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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. @GazzaGarratt I don't play Warzone , but if it's Integrated with Vanguard and there is Vanguard "settings" there is a lot of dogshit graphics and interface settings that change the game. All the classics like motion blur and field of depth etc are turned on by default and affect vision especially at longer ranges. Also Fidelitycas I recommend turning on as it enhances sharpening and it's night and day at long distances. Also on demand texture streaming I recommend turning off as it causes more lag. There are various other things. I think you need to tinker with settings more. As a rule of thumb adjust contrast and brightness on your TV rather than game settings it just is better mate.
  2. Nice to see you back man. Loving your gaming/office den looks cool. I play Vanguard Multiplayer on PS4, will get you added mate. Don't think we played before because back in the day I was on XBOX and you on PS.
  3. It's not bad if you can get it for a good price. I've never been a fan of Battlefield and not played much of any of them. I watched one of the teaser videos you posted about 2042, it was some guy reloading an LMG on a rooftop. To be honest it looked like a warzone type ripoff. I know Battlefield has existed way before Warzone. I didn't want to comment or rubbish the game because it's not for me. But other people were excited for it and I didn't want to hate on it. 2042 looks like a disgrace and a flop to the franchise. All I've heard is "Glitchy Buggy Mess" Vanguard ain't perfect, but have had 3 updates already and the game has only been out 2 weeks. SHG are at least listening and trying to improve people's experiences.
  4. The Flamethrower into the Spawn is BS for sure. But I think the spawns are better than MW19. There is slightly better angles to defend. Also you don't have the horrible sightlines of corner to corner on this one. It's always going to be wild on this map. I think with the Tactical Pacing like Blitz can make it worse. 8v8 is nuts. Just explosions going off constantly. So far the best I've managed was 108 Eliminations playing Dom 6v6. With the Combat Shotgun. 😈
  5. Vanguard is literally MW19 set in WW2, but with more maps and way more bugs. The game is definitely a bit ropey for the lack of a good description. It's not absolutely awful, but it definitely leaves the participant desiring more of something. Lot's of challenges not tracking or bugged. Some of the challenges just seem long and tedious for no reason. The killstreaks aren't very original. I feel because it's "WW2" it's like other options aren't possible for the timeframe. Seems rather convenient. The TTK is fast, feels like your playing hardcore sometimes when your not. Lots of "Broken" as in OP guns. More so with certain attachments. It's like nothing has been tested properly. Pump action shotgun with fire damage shells and barrels to increase range etc. Literally feels like you could hipfire 1 shot 30m away. Another shotgun you can akimbo. Then there is another shotgun you can move supersonic speed and it's a semi auto shotgun. Will post a link to a ridiculous video at the bottom so you can see what I mean. Now for a few positives, there is loads of guns and plenty of maps. Some maps I haven't even played yet. The multiplayer experience beats MW19 for sure, without a doubt. There is more action and the maps flow pretty well for the most part. Tactical Pacing is very interesting, you can increase the player amount effectively and make the game more intense with more people on smaller maps. Operators have an interesting quirk, each one has a favourite gun. Meaning if you use said gun it will level the gun faster and also your operator. I think this has been used in an older FPS it sounds like a familiar idea. All in all I only paid £20 for it on my PS4. (Had Game vouchers to use up). I would say I get enjoyment out of it, but the game could be better. If they sort out a lot of the bugs etc it could definitely be more fun. Gracey Auto Shotgun. 40 Second V2 Rocket On Core( Not Mine) 😂 This isn't hacking either it's legit, think his teammates avoid killing to let him go for it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nd4K4V8D1I
  6. Some really good advice from everyone here. I'm not extremely frugal with money, but I'm not completely wasteful either. I don't tend to spend much money on clothes and shoes etc. If I need something I will buy it. It's more having a child and my wife's wages have effectively halved since she went part time. I cover the mortgage as I always have. Since her income is lower I took on the council tax which is about £150 a month. Also I don't work a Friday as over time a 6th day. Which is a drop of over £200 a month. So even with that I'm down £350 a month than I was. I don't have any debts or loans etc, but just losing a chunk of money makes things a bit tighter. I finish work and come home and my wife goes to work, I can't just stay on a bit extra or pick up hours because I've to look after the wee one obviously. We value spending time with our girl than having more money or going through the child minder or babysitter route. I wouldn't say I struggle, all bills and everything is paid, but just not a lot leftover to effectively save or play with for luxury items or things to do. I do believe there is always savings and ways to keep more money, but it's all subjective to everyone's circumstances.
  7. PYRAMID SCHEME! Only joking mate! Sounds like good returns and percentages and I'm pleased your doing well. The problem is you need some money to accumulate more. I couldn't afford setting aside anything. Just life in general is survival. I can only dream of having money leftover to set aside.
  8. Yeah the old ESO servers were awesome. I played a lot of rated matches. I got 1750+ with random god's. But I mained Norse, Loki was my fave and I decent with Thor. Sometimes well over 1800-1850 range. I played mostly AOT. I Got 4th on the leaderboards with 1883 on 1v1 Supremacy before Aoe3 cameout. I played some AOM vanilla and got 1850 with 12 matches 100% win smurfing and self rating 😂 The Age of Mythology servers moved to voobly and is still being played. Haven't played in a long time maybe 5-6+ years at least. I did play some on voobly but was a bit rusty tbh.
  9. Nice! I was part of AciD_ clan if you remember them. What god's did you main? Yeah that map creator name sounds familiar.
  10. @LordBaguette Did you ever play Age of Mythology Online? Was awesome in its prime. @J4MES OX4D Yeah I hear ya, price and also expectations of such a title need to be met. I just think the nostalgia is priceless and a must have.
  11. I know you are a PC player so I would if I were you. If I had a decent PC to run it I would 100%. Depends on how much you liked the series, tastes change as well. It might just not be for you.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 42/100 My Time 175 seconds  
  13. I think what put a lot of people off was the lack of content intially. Also the SBMM can be really strong at times. There isn't as much incentive to do well as you will get punished and put into a CDL finals match sooner than you would think. My only gripe with it is that the connections get iffy when your matching with higher skilled players. Rather than play local players your up against Americans or Asians etc which sucks when your in Europe. I don't mind taking a beating from time to time, but it's hard to enjoy a thrashing. It's more of the half games in progress with multiple harps up from the enemy team and gunships etc. The game itself when running smoothly is a lot better and faster paced than MW. It was really campy for so many reasons. They have added a lot of content since release, but as James said we should of had some of this content to begin with. Cold War looks a lot better on the eye too than originally.
  14. Has anyone played it yet? Or planning on playing it over this coming weekend? Might have a shot at it to see what like. No way I was preordering it. Have like £30-40 of "Game" vouchers to use up so I could buy it for reasonably cheap if it's any good.
  15. Sounds messy, if the game has Team Deathmatch with say a 150 limit the match would be over in about 2 mins. I personally loved shipment on MW, the 10v10 version was chaos and enjoyable for me. 😅
  16. Emmm Combat Pacing? WTF, what's wrong with 6v6, Groundwar etc. Pick the smallest maps and get 28-48 players and crank up the SBMM. Hope there are some nice shotguns and SMG's for the "Intensity". I'm convinced if you go for Blitz the SBMM will be extra strong to make it more intense.
  17. Streetsweeper x7 Ultra Kill Best Play. 
  18. That's very unique and cool, the hanging of items from a tree sounds very spiritual and personal, to surround yourself with familiar items. I remember when I was in Amsterdam about 14 years ago. Literally the first coffee shop I walked into after arriving. There was a poster of Lee Scratch on the wall with gig dates. It had the night befores date on it. I asked the dude there did I just miss him? And he was like yeah man, he played here last night. He comes over a couple of times a year and he was here. Pipes, bongs, chillums. You would of had a smoke with him if you were a day earlier. 😳
  19. A sad thing, 85 he was? I was lucky to see him live a few years ago. Would of loved to have see him when he was younger. Total legend and visionary.
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