job, it might turn stale and no longer be a hobby
  18. James: I honestly agree with you. VR will definitely be the next big breakthrough of gaming. I was always kind of skeptical of it but after trying it out today, it definitely will be up there and in everyone's households in the future. Tommy: Thanks for the nice words man, I was typing that while working so it isn't at professional standard. At all. It's all practice though haha
  19. So I got to have a go on the Oculus Rift today at lunch. Oh. My. Jaysus. The demos were a bit lackluster although the rollercoaster almost made my stomach actually lurch. The real experience though, was while playing a game called Elite: Dangerous. We've all talked about immersion on here and how games can do it well or do it terribly. Well let me tell you, This was the real deal. It was the first time in my gaming life (started at 4, 25 now) that I actually felt like I was doing something real. It Probably helped that I was using the same joystick combination as the pilot but it's got to be said, It was amazing. I started out my expedition in a snazzy cockpit that looked very detailed. As I turned my head around, I could see detail in the ship that you just can't see while playing on a standard monitor. Looking behind me, I could see the exit. Looking down, I realized that a console was blocking the ever elusive in-game feet. Just to test, I decided to lean over the console and lo and behold, I saw my feet. So I was already more blown away than any game has ever managed. This is all before the ship has moved. As I look through the panoramic windshield so to speak, I can see around the "little" space station. As I look to the right, A little menu pops up giving me the option to enter the docking area. I select that option with glee building inside of me like a child about to walk into a pet shop. My ship get's automatically transported into the docking area and I see for the first time just how big this station is. I select the option to retract the landing gear. Then shit turns bad. In the best possible way. The zero gravity hits me straight away and I steer my ship into a wall. I was honestly expecting to get a case of whiplash but then I remember "It's just a game". So I eventually get the hang of the controls and steer myself towards the glowing "HDMI Port". This, is of course not a HDMI port but actually the way out of the station. If you've ever watched a sci-fi movie, you'll know what I'm talking about when I bring up 'that first view of space'. Well, I got that feeling and actually felt like I was there. I sat there with my mouth agape for a good 30 seconds. I then flew around a bit trying to get accustomed to what was up, what was down, etc. Seeing as this was only the first tutorial mission, my next goal was to head back to the station and dock my ship. Upon lining up my ship with the entrance bay. I noticed that the station was constantly spinning. I managed to get back into the station with only minimal damage to my multi-million dollar spacecraft. I docked the ship and then got the bad news that I had to get back to the office. *sad face. I can honestly say that the Oculus has the potential to take over gaming. This is a beta game being played on a developer version of Oculus. VR is definitely the future.
  20. At first I thought that Fucking cracking episode though. Real tears nearly fell out of my eye sockets towards the end
  21. I effing love that song Steve. Brings back memories of The Breakfast Club <3
  22. I won't be getting my PS4 for a while but racing games are one of my loves (others include whiskey and different kinds of whiskey) I'll remember to look up the group though. Welcome to the forum
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