I've mentioned a few times now that I am not a fan of my sister. By that I mean I truly cannot stand her.
She pulls this crap where she makes these flagrant assumptions about people, with absolutely ZERO input or experience.
Case in point: She frequently rails against Muslims, and Religion of all kinds. Yet she gladly holds up the fact that she has never attended church, or read the bible, Quran, Torah, etc..
She prefers getting tattoo's, her hair dyed, or nails done, to buying clothes for her kids.
She makes really horrible life decisions and then expects everyone to back her up, or help her out. (She bought a house in Lousiana, in a flood plane, on the beach. The Gulf is literally 20 feet out, and 1 ft below her back porch.)
She frequently makes backhanded remarks, and then when people call her out on it, she runs away crying persecution.
She left her husband, dying of bladder cancer, to go bang a chef at Waffle House, that was just out of prison, and a raging Alcoholic. (We call him #3, as he isn't deserving of a real name)
Nutshell: I hate her, and damn near everything about her.
So for the last few years I have managed to stay "Sister Drama" free from her. Both my mother and father have also been, as they were tired of her shit.
I don't answer her calls, or texts. She isn't smart enough to use Email, as its not Facebook, so no worries there.
However, My dad has decided to reconcile various things in his life, so he has opened the door again for her.
She has now decided to start randomly showing up to my house. I refused her entry.
She went back to my dad, and decided to hit him up for money, he gave in, and then called me because he was short. I don't have any damn money, but, I sold some stocks and paid his mortgage for him, and bought groceries.
Rinse repeat the above a few dozen times, you guys get the idea.
I am at the point though, where I can't play these games anymore, even with my dad.
So, how would you all recommend I handle this. Its going to go Nuclear eventually, so at this point I figure get the plan in place and make it happen.