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  1. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to slamminbones in new around here   
    Only a small introduction.
    My names paul live in south wales but not welsh so hopefully that'll keep the sheep jokes to a minimum .
    I tend not to play one or a couple of games always floating through quite a few as i'm  some what of a trophy whore but as i reached my platinum goal i have stopped  buying shit just for a digital trophy.
    Been looking for an old style forum based community instead of a discord based one which brought me to you guys.
    PSN same name here add away for gaming or chats but please stat that you're from here as i tend to get a lot of requests these days  
    Look forward to gaming with some of you, 
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to ChaosGladiator in Favourite Challenges and Blueprints to Complete   
    If you want to run any semi automatic rifle, there's a couple of options out there that aren't half bad. However, I would not pair these with another long range weapon like you're talking of doing with the FAL and a sniper @GazzaGarratt, but if it works for you, go for it. Personally I'd run FAL and Aug rather than FAL and AX-50.
    But a couple things to keep in mind when making those classes.
    - The FAL uses AR ammo. That means you can have a semi-auto sniper (provided you unlock the sniper scopes) with a max of 200 rounds on you. It also takes about 4 shots to down someone with an FAL.
    - Markman rifles and sniper rifles use the same ammo type. This means at all times you will never have more than however much is in your clip, and an additional 40 rounds that your character holds. This means weapons like the EBR that you can technically use as a multipurpouse weapon at all ranges depending on the scope attachment will burn through ammo VERY fast and sniper ammo is also the hardest to find.
    - Scopes. These all boil down to preference in the end, but I'll share my views on some of them anyways. On a sniper rifle, if you've unlocked any of the thermal scopes, use them. You'll pick up a lot of kills and know where enemy teams are thanks to it. Unless people have gotten their loadouts and are running cold-blooded, you'll see them even at 500 meters. If they are running cold blooded, you'll still see them but not as clearly. On the FAL/EBR and similar rifles, I'd suggest using a 4x magnification scope or around that as it will still do alright at range and also up close and it won't give off the "glint" the sniper scopes/thermal scope do. I'm not 100% sure if an AR with a sniper scope gives of the glint or not, but if it does, having a scope with less magnification will make you a ton harder to spot from range.
    - Magazine sizes matter more in close quarters than long range. If you run an SMG or M4/Grau/M13 or what ever, having a larger clip in case shit hits the fan and you have multiple targets to shoot at in a firefight will help you a lot obviously. But on a sniper, do you really need it? I've been running the bog standard mags on my AX-50 and I've been doing just fine. I'd rather take an attachment that makes my shots more accurate, or do more damage than to have 2-3 shots more per mag.
    - Aim down sights time. On a SMG/AR this still matters, on a sniper it really doesn't. At least not in Warzone. My AX-50 is slow as an old geriatric geezer trying to unstick his left nut from his thigh on a hot summer day to aim down sights, but it's accurate as fuck and it will deal some serious damage if I hit upper body or headshots. You're not trying to 720 no scope kids for youtube clips, you wanna put these fuckers in their graves, stability, recoil control and damage is what you want.
    This works for me, something else might work for you, but some of my insight should be helpful. Also, the Kar98K is more fun than it is good in Warzone 😄 
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Favourite Challenges and Blueprints to Complete   
    I've unlocked a lot of blueprints for guns, and I also have the Battlepass which unlocks even more in the season tiers.
    Some of them look or sound cool, but truth be told most of them have trash attachments. And when you change them it makes the gun look more and more normal. It alters the look. I would rather level the guns and use my own setup.
    I do sometimes use them just for the name, my EBR is called "Stay Frosty" from the blueprint.
    When I kill someone it shows on their screen. "Annihilator","Flood","Dusk" etc.  I just hope it confuses them and they don't know what gun it is. 😂
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in MW2 Campaign Remastered   
    Although the MW2 campaign was legendary. I'm just not much of a campaign guy.
    I used to work through the campaign if my internet was down. I'm literally straight to MP asap. Ignore the campaign, maybe I'm a weirdo. Was anyone else this way? 
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in MW2 Campaign Remastered   
    Although the MW2 campaign was legendary. I'm just not much of a campaign guy.
    I used to work through the campaign if my internet was down. I'm literally straight to MP asap. Ignore the campaign, maybe I'm a weirdo. Was anyone else this way? 
  6. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Sorry to hear all the bad times with lockdown, a sick wife, kids and puppy wanting attention, work etc.
    Sounds like a battle from day to day.
    Diddums post was top drawer, loved every word and detail he added.
    I personally have seen the carnage first hand, I mentioned I work in retail.
    I actually work for Tesco. I watch the undead buy all the supplies. By the time I'm done, nothing left.
    Selfish bastards who hit multiple shops, also filling a trolley then sending in another family member straight after.
    Switching between different checkout operators, self service, kiosk. And then have online orders arriving later.
    I see it everyday, people are getting better at controlling the greed. But alas there is still Arseholes about, either stockpiling or abusing shop staff verbally.
    Our deputy manager actually called a customer "A fucking Arsehole, get out of the shop" lifetime ban the lot.
    Many people are warned, told to calm down etc. Let them vent a bit. If they continue to be cunts, then they will leave with nothing and told to not darken this door again.
    Staff confiscate excess goods on limits, staff really are doing their best to monitor and control the situation.
    I give the buying power another week, people's cards must be maxed by now. How do people have the money?
    It can't last forever this hoarding.
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Sorry to hear all the bad times with lockdown, a sick wife, kids and puppy wanting attention, work etc.
    Sounds like a battle from day to day.
    Diddums post was top drawer, loved every word and detail he added.
    I personally have seen the carnage first hand, I mentioned I work in retail.
    I actually work for Tesco. I watch the undead buy all the supplies. By the time I'm done, nothing left.
    Selfish bastards who hit multiple shops, also filling a trolley then sending in another family member straight after.
    Switching between different checkout operators, self service, kiosk. And then have online orders arriving later.
    I see it everyday, people are getting better at controlling the greed. But alas there is still Arseholes about, either stockpiling or abusing shop staff verbally.
    Our deputy manager actually called a customer "A fucking Arsehole, get out of the shop" lifetime ban the lot.
    Many people are warned, told to calm down etc. Let them vent a bit. If they continue to be cunts, then they will leave with nothing and told to not darken this door again.
    Staff confiscate excess goods on limits, staff really are doing their best to monitor and control the situation.
    I give the buying power another week, people's cards must be maxed by now. How do people have the money?
    It can't last forever this hoarding.
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from tronic44 in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Yeah some people just don't seem to care. A lot of people are making sacrifices and doing their bit.
    The humans are the "Real" virus imo.
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Yeah some people just don't seem to care. A lot of people are making sacrifices and doing their bit.
    The humans are the "Real" virus imo.
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Yeah some people just don't seem to care. A lot of people are making sacrifices and doing their bit.
    The humans are the "Real" virus imo.
  11. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from tronic44 in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Sorry to hear all the bad times with lockdown, a sick wife, kids and puppy wanting attention, work etc.
    Sounds like a battle from day to day.
    Diddums post was top drawer, loved every word and detail he added.
    I personally have seen the carnage first hand, I mentioned I work in retail.
    I actually work for Tesco. I watch the undead buy all the supplies. By the time I'm done, nothing left.
    Selfish bastards who hit multiple shops, also filling a trolley then sending in another family member straight after.
    Switching between different checkout operators, self service, kiosk. And then have online orders arriving later.
    I see it everyday, people are getting better at controlling the greed. But alas there is still Arseholes about, either stockpiling or abusing shop staff verbally.
    Our deputy manager actually called a customer "A fucking Arsehole, get out of the shop" lifetime ban the lot.
    Many people are warned, told to calm down etc. Let them vent a bit. If they continue to be cunts, then they will leave with nothing and told to not darken this door again.
    Staff confiscate excess goods on limits, staff really are doing their best to monitor and control the situation.
    I give the buying power another week, people's cards must be maxed by now. How do people have the money?
    It can't last forever this hoarding.
  12. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Sorry to hear all the bad times with lockdown, a sick wife, kids and puppy wanting attention, work etc.
    Sounds like a battle from day to day.
    Diddums post was top drawer, loved every word and detail he added.
    I personally have seen the carnage first hand, I mentioned I work in retail.
    I actually work for Tesco. I watch the undead buy all the supplies. By the time I'm done, nothing left.
    Selfish bastards who hit multiple shops, also filling a trolley then sending in another family member straight after.
    Switching between different checkout operators, self service, kiosk. And then have online orders arriving later.
    I see it everyday, people are getting better at controlling the greed. But alas there is still Arseholes about, either stockpiling or abusing shop staff verbally.
    Our deputy manager actually called a customer "A fucking Arsehole, get out of the shop" lifetime ban the lot.
    Many people are warned, told to calm down etc. Let them vent a bit. If they continue to be cunts, then they will leave with nothing and told to not darken this door again.
    Staff confiscate excess goods on limits, staff really are doing their best to monitor and control the situation.
    I give the buying power another week, people's cards must be maxed by now. How do people have the money?
    It can't last forever this hoarding.
  13. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
    Paganini Caprice 24 on 1 bass: 
  14. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Diddums in Stretch's self isolation fun!!   
    Day 8:
    As humanity continues to descend in to a primal state of ferocity and self-serving passive aggression, the structures once known as “supermarkets” are evolving in to huge PVP arenas where combat takes place in the form of ferocious tutting and sighing, with some clan members even resorting to the strategic placement of trollies to defend their self-claimed patch of shelving, forever in the hope that another packet of Tesco Value Lasagne will be placed in front of them by the Food Gods of Tesco, enabling them to return to their tribal village, triumphant in their quest to obtain more supplies from the PVP arena.
    At the doors of these arenas, the mods are struggling to hold the crowds of undead back, receiving their orders from the game master over a walking-talking device. These mods will eventually succumb to the non-stop pleas of players to allow them to enter which will unleash the tide and the structure will complete its evolution in to a survival deathmatch arena. The mod will be overthrown and will have to enter the Safe Zone behind what was once known as a cigarette counter, only for a new mod to rise up in its place. This mod will eventually dethrone the Game Master and will assemble an army who will construct a vehicle out of trollies. This vehicle will become the new GM’s combat vehicle, propelled by the undead who have committed to a life of servitude in the hope of getting a bite of the GM’s last chicken drumstick which is strategically hung from a rope made of Andrex toilet paper.
    Nobody knows where this story will end. The undead are becoming more contagious, slowly losing more and more of the mask they used to cover the fact that they were nothing more than slightly evolved primates all along. The wars will continue. The food will be eaten. The arses will be wiped. But at what cost?
    This is the world we live in. Be strong out there. Resist the urge to become an undead and cherish the moments you had with those who are weak of mind and gave in, for they will never get to have a bite of the GM’s chicken drumstick no matter how hard they push that trolley.
    God save us all.
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Free to Play - Cross Platform - Battle Royal   
    Yeah this ^^ 
    I couldn't give a shit about BR type game modes. I'm a multiplayer man, always have been.
    The expression "Too much toast, not enough butter" 
    It's bad enough it was another 15gb update. But I'm not interested, I should have the option of not having it.
    Oh I heard they added a new shotgun to MP, saw a video of a  youtuber using it. VLK Rogue.
    I don't know if it's just an Origin blueprint variant or an actual new gun.
    You know how YouTubers like to clickbait with "New" "Wow" "OP" etc.
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Drunk Streamer Fires Gun on Twitch   
    And then a crack baby was born...........
    Seriously what an idiot. I bet he is in a subway somewhere as we speak, begging for loose change.
    These streamers have what some people would class as a "perfect" job.
    Talk about ruining your life. Also love Frank at the end, superb.
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Drunk Streamer Fires Gun on Twitch   
    And then a crack baby was born...........
    Seriously what an idiot. I bet he is in a subway somewhere as we speak, begging for loose change.
    These streamers have what some people would class as a "perfect" job.
    Talk about ruining your life. Also love Frank at the end, superb.
  20. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare First Impressions   
    Origin, MP5, Bizon are all good. However that new Grau gun is super OP. Better than all them put together imo. Ram is nasty too! 
  21. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in What are you listening to right now?   
    Been loving this recently, just such a groove and funky af.
    It's the bass player from Primus, guitarist from Phish and the Drummer from Police.
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    Very true, both are scary. That video is just sinister in all ways. They do have some good songs. But very eclectic and bizzare. They are a facisinating band "Mr Bungle".
  25. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    ^disturbing yes, but not quite as disturbing as a pussy cat dolls revival [emoji16]

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