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  1. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Mikepjbell in The big asterisk*   
    Hope you enjoy it Lee, you've kept this place together by constantly nagging us all. You're a true gent and you deserve to enjoy yourself this Christmas ❤️
  2. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in The big asterisk*   
    @GazzaGarratt Thank you for all you do.  No one is more deserving.   🍺👍
  3. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in The big asterisk*   
    No one deserves it more! This is one hell of a community and the work that @GazzaGarrattputs in is phenomenal.
    Thanks so much dude! Enjoy it buddy! 
  4. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The big asterisk*   
    No one deserves it more! This is one hell of a community and the work that @GazzaGarrattputs in is phenomenal.
    Thanks so much dude! Enjoy it buddy! 
  5. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to phil bottle in The big asterisk*   
    This community rocks as always, when the going gets tough, FG smashes it out of the park.
    @GazzaGarrattall we gotta do now is find you someone to play it with 🤗
    Looking forward to all those evenings where we still persuade you over to the PC though🙂
  6. Love
    G_dub52 reacted to Diddums in The big asterisk*   
    Well, what a year this has been huh? I think we can all agree, to put it bluntly, that this year can go fuck itself. 
    That said, one thing that's been a constant throughout this fuckup of a year is this place, the people that make it, and the website that Leigh won't shut up about. It's not gone unnoticed by most of us that Leigh has put some significant work in to this place over the last few months and kept the ball rolling as much as possible, whilst still being the responsible adult we all love and sometimes need.
    So to that end, and with FG being FG, we clubbed in together to do something we all know Leigh would appreciate the hell out of. So we rummaged around sofas and sold our bodies on the streets to be able to do it, but Dad, you can cancel your PS5 pre-order as we've got one for you.
    Thanks to all who participated in this, regardless of how you participated it's always appreciated and the love is always felt in this community. 
    Happy 2020 you irritating fuck, hope you have many more years with us ❤️ 
    We're struggling to get a proper pre-order in, Very cancelled ours for some reason so we're seeing what we can do, so if you have one that's still valid please keep it and we'll send you the money rather than have you waiting unnecessarily long. If we manage to get a reliable pre-order in I'll update this thread.
    See you all online champs! 
  7. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New addition to the kitchen   
    @GazzaGarrattthis is a fair upgrade from my humble caffetiere!
    Its more of a hobbyist machine, the coffee is literally as good as you make it. You can get it too bitter, too sour or just right depending on a number of factors.
    If you just want to roll out of bed and get your hit I would probably go with a decent nespresso pod machine or similar. Me and Hollie are enjoying the technical side of this though to be fair, we are literally comparing how much (in grams) coffee to use with what grind size? and how long it takes to pour and different beans have different settings etc haha.
    Its a fun science if your into it and when you get it right its a proper buzz but if you just want a decent cup quick its not worth the investment. My caffatiere coffees used to be spot on too.
  8. Haha
    G_dub52 reacted to Greboth in GT Sport - FG Races   
    I have the £500, any chance you can lend me the additional £57k?
  9. Haha
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Greboth in GT Sport - FG Races   
    @GrebothWhen does your new rig arrive? ----> 
    Aston Martin AMR-C01 is a £57,500 luxury racing simulator
    WWW.AUTOCAR.CO.UK Simulator features a carbonfibre monocoque, Valkyrie-style seating position and Aston's trademark grille  
  10. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New addition to the kitchen   
    Its an art for sure! Week one has gone pretty well and Im slowly getting better at the process. Going to get some decent beans today as im getting more confident haha
  11. Haha
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FIFA 20 - FG Pro Clubs   
    I had a proper crack last night! Was defo worth getting shouted at by Hollie to be quiet haha.
    Awesome games guys! Cant wait for the next night GGFG!
  12. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from RenFengge in New addition to the kitchen   
    @Middle Class Caveman has advised me to post this here and its a bloody good idea too!
    Here is our new coffee machine and Im not going to lie I bloody love it! I am still learning how to use it properly but getting there for sure!
    Any other coffee heads out there? Hints, tips and stories welcome 🙂

  13. Haha
    G_dub52 reacted to slamminbones in Anime   
    Dragon ball
    Dragonball z 
    Dragonball super 
    Dragon ball GT
    Dragon ball heros 

    As you can see i some what like the dragonball universe.
  14. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New addition to the kitchen   
    @Middle Class Caveman has advised me to post this here and its a bloody good idea too!
    Here is our new coffee machine and Im not going to lie I bloody love it! I am still learning how to use it properly but getting there for sure!
    Any other coffee heads out there? Hints, tips and stories welcome 🙂

  15. Haha
    G_dub52 reacted to slamminbones in New addition to the kitchen   
    Looks like you need some sort of mechanical qualification to use it 😄
    Bet it makes a cracking cup of coffee unlike my wife 😄
  16. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in New addition to the kitchen   
    @Middle Class Caveman has advised me to post this here and its a bloody good idea too!
    Here is our new coffee machine and Im not going to lie I bloody love it! I am still learning how to use it properly but getting there for sure!
    Any other coffee heads out there? Hints, tips and stories welcome 🙂

  17. Haha
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in FIFA 20 - FG Pro Clubs   
    What a Monday Night Football last night was! 6 of us turned up and we're all feeling quite positive about the night ahead. We started out needing 4 points from 4 games in our first season in Division 9 to win the league. No problem, right?
    How wrong were we!
    Pat McGroin @jordie1892  and Fellaini @G_dub52  both had sendings off in our first games whilst we continued to get absolutely battered and punished every time we went forward. Sometimes it felt harsh but I suppose this is FIFA and it doesn't care about our fragile feelings 😬 Constantly not getting breaks in front of the goal, although I think for the first 4 games we were just happy to make certain tackles and little passes as we are so easily pleased. New signings Sean @Glen11  and Mikey @moir17 were finally getting into their stride, all to no avail for this season though as we lost the final 4 games and just survived relegation.
    I think 4 games seem to be our warm-up for each session because after the season finished we went on an absolute stormer of results, playing some sultry and exquisite football along the way. We managed to finish the season as Champions of Division 9, winning 5 and only losing 2 with some huge scorelines as you can see below!

    So much laughs along the way, a phrase that Sean might regret he even said (we might still get it printed on a shirt, like George said!), Sebba @ChaosGladiator leading the frontline and eventually banging the goals in left, right and centre with the might Forlan (never gonna get tired of screaming his name now!), and some hilarious one-twos happening all over the shop - George playing one with our own crossbar and Mikey with an open goal using a opposition defender to do a quick one-two and somehow getting it back!
    I need to try and get all the snippets from the videos to try and put together, it would be a great montage - even I scored last night, and it was absolute bullet volley!
    Lets try and get another night going too, I think most enjoyed it. We mentioned Weds night although i'd be on late (around 9.30) but that doesn't stop you all from getting on. I'll stick up an event for us shotly when I get more time away from work.
    GGFG @ChaosGladiator  @jordie1892  @G_dub52  @Glen11  @Moir17
  18. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to ChaosGladiator in FIFA 20 - FG Pro Clubs   
    Was great fun last night, even with a bit of a rocky start 😅 Formation change seemed to help and maybe we just needed some games to warm up, but we definetly ended the night on a high. GG FG FC 😂
  19. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in FIFA 20 - FG Pro Clubs   
    Looking forward to tonight tbh! Quite a few of us on and i've got the footy game bug back!
    @G_dub52  i'm up for asking about other nights too so we'll see what the others say 😁
  20. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to craftofboredom in 33 yr old Filipino Female looking for...   
    Friends to play games with! 😁 PC and Switch are my weapon.
    No seriously, just friends. lol. I've already got my partner to look after. I don't need another one. 😂
    Been playing games since I was a kid.
    Dr Mario, Pacman and Pinball on the family computer. 
    Pokemon on my red Gameboy. That was fun to play in black and white. 
    Our first PC back in 1995, I remember playing Heretic (was only 8 and terrified of this game) , Hocus Pocus and of course, Windows Solitaire. 
    Skipped gaming when I was growing up as a teenager because... hormones. enough said. (But, I still played Snake on my Nokia 5110)
    Got older (not wiser), but revisited gaming again.
    Nintendo DS came into my life and Pokemon re-revisited me along with Harvest Moon. 
    Minecraft was amazing when it came to mobile and I gave that a whirl.
    Then I discovered Stardew Valley on Steam.
    This opened the doors to heavier games and I found out I like survival games. Not the dying part, but the bit where I don't die. 
    Now I play 7 Days to Die, some Ark, Minecraft (never gets old), The Long Dark, Killing Floor, etc.
    I sometimes play Story games like Life is Strange and Deponia. 
    Tavern Tycoon and Hospital Tycoon are good ones too.
    The Switch was then invented so I had to get that, obviously.
    Played Dragon Quest Builders 2 (cuter version of Minecraft with an actual story and RPG style)
    I played Nino Kuni (Wrath of the White Witch) and most recently played Dragon Quest XI.
    I still have Zelda Breath of the Wild and Zelda Links Awakening to play.
    On my Steam, I've got too many games and not enough time to play all of it.
    I probably have enough games to last me until I retire. lol. 
    Or I just end up playing the same game over and over again. Re-play-ability baby.
    Anyway, I'll love you and leave you before I don't stop. Have a nice day guys!
  21. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to SMSlegend in Hi there people!   
    Just thought that it would be polite to say Hi to all you good people here! 
    I am very new to online gaming, having a preference to single player, offline gaming for..... er, decades!. Im(when I have time), playing WOW and also enjoyed WOT previous to that.
    Also just about to start online co-op play with a friend playing Generation Zero.
    Thinking of upgrading my old ps4 for a Pro, but might just wait for the next gen.... not decided yet.
    I have a long history of gaming, with me starting out with an Amstrad in the 80's.... yes, im that old!. My favorite games machine overall and to date, would be the Amiga 500, just lots of fond memories of great games.
    Loved the Gamecube, I thought that it was the best of the 3 choices back then.... Metroid Prime was just awesome when that came out.
    Played alot of RTS on my PC back when Command and Conquer Generals was around, had a break from gaming for a bit and then got my first(I am on my second) ps4. Love the system.
    Anyway, Hi to you all again and thanks for having me here.
  22. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Community Calendar: FIFA Pro Clubs Chaos   
    Event Title: FIFA Pro Clubs Chaos
    Event Author: G_dub52
    Calendar: Community Calendar
    Event Date: 09/07/2020 08:00 PM

    Following on from the success of last time I would like to do it again very much on Monday!
    @GazzaGarratt@ChaosGladiator @jordie1892 @phil bottle@LordBaguette and anyone who wants to get involved
    FIFA Pro Clubs Chaos
    N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  23. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in Yooo   
    Welcome to FG @Kieran , i'm Lee! Nice to see that you found a place online, its a unique place many of us call home so I hope in time you can feel the same too.
    Many of us here play PS4 and PC with a few on Xbox too. We have some special large group ups on FG Fridays so if you have CoD and a few other games on the PS4 then lets get you involved! Definitely looking forward to hearing what you think you'll get on your PC. We seem to be having a bit of a survival binge atm on there with DayZ, 7 Days to Die and Green Hell all been played of late.
    Hope you get involve around the place and hope you enjoy your stay at FG 👍
  24. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in Hello, is it me you're looking for?   
    Welcome to FG @Emma ! Great getting some games in with you already on 7 days, been a real helpful source of knowledge too! It makes such a difference when we have a bunch of us on the game, its definitely a change of pace having more of us clubbing together to get stuff done.
    You'll find a large amount of us are on PS4 or on PC with a few Xbox stragglers about. PS4 definitely gives us alot more chances to party up on some things like Paul @slamminbones  said, FG Fridays are now a mainstay with banter fuelled fun!
    Hopefully you can take a look around and get involved in things where you can, the more opinions, the better! Hope you enjoy your stay at FG Emma 😎
  25. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hello, is it me you're looking for?   
    Welcome to the forum Emma! hopefully catch you for some games real soon :)
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