I try to be there for my nephews, but its getting harder. My sister's attitude is rubbing off on the oldest. He is getting ready to enlist, he hates women (seriously), he is a a bully, lazy, and not once has taken credit for his problems or his failings.
Sure he is 17, but how much will he actually grow out of it?
My youngest nephew though, now that is a different story, he hates his mom, he has asked to live with me a few times, but its not possible, his mother flat refuses (Mainly on the grounds of her being lazy as hell, and she needs him to pick up after her and #3)
I gave both nephews a decent mid range PC; my sister stole it and uses it for porn and facebook, and refuses to give it back.
I bought them an Xbox with a few games; #3 smashed it one night while drunk and pretending he was Thor with an iron skillet (Not joking, this actually happened)
I bought the youngest a Chromebook; then proceeded to "rent" it to him. He signed a rental agreement with me, where he would pay me 20$ a month. I put that money into a savings account for him, that his mother doens't know about. The reason we did a rental agreement though, so that if anything happens to it, I sue her for it. And I flipping will sue her fat lazy ass if anything happens to it. Also, a savings account for my youngest is just win all around, and he knows and is cool with it.
That being said though, your quote is really nice, Drifter, but I view it as one of those things writers put down to sound cool but when it comes to real world application, it falls apart. Like many things, its great on paper, but in application its not even close to reality.
Just like with smokers, its impossible to help them quit, unless they 100% in their heart want to quit.
My sister doesn't want to change, she is happy going through life manipulating people and getting her way through ignorance and tantrums.
My dad feels some sort of guilt for not nurturing her enough or something, I don't really know; but until such a time as he feels he has done enough, I can't help him quit.