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Everything posted by Palle

  1. Palle


  2. My fan art of Rustin Cohle! About the last episode:
  3. My lastest work that I did tonight. Vectorized pencil drawing of Rustin Cohle from True Detective.
  4. Are we related?
  5. There are way uglier women out there tbh... I'd let her have some of her "hammertime" with me, for sure.
  6. So I've gotten into making electronic music and just recently got an AKAI MPK49 midi controller. Been messing around in Ableton Live trying to learn all kinds of stuff, quite difficult to understand how everything works. Anyway, I've made a "song"... It's not really a song though, it's just looped sequence that I randomly made and then I tried to make something out of it. https://soundcloud.com/kenzaiyo/untitled2 May not be the best but I'm happy with the mixing though and quality of the sound. If you ever listened to 2562 you might notice the influences in the synth/style of the song.
  7. "One in the pinker, one in the stinker"...
  8. Any Skrillex or Avicii song. Also most stuff like Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Beyoncé and all the other mainstream no-talent garbage that is being played on radio and MTV.
  9. The scene were they were arguing and Daryl started crying was awkward to watch, the acting wasn't really that good... Why do you want her gone, she's one of the hottest girls still around lol. I think she is going to die this season though... I wonder if it was a hint of what is going to happen when she said "one day I'll be gone" and "you're going to miss me so bad, Daryl Dixon" Edit: I now have 420 posts. lol
  10. "Gravity" with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. It sucked. 100% CG fappage made for 3D, so many flaws in the physics of space it's just ridiculous... The story (or lack of it) was the worst though, just so boring. There was just no point in this movie except visuals. Two hours of pretty much nothing. If Sandra Bullock gets an Oscar for this movie but not Di Caprio for his performances I'd be pissed.
  11. How old are you again? I'm 24 and I barely have any facial hair worth saving... Mostly non-pigmented hair too. 1 year is nothing really, mine hasn't changed much since I was 18 so don't worry : )
  12. She asked for it!
  13. Awww man, you stole the thread I was going make... lol. Anyway I really like it. Good acting and cool dialogues, Rust Cohle is an interesting character which rminds me a lot about myself in the ways he think about things.
  14. But you're right, she also looks like a dumb ass
  15. How did I miss this... Just watched the reveal video, seems pretty cool. Kind of like what I was thinking but I would want the setting to be more suburban/rural.
  16. Wouldn't it be cool if CoD was made into an FPS RPG. I'm thinking a FPS sandbox game like DAYZ except there's no zombies, just war themed gameplay... You join a clan that you always stick with and randomly run into other clans, kill them to gain XP, weapons, gear... Or you can team up with them. Join the game by yourself and find another loner, then you can decide to join or kill each other. Gain XP to build a base with headquarters, get vehicles and gear. Let me know if this has already been done in another game, I have no idea since I don't play a lot of games.
  17. I would wreck her.
  18. Palle


    We should have some games of Mike Myers on Rust, that would be awesome
  19. Palle


    I have all the titles (CoD1, CoD4, WaW, MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2) on PS3... I'd be happy to join a few games of whatever you guys decide to play. CoD4, MW2 or WAW are the ones I'd prefer though...
  20. When I watched the trailer and saw all the action scenes I was reminded of the scene from Family Guy... I can imagine all sorts of parodies being made from this movie when it's out
  21. Palle


    I went back to MW2 before Christmas, had a good time playing S&D. I play it on PS3.
  22. Well... "FuhgawzzZ" is just really old to me, something I kept using all these years because of my poor imagination when it come to usernames. Saw it on Kurt Cobain's left shoe and got stuck in my head. I don't really like it anymore since I found out that it means "fake" in the italian language... I still don't know how to pronounce it "Palle" is just a nick that my friends started using for me when we were in middleschool because I reminded them of a guy on a TV show. I don't like it that much now... So that's why I choose to go with my real name
  23. It's my real name! Don't make fun of it!
  24. Man, you shouldn't have to explain yourself like that :\ Why should you be afraid? If people disagree and feel an absolute urge to point that out to you, those should be the ones who should explain why they haven't got anything better to do with their time than bashing your beliefs. They won't prove themselves better than anyone either. Ignore the ignorant.
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