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    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Where in the world-pic thread   
    The one over the sea is the Atlantic Ocean road in Norway

  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in Where in the world-pic thread   
    Great Pics Gary! I agree with Mcnasty the castle looks stunning. Is it anywhere near me? (Scotland) 
  3. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Where in the world-pic thread   
    As we can't really travel at the moment I  thought I'd share some pictures of some of the places I've been over the last decade in the hopes that you guys would do the same, the one thing that has changed with covid is the lack of travel, true for others it's much worse so I get that a lot of us have been lucky so far. 
    Pics from Norway, Australia and aushwitz and closer to home Scotland,Wales, IOM and Yorkshire.
    Hope the link works, it said something about not being able to embed
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    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Cold War - Season One   
    Yeah I heard that also. I mean I love Summit and Firing Range, but not this many times. I swear if they add another Jungle.
    Would happily play any of your suggestions. Grid is cool and would fit in well with CW. Overflow was my favourite Capture the flag map on BO2.
    Like James OX4D said a map like Array would be nice, it's not anyone's fave, but it adds extra variety.
    I can think of so many maps ahead of Firing Range + Summit.
    Radiation, Launch, Hanoi, Plaza and Standoff from BO2. I could name another dozen more at least. 😛
  5. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in What are you listening to right now?   
    I'm a bit late on this, but this version of Last Christmas cracks me up to no end. 
    This Wham/Slayer Mashup literally had me in tears of laughter. It actually goes really well. I present to you "Careless In The Abyss"
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Magazines   
    Ahhh Gamesmaster I forgot about that one! It had great walkthroughs and cheats as well. It was Iconic especially in those PS1/2 days.
    And your right with the t,internet available a lot of these mags are not as relevant which is a shame.
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Stretch's Random Board Game Thread!   
    Some interesting games. I haven't played board games in years, but I remember a lot of the classics from childhood.
    Some of my favourites include. Monopoly, Cluedo, Game Of Life, Hungry Hippos, Mousetrap, Payday.
    Not to mention the ultimate in world domination "Risk" that's a game and a half. 
    Great thread Stretch, was a great read!
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Dan94 in Cold War - Season One   
    No worries, its definitely more fun and fast paced than usual Warzone. I can't stand the multi atm, so its definitely a nice change up as a middle ground 🙂 
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Dan94 in Cold War - Season One   
    Ahhh I see that makes sense. Now I really despise Warzone/BR things, but that actually sounds a lot better.
    If I'm ever doing Warzone challenges which they are too many for my liking. Implemented between Season 1 Challenges and Operator ones I know what I will be playing! Cheers for the info.
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
    I'm a bit late on this, but this version of Last Christmas cracks me up to no end. 
    This Wham/Slayer Mashup literally had me in tears of laughter. It actually goes really well. I present to you "Careless In The Abyss"
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Dan94 in Cold War - Season One   
    Its Alcatraz from Blackout, but day time. The rebirth resurgence version is trios, when you die there is no gulag instead you have a countdown timer for when you fly back in, as long as one of your team mates is still alive. They replaced it the last few weeks with "mini royale" instead which was quads but with gulag and a smaller portion of the map like in normal Warzone mini royale.
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    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in What are you listening to right now?   
    Try this....
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  15. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in Reverse Boosting   
    Every time I see the name of this thread pop up I think it's a new term for a sex position I'm not hip enough to know yet🤔
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in Reverse Boosting   
    "but they're likely to be new players, with average K/D ratios skewing as low as 0.72 in some games"....in some games? That's where I live in all CoD games, baby!! 🤣
  17. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from tronic44 in The FG Awards 2020   
    My package arrived today also. Thank you very much Lee and everyone from FG. The wife was unsure and surprised I had won something. She was chuffed for me and proud. Maybe it will result in extra game time over the year. I can say if I want to have a chance of winning anything else in the future I need another few games. 😂
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in The FG Awards 2020   
    My package arrived today also. Thank you very much Lee and everyone from FG. The wife was unsure and surprised I had won something. She was chuffed for me and proud. Maybe it will result in extra game time over the year. I can say if I want to have a chance of winning anything else in the future I need another few games. 😂
  19. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The FG Awards 2020   
    My package arrived today also. Thank you very much Lee and everyone from FG. The wife was unsure and surprised I had won something. She was chuffed for me and proud. Maybe it will result in extra game time over the year. I can say if I want to have a chance of winning anything else in the future I need another few games. 😂
  20. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from G_dub52 in The FG Awards 2020   
    My package arrived today also. Thank you very much Lee and everyone from FG. The wife was unsure and surprised I had won something. She was chuffed for me and proud. Maybe it will result in extra game time over the year. I can say if I want to have a chance of winning anything else in the future I need another few games. 😂
  21. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in The FG Awards 2020   
    A package turned up today, no idea what the hell it was then opened it, nice surprise I'd complete forgot @GazzaGarratt cheers 👍
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Dan94 in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    SpyCraft got changed a good bit in an update or patch a while back. It makes you immune to CUAV/Field Mics and you don't trigger proxy mines or gas mines. Also can hack enemy care packages.
    I'm sure there is a few more things it does just can't remember them all.
    Ninja is useless Vs Field Mics now, you show up on them.
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Dan94 in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    I thought that too, however if they're CUAV'd they wouldnt be able to see the field mics either would they?
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to cyberninja2601 in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    1) The minimap seems ok to me. I have not notice
    2) Ghort seems ok still, don't forget 
    - Paranoia, helps you know if someone aims at you
    - forward intel, helps you know were the enemy will respond
    - tracker tells shows you the enemy footsteps
    - field mic, helps with sound
    - a lot of barrels improve enemy detection
    So there's a shitload of ways to help detect the enemy and many are immune to ghost.
    I warzone, tracker is probably the best perk to run. I don't even look at the minimap and often ambush someone with the help of dead silience. 
    3) I have notice that too. 
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to JBR-Kiwi in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    Couple of things, is anyone elses mini-map broken? I’ve played a number of games today where team mates don’t appear at all on my mini-map. I can see them on the main screen but there is no arrows or anything on the mini-map. 
    second thing is am I being stupid or does ghost not really work at all. I’ve got a number of classes that are more perk based so run ghost and ninja in perk 3. The number of times I have been moving (sometimes running sometimes walking) and not shooting, the enemy has put a uav up and suddenly players have whipped round to get me. Even when you have a counter uav up people still seem to home in on you more then seems normal. 
    Thirdly, I know it has been mentioned in here or in another thread but the switch flip seemingly mid map to make you go from slapping people to getting arse fucked by Mandingo or vice versa is un-fucking real!!! 
    played a game of kill confirmed and I was on a 23 kill streak and the team was dominating something like 45-12 with none of the opposite team doing at all well. All of a sudden it was like a team of Scumps and Claysters were all over the map. Some poor bugger even piped up on the mic asking if it had gone super difficult for everybody else as well. I think we scrapped a 65-61 win but man it was a proper sweat fest where you pretty much had to trip team their players otherwise you were getting one bursted. 
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